Rose Weil~ Part 1

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Preface: this takes place a few months after oceans 8. Rose already opened up her store and she's becoming pretty famous again. Also, you're 18 and a freshman at New York University.

Tw: f-slur

"So my first assignment is to write a paper on the celebrity who inspires us most," you tell Chad. He's technically your boyfriend, or so he thinks he is.

A few months ago, graduation night of high school, your parents caught you making out with your girlfriend, or who they thought was your "awesome best friend". They totally flipped out, threatening to send you to conversion therapy. The relationship was also ended.

From that point on, you vowed to do anything to make them think you're straight so you didn't get sent away. You met Chad a few weeks later at a coffee shop. He asked you out, and although he's the furthest from your type, you said yes. As soon as you introduced him to your parents, they dropped the whole conversion thing, passing that kiss they saw as "just a phase".

"Who are you thinking?" Chad asked.
"Probably a designer, since I'm a fashion major". He grunted in response, and you continued to think. You could only think of one person: Rose Weil.

"I'm gonna write about Rose Weil," you decided, speaking more to yourself than him. Rose was your favorite designer of all time. Apparently, she was really big in the 90s but became popular again a few years ago. You watched every single interview ever, and all the money you had saved up went to buying more of her pieces, or even going to one of her shows. You went to her shop practically every day, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. You were in there so often that you even became best friends with the cashier, Zara.

"Rose Weil?" your boyfriend asked, snapping you back to reality. You didn't even think he heard you when you said that.
"Yeah, she's my favorite," you told him. That was an understatement. In reality, she was your idol and the love of your life. You wanted to marry her and somehow have her babies. You wanted to die in her arms, like in The Notebook.

"You can't write about a girl!" he exclaimed.
"First of all, she's a woman. And why not?" you asked, confused.
"The question is basically asking you who your celebrity crush is. I don't want people thinking my girlfriend is a lesbian," he said indigently. Oh, if only he knew, you thought.

"It's asking who inspires us, Chad. I'm a fashion major, so it only makes sense," you said reasonably.
"Why can't you choose one of those guy fashion fags, if you can even call them guys".
"Chad, don't say that. This is my assignment, let me handle it".
"Whatever, I just don't want people thinking you're gay. But if you ever do hook up with a girl, I'd watch".
"That's gross, Chad," you told him, cringing. Clearly, you meant the him watching thing, not the hooking up with a girl thing.

After spending time with Chad, you're head hurt from his incompetence. You also had that depressed feeling you get whenever you have to suppress your sexuality. You decide the best way to feel better is to go to Rose's boutique and shop. Maybe, today would be the lucky day where you finally see her.

"Hey y/n!" Zara called warmly from the register. You took a deep breath and smiled. The moment you heard the bell chime when you opened the door, you felt safe.
"Hi, Zara! I had the worst day I need some retail therapy," you told her.
"Take your time," she said, then went back to assisting another customer.

After looking around, you realized you could only afford some hair accessories. Still cute, you thought, and you went to purchase them.
"Y/n, I'm gonna tell you something but I need you not to freak out," Zara whispered, leaning close to you. Internally, you were freaking out. Outside, you tried to remain calm.

"What's up?" you asked, in a voice you hoped was nonchalant.
"Rose is here. She's in her office, sketching".
"She is?!?" you whisper yelled.
"Yes! Do you want me to ask if you can go back there and meet her?"
"Um is her favorite food Nutella? Of course, I want you to ask!" you said, and she hushed you since your voice had gotten louder.
"She doesn't like all the fuss. If everyone found out she was here, it would turn into a big thing," Zara explained. You nodded, and she left down a small corridor behind the counter.

Waiting was torture, but luckily your friend returned shortly.
"You can go back," she told you, gesturing to the end of the hall. You thanked her, then walked back. You looked around the corridor as you walked, trying to capture every view. Rose has seen this view every day, you thought. Finally, you reached the door and took a breath before knocking.

"Come in dear," you heard a voice say. It was Rose's voice. You've heard that voice thousands of times during interviews, but hearing it in person was surreal. You walked inside.

Her office was big and messy, and to you, it seemed the perfect creative space. There were papers and scraps of fabric everywhere. On a desk, there was an open jar of Nutella with a spoon in it, which made you smile. She was sitting on a couch, with a sketchbook in her lap. She was even more beautiful in person, her blond hair up with a few light pink highlights.

"Hi Ro- uh... Ms. Weil? It's so amazing to meet you. I'm a huge fan. I've seen every interview and I have all of your pieces that I can afford. I blame you for my Nutella addiction. Also, you're pretty and I'm gay. Oh shit, shouldn't have told you that. Uh, anyway I'm a fan. Also, I'm writing a paper on you for school," you finished meekly. You took a breath, realizing all that ranting made you breathless.

Luckily, Rose just laughed. "Thank you for all your support! I hope you have enough to write about". You nodded and looked around the room. Your eyes landed on a mannequin dressed only in a top that looked unfinished.

"What are you working on?" you asked her.
"I'm trying to make a dress, but I'm running low on inspiration. I was actually just about to go to Central Park. That's always good inspiration for my spring lines".
"I'm sure you'll come up with something amazing," you told her encouragingly.
"Would you like to join me? Zara told me you're a fashion major at NYU, so maybe you can help me?" she asked, and you blushed.
"I'd love to, thank you," you told her excitedly.

"By the way, I love your outfit," she said, and you noticed she was looking you up and down. You blushed again, which was embarrassing but you couldn't help it.
"Thank you," you replied. You always tried to dress stylishly when going to her shop, in case you ran into her.
"That color is gorgeous on you," she complimented. She was closer to you now, and her hand was on the hem of your shirt, playing with the fabric. Gay panic, gay panic, you thought. You realized then that you were hardly breathing.
"Ready?" she asked, walking away from you towards the door. You nodded, taking a breath to hopefully get rid of the lump in your throat.

Authors note: I hope this isn't boring lol. Also, did you notice how I picked the most basic fuckboy name for the "boyfriend"?

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