Princess Margaret~ One Shot 2

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Authors note: this can technically be a continuation of my last Margaret one shot. You and her have had your secret relationship for about a month, and you work for her.

"Y/n, Her Royal Highness wants to see you in her room," Donna, your coworker, told you. You were in the middle of washing dishes, and incredibly happy to be summoned away.
"Thank you. I don't know, maybe she just likes my tea better or something," you said awkwardly, leaving the room. Even though you weren't very smooth, no one suspected your relationship with the princess after a month. For her sake, you hoped to keep it that way.

You knocked on the door, and she called for you to come in. The second you stepped into her room, her expression changed into a happy smile.
"Good morning, my love," she patted the space next to her on the bed. You smiled, going over to sit next to her.
"Good morning, Margot". She kissed your lips softly, and you eagerly kissed her back.

"I wish I didn't have to sleep alone," she said, smiling sadly.
"Me too, baby".
"Would you like to go away with me this weekend? Just the two of us, on an island far away from any prying eyes".
"That sounds so perfect!" you exclaimed.
She smiled. "I'm so glad you're excited".
"Of course I am. We won't have to hide anything".

"Not that Tony ever bothers to hide his many affairs," she told you bitterly.
"I'm so sorry," you said, taking her hand in yours, "I hate that man".
"I'm starting to, also," she said sadly, "ironically, the house in Mustique was a wedding present".
"That's where we're going?"
She nodded. "Twelve hours away. That's just what I need".
"I promise you'll forget about everything else," you reassured her.

You cupped her face in your hands, kissing her again deeply. She wrapped her hands around your neck, pulling you closer. You enveloped her soft lips, feeling her skin in between your fingers.
"Why don't you go home and pack? We'll leave tonight," she suggested once you broke apart.
You nodded. "I'll see you later," you kissed her forehead one more time.
"I can't wait, darling," she told you as you walked out.

Once you had finished packing, you returned to her castle. You and Margaret boarded the plane, which had only one small bed. You snuggled in, holding her in your arms, just the two of you on board.
"I'm tired. Do you mind if I sleep?" she asked.
"Absolutely not. We'll have the whole weekend together," you said, pushing a stray hair out of her face. She smiled, melting you completely.

You got off the plane and she took your hand, leading you down the beach.
"Is that the house?" you asked, astonished, at the top of the sandy hill.
She laughed. "Yes, that's it. My wedding was almost worth it for that present," she joked.
"It's beautiful!"
"I know, I wish I could get here more often. It's been hard getting away from everything, despite the fact that my sister has very little faith in me to do anything of substance," she told you, a sad tone to her voice.
"You'll always be number one to me," you reassured her. She kissed you, and you walked up to the house.

"Can we go down to the beach first? We can take these chairs," she said, gesturing to the lounge chairs on the patio.
"Sounds good," you agreed, taking both chairs, holding one each under your arms.
"What are you doing, love?" she asked, "I invited you here as my girlfriend, not for you to be my servant".
"Yes, but as your girlfriend, I want to be helpful and carry your chair," you insisted.
She rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. "Fine, I'll get the umbrella at least".

You walked down to the edge of the water, and you set down her chair. She thanked you, sitting down as you moved your chair right next to her. She pulled her dress off over her head, revealing her bathing suit underneath.
"You're welcome, Princess," you said, doing a little fake bow. She burst out laughing, shaking her head. You sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, watching the way the sun hit the ocean, making it sparkle.

"Do you have sunscreen?" you asked her.
"Am I getting burnt?" she asked, getting it out of her bag and handing it to you. You shook your head, but rubbed some in your hands. You moved closer to her, rubbing her shoulders.
"Mhm, I like that," she told you, her voice breathy.

Trying your best not to absolutely panic, you moved down to her legs. She lifted one at a time, and once you had finished rubbing sunscreen on her second leg, you moved up her thigh.
She smirked. "So that's why you volunteered to put on my sunblock". Before you can say anything, she pushed you back into your chair. Her hands were on your shoulders forcefully, and she moved to straddle your lap.

"Are you sure we can do this here?" you asked.
"Don't act all innocent," she teased, "I know this is what you've wanted all day. Besides, anyone who would care is twelve hours away". She leaned down and deeply kissed you, her soft lips against yours. You reached up to take off the straps of her bathing suit. She helped you, letting it fall down.
"You're so beautiful," you told her once you had broken apart, smiling up at her. She smiled back, making you melt.

She kissed your neck, clearly not caring how many hickeys she left. She untied your bikini top, then moved her hands down to your bottoms.
"You look so good in this," she started in between kisses, "but I think you look the best naked". You blushed as she began to leave a trail of kisses down your body. She smirked once she kissed the top of your heat, which was throbbing with the anticipation of her touch.

"You've been waiting for this, haven't you?" she teased.
"I've been thinking about you all day," you admitted. She smiled, planting a kiss on your lips. As the kiss heated up and your tongues intertwined, she pressed a finger inside of you, teasing you gently. You moaned into her lips.
"Please don't tease, Margaret," you begged.
She smiled, looking down at you. "Well, since you asked so nicely". She kissed your forehead quickly, before moving back down.

She kissed the outside of your folds, before pushing her tongue inside of you. You moaned out at her movements as her tongue circled inside of you.
"Is that better dear?" she asked, her voice dripping seduction.
"Yes Margaret, please don't stop," you begged. She pushed two fingers inside of you, continuing to lick your folds. You threw your head back in pleasure, jutting your hips forward to feel her as much as possible.

She made her movements faster as you got closer to your peak. You moaned her name out loud as she curved her fingers, sending you over the edge.
"Oh Margaret," you breathed. She smiled once you had finished, moving up to kiss your forehead. She laid down next to you on her chair.
"I rather liked that," she said, making you burst out laughing.

You stayed on the beach for a while. After relaxing, you walked down by the water as the sun was setting. You felt like you were in a movie as you kissed her lips, the orange sun disappearing from the horizon behind you.
"Let's go back to the house," she suggested, "there's a pool".

A little while later, she had turned on the radio, and she was swimming in the pool.
"Jump in!" she exclaimed. You jumped off the diving board, desperate to keep that smile on her face. The water was cool, and you swam to her.
"Hi," you said softly as you wrapped your legs around her waist.
She smiled. "I have to talk to you".
"Oh god, is it over?" you asked nervously.
She shook her head, laughing. "The opposite".

"Y/n, I love you," she began, "it's probably too early to say, but I don't care. Happiness has always been so elusive to me. It's taken a while, but it's finally here. As long as you're around, it'll be here to stay".
"I love you too, Margot. I hope you know that".
"I do. Which is why I want to leave Tony," she admitted.
"Baby, is that possible?"
"Of course it is. He cheated, I can divorce him".
"And your family?"
"Nothing is worth more to me than you," she insisted. Bursting with love and happiness, you wrapped your hands around your neck, kissing her more deeply than you ever have.

Authors note: what if the queen has a secret Wattpad account that she uses to read all stories written about her family and she comes across this??

Anyway, I just think I would be better than Roddy. I wouldn't leave at the slightest inconvenience.

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