Marla Singer- Another One Shot Because I'm Obsessed

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"You have $50 in your account, Ms. Singer. Would you like the money or do you and your friend want to shop?" the cashier at the thrift store asked. You and Marla were in the middle of completing her nightly routine for getting money. You had just brought in a bunch more clothes that she had stolen from the laundromat.

"She's my girlfriend," Marla corrected quickly, wrapping her arm around your waist, "and I think we're gonna shop. What do you think, baby?"
"Yeah, that sounds fun," you agreed, still getting butterflies at her pet names even though you've been dating for months.

She took your hand as you walked around the store.
"I want to pick something out for you," Marla insisted, scanning the racks.
"Are you sure you can afford this?" you asked.
"No, but it's worth it for you," she said. You smiled, kissing her cheek gently.
"I love you," you told her.
She smiled. "I love you, too". Marla wasn't great with feelings, and neither were you, but you were really happy that you had gotten to this stage in your relationship.

"This would look pretty on you!" you held up a dress for Marla to look at. It was on the nicer side, so you figured it had been for some sort of special occasion. Your girlfriend had a fascination with things that were loved intensely and then thrown away.
"I like it," she agreed, taking the dress in her hands.
"Someone just brought that in," the woman working at the store said, "it was a bridesmaid dress".
"Well, now I have to get it," Marla said, laughing.

"I swear, I'm gonna find you something," Marla told you a few minutes later, "even though personally I think you look the best with nothing on..."
"Marla!" you exclaimed, but you were laughing.
"It's true, doll," she whispered, kissing your lips quickly.

"Found something!" she yelled excitedly from across the store a moment later.
"What?" you asked, walking over to her. She held up black lingerie, making you laugh. "Of course," you joked, shaking your head. You weren't surprised with Marla as your girlfriend.
"You'd look so good in this," she said, wrapping her arm around your waist.
"Let's get it," you agreed.
"I can't wait to take this off of you, pumpkin," she whispered seductively, nibbling at your ear.

You blushed. "Then we should get home".
She smiled, walking up to the register with her items. "We'll take these," she told the women, "now, if she was just my friend, I wouldn't be buying this for tonight" She gestured at the lingerie, making you blush again.
"Marla!" you exclaimed again.
She laughed. "I can't have her thinking we're just friends".

You left the store, walking down the street and back to her apartment.
"Thanks for always running all my errands with me. You don't have to, you know," she said, opening the door to her apartment.
"I know, but I just like to be with you," you told her.
"You're so good to me". She shut the door, took you in her arms, and kissed you deeply.

Her kiss was full of passion and she held you tightly, like she was desperate to kiss you as hard as she could. You wrapped your arms around her neck, feeling her body against yours. You felt her tongue in your mouth, making you moan lightly.
"You like that, baby?" she asked in between kisses.
"I want you, Marla," you said breathlessly.

She moved you back against the bed, kissing you again.
"Wait! I want to change," you grabbed the bag from the thrift store off the floor, and walked into the bathroom. You changed quickly, eager to get back to her.
"Well?" you asked, stepping out of the bathroom. She was already laying down on the bed, waiting for you.
"Holy shit, you're sexy," she said, her voice low and husky, "come here".

You got on the bed, moving to straddle her waist. "You're sexy too". You kissed her smiling lips deeply, your hands moving to take off her shirt. She kissed your neck, then started leaving hickeys all over as you explored her body with your hands.
"I knew my favorite part would be taking this off," she whispered in between kisses, taking off your lingerie and tossing it off the bed.

You blushed and she moved down to your chest, continuing to leave hickeys. You reached down to her skirt, taking it off of her legs, along with her panties. You began to grind your hips against her, the friction of your bodies adding to your desire. Your movements got faster until you were both panting and sweating. She rolled her eyes in pleasure, turning you on even more.

"Marla, please fuck me," you moaned out. She smirked, loving hearing you beg for her.
"Is that what you want, pumpkin?" she teased.
"I just want you," you begged, "please".
"God, I love it when you beg," she said, her tone breathy. She kissed your lips again, her passionate mouth against yours. As you kissed, you forgot the world around you, just focusing on her and the way her body felt underneath you.

She got her strap on out of her drawer as you were kissing. Damn, she's good, you thought, impressed by her infinite ability to not stop kissing you. You were already close from your bodies grinding against each other, but feeling her inside of you brought you even closer. You moaned into her mouth and in between kisses.
"Fuck, I'm gonna..." you began as you reached your peak.
"That's my girl," she praised as you finished.

"Shit, you're good," she said once you had finished, your body laying down on top of hers.
You laughed. "I don't think I need to tell you that you are too," you joked.
She smiled. "Wanna go on the roof?" she asked a minute later.
"Yeah, it's a nice night," you agreed.
"I go up there a lot to smoke," she told you, getting out of bed to put on clothes, "it's kind of my place to think. My little hideout from the world".

"That sounds nice".
"I've never brought anyone up there before," she said, tossing you one of her sweatshirts. It was a nice night, but a little chilly.
"I'm very honored," you told her sincerely, "and I hope you know you're never getting this sweatshirt back".
She laughed. "That's okay". She took a pack of cigarettes off her nightstand, then grabbed your hand once you finished putting on her clothes. You were so glad to spend the night looking at the city lights with your girlfriend, who you loved and who loved you back. She let you rest your head on her shoulders as you shared a cigarette, having deep conversations she told you that her exes never wanted to have.

Authors note: I kinda forced my friend to watch Fight Club but she loved it and started simping for Helena and her jawline😂

Also I always forget there are people who don't like Helena and find her attractive. I was at work talking to a coworker about Fight Club and of course I mention my crush on Marla in .05 seconds. This bitch goes "oh I don't really like Helena. They could have cast someone more attractive for Marla". Obviously, I haven't talked to this coworker since.

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