Julia Hoffman~ Part 1

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Julia's POV:

After a long day, I lean back in the chair behind my desk, looking through my schedule for tomorrow. Nursing a glass of whiskey in my hand and a cigarette in my mouth, I flip through the pages. Then, I see something that catches my eye; or someone for that matter. I exhale a big puff of smoke when I see her name: y/n y/ln. One of the first things I learned was not to get too attached to patients. With her, I forgot about that rule entirely.

I find myself zoning out, thinking about this girl. I think about our seasons together. She's a lovely person, despite her traumatic past. She's funny and beautiful and- fuck I need to pull myself together. I sigh, leaning back into my chair. I'm usually not a romantic person, but god I want to date this woman. She's younger than me, so she's probably dating someone who's as youthful and beautiful as she is. Still, I decide that I'll ask her tomorrow during our session.

Y/n's POV:

You walk through the halls of the Collinwood Mansion, getting ready for your session with Dr. Hoffman. You used to dread going to therapy, but not since you found her. She wasn't judgmental, and she was a great listener who gave you great advice when you asked for it. She was always honest, which is one of the things you love about her. Over time, you felt yourself grow closer to her. They say it's normal to have a crush on your therapist or someone who helps you, but you never thought it would happen to you. Still, you know you can never tell her about this.

You hear music as you walk closer to her room. She loves to put on vinyl. You dance into the room, swaying around to the music. She looks up at you from her desk, a smile on her lips. You don't see her smile too much, but you love every time that you do.
"Hey, y/n," she says, her eyes filled with happiness to see you.
"Hi, Dr. Hoffman. Thanks for seeing me today," you reply, sitting down on the edge of the couch.
"Of course, you're my favorite patient," she told you, winking at you.

Butterflies filled your stomach as she walked from her desk to the chair in front of you.
"So love, what's been going on?" she prompts, leaning forward towards you. You start telling her everything that has been going on since the last time you saw her. You tell her that the antidepressants that she gave you have been helping, which makes her happy. You dig into some past traumas, which always leads to her giving you a glass of whiskey. She listens to you, prompts questions, and gives the honest advice that you've gotten so used to hearing.

You look at the clock a little while later, seeing that your session is almost up. It always flies by. One hour a week with Dr. Hoffman isn't enough, for more than one reason.
"Y/n, before you leave there's something I want to talk about," she begins.
You nod. "Okay," you agree, taking a sip from your glass. She taps her cigarette on the ashtray next to her, an action that shouldn't be so attractive, but it is.
"Are you dating anyone?" she asks gently, "from the way you talk about your mommy issues, you're probably dating some hot older woman," she jokes.

Despite yourself, you have to laugh. Still, you're surprised that she's asking you this.
"No, I'm not dating anyone," you tell her, "but you are right about me being into older women".
She chuckled, leaning back into her chair, her cigarette idle in her hand. "But," you continued, "I wish I was with someone".
She raised an eyebrow. "Like who?"
"Someone who understands me," you say carefully, trying not to make your crush too obvious.

"Don't we all," she breathed, letting out a puff of smoke.
"So you're single too?" you asked, somewhat nervous to inquire into her personal life. All you really knew about her was that she's bisexual (it came up when you first came out to her) and that she lived in the mansion. Still, she answered your question, not minding that you asked. "Yes, I am," she told you. You nodded, and there was a moment of awkward silence between the two of you.
She took a deep breath, then leaned back towards you. "Fuck it," she said, before leaning closer and kissing your lips.

You moan in surprise, a sound that makes her smirk against your lips. You instantly kiss her back. The feeling of her lips on yours is even more electric than you ever imagined it would be, and you've imagined this situation many times. Julia's boldness turned you on immensely, and you wrap your hands around her neck to pull her closer. She licks your lips, urging you to open your mouth. You do so, and she starts exploring your mouth with her tongue. Another noise escapes from you at her actions, and she kisses you until you can't breathe. As she pulls away, she takes your bottom lip in between her teeth and bites gently. You feel butterflies in your stomach, and your head is cloudy, but your mind is the clearest it's been in a while: all you want is Julia.

She looks you in the eyes and sees that you're smiling, but she's still nervous.
"Y/n, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to overstep. I understand if you need to find a new therapist and I understand if-" she began to ramble, but you cut her off.
"Dr. Hoffman," you started.
She giggled. "I think it would be appropriate if you called me Julia".
"Julia," you corrected, a smile on your lips, "I like you a lot, okay? I have for a while, and I'm so happy you kissed me".

She smiled. "Really?"
You giggled, cupping her face in your hands. "Yes!"
She played with your hair, running her fingers through it softly. "Will you come back here tonight and have dinner with me? I'll make sure the crazy people I live with don't crash our date".
"Of course I will," you agree, laughing, "so it's a date?"
"Yes, I want to date you," she said confidently.
You blushed. "Then I'll see you later," you told her, kissing her one more time. You leave the office, nervous but filled with excitement for your date that night. You rush home, where you know you will spend the rest of the day picking out a good outfit and getting ready.

Authors note: I'm gonna write two or three parts of this

requested by moldyvoldy888

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