Susan Ivey~ One Shot

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As soon as you walked into the dentist's office, you felt your nervous habits begin. Once you checked in and sat down, they got even worse: legs shaking, trouble breathing, everything. You grabbed a magazine to distract yourself.

Your friend had recommended this dentist to you since the last one wasn't that great with nervous patients. You felt yourself start to sweat, and you took a deep breath. Pull yourself together, you thought.

You heard the sound of another person walking into the waiting room and sitting down in a chair across from you. You peered over the top of the magazine to look at them. The first thing you noticed was how attractive she was, and that unlike you, she didn't seem nervous at all. She had a beer in her hand and took a sip.

"Miss, you can't drink in here," the receptionist called from the desk.
"I'm not bothering anyone," she said breezily, "am I bothering you?" she asked, turning to you. Without realizing, your eyes widened, an automatic reaction to suddenly having attention on you.
"Um, no," you said, before turning back to reading.

You were always a socially awkward person, but it usually wasn't this bad. She was perfect, you couldn't stop sneaking glances at her. Her cheekbones were ones of goddesses, and her eyes were deep and alluring. And her body, well, you couldn't even think about without hyperventilating.

"You seem nervous," she said, leaning forward in her chair so she was closer to you.
"I have a cure for that," she told you, getting up from her chair to sit next to you.

"What is it," you asked, intrigued. You put down your magazine and looked at her.
"You could try drugs," she suggested, nonchalantly.
You laughed. "I'm not really a drug person".
"Well then, I only have one more suggestion".
"Which is?"
"Sex," she said, her voice dropping to a whisper. There was a smirk on her lips.

You felt a shiver through your body as she put her hand on your leg. You had never done anything like this before, but she was so irresistible. Still, you turned to her and said,
"I don't even know your name".
"Susan Ivey. What about you?"
"Y/n y/ln".
"Now that we're on a first-name basis, what do you think?" 

Okay, okay, you had heard all the terrible stories about sleeping with strangers. Even so, you just couldn't resist the way her proximity was making you feel.
"Okay," you said, surprising even yourself.

She leaned closer and whispered in your ear, "Ever do it in a car?" Her breath on you sent butterflies in your stomach. You shook your head in response. "First time for everything," she said with a shrug. She stood up and started walking out, and you followed her.

"Where are you going?" the receptionist called from her desk, and you had honestly forgotten you and Susan weren't the only two people in the world.
"We'll be back," she said, walking toward the door and opening it for you.

Once outside, she took your hand. For some reason, this surprised you, but you held her hand back.
"My cars the old one. The only good thing about it is that the seats go all the way back," she joked, making you laugh.
"That's all we need," you said, still laughing.

You reached the car, which was even worse up close. She let go of your hand opened up the passenger's seat.
"After you," she said, her voice soft. You couldn't decide if she was more cute or sexy, but you didn't have to since she was doing both flawlessly.

She walked to the driver's seat, and both got in the car. Once inside and settled in, she turned on the radio. It clearly didn't work, and all you heard was static.
"Oh shit, that'll ruin the mood," she said with a laugh, turning it off.

She turned to you and said, "you know, we could just hang out if you want. We could ditch this whole dentist thing and go get food or something".
"Maybe after," you replied, and before she could say anything else, you pressed your lips on hers.

You felt a spark the moment your lips touched. She cupped your face in her hands, pulling closer to you. Her tongue flicked over your mouth, and you gave her access. Your hands moved down her body and to her waist. She could tell what you were trying to do, so she put her hands on the back of your seat and moved herself onto your lap.

Her weight on top of you turned you on even more, and the kiss just got more intense. Once you broke apart, breathless, she moved down and started kissing your neck. She found your sweet spot quickly, and you let out a moan.
"Right there," you encouraged, your voice breathy. You moved your hands to her shirt, taking it off. She moaned into your skin.

"Wait, these go down," she said, moving her hand around the sides of the seat. With a thud, the seat went back, making you laugh. She smiled before kissing you again. She took off your shirt and bra, throwing them towards the back seat.

Reaching towards her bra straps, you tugged them off. They fell down her alarms, before you took the whole thing off. You kissed the soft skin of her breasts, and she threw her head back in pleasure. That encouraged you, and you started moving her nipples with your tongue.

"Oh fuck," she moaned as you bit down gently.
"Pain kink?" you asked amused, your eyebrows raised.
"Shut up," she retorted, but she was still moaning so you couldn't take her seriously.
"Make me," you said boldly. She smirked, and you knew you said the perfect thing to turn her on.

She moved down your body, removing your jeans and panties.
"Such a wet mess for me, aren't you," she whispered, making you throb even more. You bit your lip and reached for her bottoms, which you started to get down but because you were laying down, you couldn't get fully. She did the rest, and your eyes filled with lust once she was completely undressed.

"God, you're perfect Susan," you told her, your voice breathless. She put her hands on your shoulders and moved herself so her naked body was once again straddling yours.
"Far from, but thank you," she said, kissing you.

She began to grind her hips against you, and you moaned into the kiss. Her movements got faster, making your throw your head back.
"Fuck," you groaned once the kiss broke. She stopped, and you let out an annoyed moan at the loss of contact.

"I'll finish you, don't worry," she said, her voice breathy. Susan moved back down to your clit, moving her head forward and slowly licking your folds. You arched your back to get closer to her, bucking your hips forward.

"Impatient, aren't we?" she teased, giggling.
"A little bit," you admit. She smiled, then went back down and pushed her tongue in deeper. You could feel her making you more aroused.

"God, you're getting so wet for me," she praised, moving up to kiss your lips softly.
"Susan, fuck me. I need you," you moaned.
She smirked. "Whatever you say".

She went back down to finger you. She pushed two fingers in, curling it to reach your spot. You were getting closer, and she started to lick your clit again. She pushed her tongue inside of you, and that plus the two fingers was enough to push you over the edge.

She fingered you through your orgasm. Once you finished, she laid down on top of you. You were panting, and she kissed you on the forehead.
"Wanna get out of here?" she asked, and you nodded quickly.

Authors note: this is dedicated to hbclovebot because they've listened to my MANY rants about how I want Susan to rail me and how jealous I am of Steve Martin.

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