Red Harrington~ One Shot

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You walk down the road to your girlfriend's bar. It's midday, so she's working, but you haven't seen her since last night, and you already miss her like crazy. You step into her bar, which is as loud as always. It's full of obnoxious men, which does make you a little nervous, but you know Red can handle them.

You spot your girlfriend behind the bar, pouring beer to some guys.
"Red!" you call, waving at her. Her serious, somewhat scary resting face breaks into a huge grin when she sees you.
"Hi, darling," she greeted, leaning over the counter to kiss you on the cheek. She held your chin with her finger so you could look her in the eyes, and so she could kiss you again. Your relationship was supposed to be secret, but it was hard. Red was the type who wanted to let everyone know she was yours.

A slight blush made its way on your face as she peeked at your lips. You were about to ask her if she could take a break when the man who she had just given beer to whistled. Red glared at him, letting go of your jaw and walking over to him.
"Red, can we just go upstairs?" you asked quickly. You were embarrassed at what he did, and you knew Red was incredibly protective.
"In a minute, dear," she told you, pulling out the gun she has stashed behind the bar.

She flipped it, something you found more attractive than you should have, and then pressed it against his temples before he had time to react.
"Do it again," she spat.
"W-what?" he stammered, his hands up.
"Whistle again," she commanded, murder in her eyes. Absolutely no one messed with her girl. He didn't know what to say, his eyes wide as he stammered incoherent noises.
Red chuckled. "That's what I thought," she said, stashing the gun under her dress and turning to you, "let's go, missy, I'm ready for a break".

She took your hand, kissing the side of your face.
"You're amazing, Red," you told her, snuggling into her shoulder.
She smiled. "I couldn't let him get away with that, now could I?" She led you to her bedroom, shutting and locking the door.
"I know you're working, you didn't have to take me up here. I just wanted to say hi," you told her softly. She smirked at you, sitting down on a large armchair.

"What?" you asked, her smirk and the way she was looking you up and down making you blush.
"You're not smooth, babydoll. I can see the way you've been looking at me," she told you, a playful smirk on her lips, "for example, my eyes are up here".
You realized you were staring at her breasts, looking up to meet her eyes.
"Sorry," you told her, embarrassed.

She laughed. "No you're not," she replied, "but don't be embarrassed. They're all for you. Now, mommy's had a busy day doll, and I could use to relieve some stress".
"Do you need me to help you with that?" you teased.
"Get over here," she commanded, motioning to her lap.

You did what you were told, sitting on her lap and wrapping your arms around her neck.
She lifted your chin with two fingers so you were looking into her brown eyes. "Don't act so innocent, hon," she whispered, leaning down to kiss your jaw, "I know exactly what you want". Her hot breath fanned against your neck, and she leaned in to pepper it with kisses.

You moved your head to the side, giving the woman more access to your neck. She found your sweet spot quickly. She kissed it gently, then bit your skin without warning. She licked it after, taking away some of the pain. You whimpered as she bit you, and a smirk grew across her face.
"I missed those pretty noises," she whispered seductively.

You giggled as her bites turned into featherlight kisses, tickling your skin. "I just saw you last night". She stopped her kisses, grabbing your neck forcefully and making you look in her eyes.
"Are you saying you didn't miss me, darling?" she asks, her voice venomous, "because I can always go back downstairs".
"No, please stay," you whined, already turned on by her, "I'll do anything".
She raised an eyebrow. "Anything, huh?"
"Anything, mommy," you pleaded, giving her the needy, submissive gaze you knew she liked.

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