Marla Singer~ One Shot

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Authors note: this is a separate thing from my other Marla stories. Y/n and Marla have been dating for about a month, ever since she broke up with Tyler.

"Now, I want you to look deep into your soul to open up your chakras," the meditation instructor continued. You and your girlfriend were in the basement of a YMCA at a support group. You knew she went to these, but she had never invited you until tonight.

"Okay, I'm lost. What does that even mean?" you whispered to Marla. You liked this kind of thing, but you really weren't patient enough.
"It takes a while, but you'll get the hang of it. Most people here have been coming since their diagnosis," Marla explained.
"Yeah, hopefully. I don't want to be the only clueless one".

"I didn't mean to force you to come. I just wanted to spend time with you. Plus, there's free coffee," she justified.
"No, no, I'm glad I'm here," you said, taking her hand, "I like to see the place that's given you so much comfort".
"I don't need as much comfort ever since I dumped Tyler for you, but it still helps".

"You know I support you with whatever you need," you told her, making her smile.
"Have I thanked you lately?" she asked.
You shook your head. "I don't think so".
"Well," she whispered, "I promise there will be a lot of thanking later on tonight". You blushed, about to reply when the guided meditation guy said, "now, you'll need silence as you start to visualize your cave".
"Sorry!" Marla yelled to him, loud enough for everyone to hear. You laughed, not minding that she made you two the center of attention.

A little while later, you and Marla went to the refreshment table in the back of the room.
"They have donuts," she exclaimed, "wasn't it worth it?"
"Very," you agreed, helping yourself to one and pouring coffee, "but you still have to explain something to me".
"Who's supposed to be in my cave? Is it an animal or a person?"

"It can be either. Just something or someone that calms you and makes you happy. I think of you, actually," she admitted.
"You do?" you asked happily.
"Yeah. You've been my best relationship. You're sweet and kind and you always make me feel better," she told you.
You smiled. "You're making me blush," you teased, pretending to be annoyed.
"Well, it's true".

You finished your donut and got ready to leave when Marla said, "is it okay if we make a stop before we go back to my place?"
"Of course, whatever you need".
She kissed your forehead. "Thank you, angel". You blushed at her pet name as she leads you out of the room, your hand in hers.

It was dark by the time you were outside, only the bright lights of the city on. It was a warm night, a stark contrast to the air-conditioned basement you just spent the last couple of hours in.
"So, where are we going?" you asked your girlfriend as she got out a cigarette and lit it.
"I need money, so I figured we'd stop at the laundromat," she explained, handing you a cigarette and lighting it as she talked, "I'll take some clothes and sell them at the consignment shop next door".

"That's smart," you said, not in any position to judge her.
"You learn to be crafty when you're poor". She opened the door of the laundromat for you and walked over to a dryer far into the room.
"What do you need money for?" you asked as she took out clothes and put them in her bag.
"Well, if you weren't so nosy, I was going to surprise you with a movie date," she told you, "you've been paying so much and you went to my support group, and I wanted to do something nice for you".

"I appreciate that, but you really don't have to. I'm not difficult, I just like being with you". She turned around to face you and put a hand on your shoulder.
"And I love you for that, but let me do something nice for you," she said, looking in your eyes.

"You love me?" you asked, touching her hand on you.
"I know it's way too early to say it, and I never said it to anyone before, but yes I do," she rambled, looking nervous.
"Marla, I love you too," you told her. She smiled bigger than you had ever seen her smile before, then leaned down to kiss you right in the middle of the laundromat.

You kissed her back. Her lips were chapped, but you didn't care. She wrapped her hands around your body, pulling you closer. Before it turned into a full-on make-out, as much as you wanted it to, you broke apart.
"I wasn't expecting that," you said, laughing.
"You're not complaining, are you?" she teased, her hands still around you.
"Absolutely not. Now, as excited I am for our date tomorrow night, can you get that money quickly so we can get home?"
She smirked. "If that's what you want, pumpkin".

After she went to consignment and got money, you walked to her apartment which wasn't far away.
"Do you want anything?" she asked once you got inside. You shook your head, kissing her again.
"Just you," you said in between kisses.

"Fuck, I love you," she whispered. She took off your shirt, peeling it over your head and unhooking your bra. She moved down to kiss your neck and started sucking a mark.
"I'm gonna give you so many hickeys tonight," she whispered. You moaned as she gave the spot a little bite. As she looked to find another spot on your neck, you took off her shirt.

"God, you're gorgeous," you told her, seeing she was naked underneath. She blushed, and you were glad that she didn't rebuttal. She wasn't used to compliments, and she usually fought you on them ever since you started dating. She kissed you again deeply, joking your back as she pushed you down on her bed. She got on top of you so she was straddling your waist.

She moved down from your lips to a new area of your neck. Her hickeys made your desire for her go even stronger as you let out moans of pleasure. Every thought other than her flew out of your head, which was getting cloudy with lust. As she kissed all over your neck, you worked to take off her skintight leather pants and her panties. She helped you, and you tossed them off the bed.

"Marla, I want you," you begged.
"Do you?" she teased. You pouted, making her laugh. She kissed you quickly on the lips before leaning over to reach the drawer of her nightstand. She got her strap on out of the drawer, putting it on hastily. You wrapped your hands around her neck, pulling her close to you. She started sucking a hickey on your chest, taking off your jeans as she did.

She slipped her hand down your panties suddenly, and you moaned out her name as she pulled them off. She teased you for a moment, but you could tell she was just as impatient as you were. The eye contact was intense as she fucked you, her brown eyes lustful. She sucked at your chest in a few more areas, adding to the pleasure she was making you feel.

"Marla, I'm so close," you managed to moan out, just about reaching your climax. She thrust deep inside of you a few more times, making you reach your high. You could tell she loved how much you were moaning her name.
"Good girl," she praised as she made you cum. Once you finished, she took off her strap on and took down the blankets on her bed, holding them open so you could get underneath them.

She got under the blankets with you, taking your hand in hers. She leaned over back to her nightstand to get two cigarettes out of the pack. You saw at the back of the drawer she still had a bottle of Xanax.
"Have you been using?" you asked once she turned back to you, nodding your head towards the pill bottle.
"Not since we got together," she told you, giving you a cigarette.

"That's great. I'm really happy for you".
"It's thanks to you," she said, snuggling her head into your chest.
You smiled. "What am I supposed to do with all these?" you asked, running a finger over all the hickeys she gave you.
She laughed. "You're going to look at them and think of me and how much fun we had when I gave them to you. There's no use covering them up since I'll just make them darker".
"Fine, I'll leave them," you teased, pretending to be annoyed. She giggled, kissing your forehead.
"Thank you, pumpkin".

Authors note: Marla is fruity I just know it. Well, she's pan in my DR. Also, listen to Rue by Girl in Red because it reminds me of being in a relationship with Marla so much!!

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