Rose Weil~ Part 4

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You: I finished my paper. Want to come over and read it?
Rose: I just have to finish up something at work. Can I come over in an hour?
You: See you then!

You waited anxiously for Rose. You had got your essay up on your computer and proofread it about a thousand times. It wasn't until someone was coming over that you actually realized how messy your dorm was. You didn't have a roommate, but you hardly found time or motivation to clean up.

A while later, just as you were putting the last spare piece of trash in the garbage, there was a knock at your door. Giddy, you ran to answer it.

"Hi, Rose," you said happily, opening the door all the way and moving to the side so she could walk in. She was wearing a cute blue dress, which looked really nice with her blond and pink hair.

"Hi, thank you for inviting me," she said, walking inside. You shut the door and turned around to face her.
"Would you like a tour?" you asked, breaking the momentary silence. She laughed, which didn't offend you because you were kind of joking anyway. After all, your dorm was even smaller than her office at her store.

"I'd love a tour," she told you, going along with your joke. Laughing, you pointed out everything in your room: kitchen, tv, bed.

"I made that!" she pointed out, looking towards a picture on your wall. You had up pictures of your favorite clothing pieces, 99% of them being made by her.
"Yeah, it's for inspiration," you explained, and she looked back at you and smiled.

"I'm glad I could help," she said, her voice flirty. Head foggy, you walked over you to your desk and opened up your laptop.
"Here's the essay," you gesture to the seat behind your desk so she could sit down.

She started reading, and since your anxious self couldn't sit still, you started pacing around your room. It felt like forever, but it was probably only a few minutes until she told you that she finished.

You walked back over to her, standing behind her chair. She looked back up to you, her face close to yours.
"Right, that was lovely," she said, and her cute accent sent butterflies in your stomach.

"Thank you".
"No one's ever written something that nice about me before. It's personal, and I like that. If you don't get an A I will come into your class and have a chat with your professor," she insisted.
You laughed. "Please do".

There was another moment of silence, and you could only hear her breathing. You kept your eyes on hers, not wanting to break the spell. You knew that there couldn't be anything going on between you. She probably just didn't pull anyway from that kiss in the limo because she was trying to be nice.

Suddenly, she did exactly the opposite of what you thought she would: she kissed you. She cupped your face in her hands and pulled you in for a deep, passionate kiss. You were startled your only a moment, then kissed her back just as eagerly.

Once you broke apart, she looked at you, gauging your reaction.
"Was that okay?" she asked, concerned, "you seemed surprised".
"That was amazing. I was just really unsure if you liked me back after that kiss in the limo, but I guess you do," you exclaimed with a nervous laugh.
"I do," she admitted.

Without knowing what else to do, you kissed her again. She put her hands on the back of the chair to push herself up to standing. Once up, she put her hands around your neck to kiss you harder.

You played with the top of her dress, wanting to take it off but not sure if she wanted the same.
"Take that off," she told you, breaking the kiss.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, if you are. I trust you," she said, looking in your eyes.

You kissed her neck, and she moaned softly. That sound was music to you, and all you wanted to do was to keep causing it. Your hands moved to her dress, and you tried to take it off, but it wouldn't work.
"There's a zipper," she told you. She turned around, moving her hair over her shoulder so it wasn't in your way.

Moving closer, you undid it, then let the dress fall down into a pool beneath her. You hugged her from behind, kissing her neck again. You felt her body relax into yours.

She turned around and put her hands on your shirt.
"We aren't in a rush," you told her as she started taking it off.
"I know," she said but continued her work.

"Be patient, love," you told her, taking her hand away.
"Unfair," she complained with a pout.
"You won't get what you want if you complain," you whispered in her ear, "now get on the bed for me".

She did what you told her, sitting on the edge of the mattress and looking up at you. You walked over to her, then sat on her lap, straddling her.

You grabbed her face to kiss her again. Her hands once again were on your shirt.
"Now can I take this off?" she asked, and you laughed at her impatience.
"Sure," you told her, giggling, and it was off within a second.

"Much better," she said once it was off, nodding on approval. Without saying anything, you put your lips on her neck again. You sucked at it and nibbled gently, hoping to leave a mark.

"That feels good," she encouraged, her voice breathless. You kept going, then leaned back to look at your work. You saw a mark was darkening.
"Good," you said, satisfied.

You held on to her shoulders to push her down on the bed. She giggled, and the butterflies were back. You moved yourself so you were laying down on top of her.

You kissed her lips and as you did, her hands went down your back and to the hem of your pants. You helped her take them off and throw them to the ground. Your bed was small, but since you were on top of her, it didn't matter.

Breaking from the kiss, you went down her body, planting light kisses as you went along.
"Oh my god," she moaned, turned on by the featherlight touch of your lips.
"Like that, pretty girl?" you asked her, as you got down to the hem of her panties, and she nodded, letting out another soft moan.

You teased her by placing your fingers right on her covered clit.
"Oh god, please," she moaned as you started rubbing her.
"Please what? I can't please you if I don't know what you want," you teased.

She threw her head back, but knew she wouldn't get what she wanted if she didn't ask.
"Please fuck me, mommy," she begged. You smirked at the pet name, and you loved it.

"If that's what you want, baby girl," you said softly. You put your hand inside her underwear, pushing it down off her legs. You went down, putting your face in between her legs. You licked her folds gently, feeling how wet she was.

"Oh fuck," she groaned, arching her back. You put your hands high up on her thighs, rubbing them. You pushed your tongue in deeper, tasting how sweet she was. You couldn't get enough of her.

As you made your motions faster, you could tell she was getting closer. You teased her with your finger before putting two in. You pumped them fast, then curved them to get her g-spot.
"Mommy, I'm gonna," she began, hardly able to speak. Before she finished, you could feel her cum.

You fingered her as she finished. Once she was done, you laid down on top of her. She was panting. You kissed her lips softly.
"That was amazing," she told you, snuggling closer to your body. You played with her soft hair.
"For me, too," you whispered.

She kissed you again, and you giggled.
"What?" she asked.
"I've dreamed of kissing you, and we've done it so many times today," you said, not sure why you even thought that was funny. Still, she laughed, too.
"I just can't stop kissing you. Is that a problem?" she joked.
"Not at all," you said quickly, pulling her even closer.

Authors note: some bitches ask me what I wanna do with my life but I just wanna watch ocean's 8 and manifest an ocean's 9😩

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