Marla Singer~ You Guessed It, Another One Shot

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Authors note: fun fact Marla actually uses
she/they pronouns so you'll see that in this chapter

"Are you almost done yet, boo?" Marla asked, wrapping her arms around your neck and hugging you from behind. You smiled a light blush on your cheeks from the pet name, and leaned into them.
"I just started," you told her, trying to stay motivated to study.

"A half hour ago!" she exclaimed, "you don't even need to study, you're so smart".
"I love you, but I do," you insisted. She leaned in and kissed your neck, not giving up.
"Come on, baby," they persisted, "I promise to make it worth your while". Finding it much harder to give in, you let her kiss all up your neck. She took your hand and kissed your knuckles, and a big smile grew on your face.

"Marla, you're making it really hard for me to say no," you told her.
"That's the point," she said, laughing.
"Let me study more later?" you asked.
"Done!" she agreed, getting on your lap. She straddled your waist, pushing your hair back and kissing you. You smile into the kiss, holding her neck so she's closer to you. Their body is pressed against yours, making your lust for her grow.

Suddenly, she stops the kiss, getting up off your lap. You groan at the loss of contact, making her giggle.
"Marla!" you exclaim, putting out your hands for her.
"Come on. I want to show you something," she said, taking your hand into hers.
"Fine," you agreed, taking her hand and getting up. She smiled, then grabbed a blanket off her bed.

"Grab me some cigarettes, love?" she asked, and you got them off her nightstand as she took a lighter.
"Where are we going?" you asked as she dragged you out of her apartment, shutting the door behind you.
"You'll see," was all they said as they lead you down the hallway and to the stairs. You climbed up them, up to the very last floor. She opened the door to the roof, allowing you to walk out first.

You emerged onto the roof, trying to take in the whole view. It was nighttime, making the city lights even brighter. Although the city was loud, it was peaceful up here.
"What do you think?" she asked, smiling at your wanderlust expression.
"It's so pretty up here, babe," you exclaimed, walking further on the roof.
"I love it up here," they took your hand, "it's kind of my hiding spot. I'll come up here to think".

As you explored the rooftop, she spread out a blanket. She sat down, and you joined her a moment later.
"You know, you're the first person I've ever brought up here," she told you.
"Really?" you smiled at her.
She nodded. "Well who else would I have brought up here?" she joked, "my last boyfriend would have just flung himself off the roof. I used to think I would do the same," she added, sadness but some coldness in her voice at the last part.

"Aw, my girl," you snuggled into her shoulder, wrapping your arms around her and pulling her in.
They shrugged. "I'm better now. I think I owe a lot of that to you".
"I didn't do much".
"You don't realize it, but you do," she insisted, "I stopped using because of you. Except for these cigarettes, I don't think I'll ever give those up". She took two out of the box, giving one to you. You thanked her when she gave you a light.

"I just like it when you're happy, Marla," you told her, "and you showing me this place means a lot. I'm really glad you can trust me". She nodded, snuggling into your chest, and you could tell she was lost in thought. You didn't mind the peaceful silence, her smoke blowing out into the crisp night air, your eyes darting between the view of the city and staring at them.

"Y/n?" she asked a moment later, a softness in her voice.
"You know I love you, right? I know I'm not very good at saying it, but it's important to me you know that," she confessed, turning your face gently so you were looking in her eyes.
You nodded. "I know," you kissed her forehead, "and I love you so much".
She smiled. "Now that we got that out of the way," they began, peppering kisses all over your face, "I did promise to make this break worth your while".

"Yes you did," you agree, holding her face as she kissed your lips. They kissed you deeply, taking your breath away, then played with your bottom lip in between her teeth. Your hands moved to her waist, helping her move on top of you. You moaned as she released your lip, then moved down to your neck.
"Do you like it when I do this, slut?" she whispered in between hickeys, grabbing onto your neck, "you like it when I mark you as mine?"

"Please don't stop, Marla," you bedded as she took off your shirt, moving her lips down to your chest.
"Don't worry, pumpkin, I won't," she told you, her voice breathy. She palmed at your breasts, then started peppering kisses and bites on them. You reached up to her, taking off her top and her leather skirt.
"Did I tell you that skirt looks cute on you yet?" you asked.
She smirks, clicking her tongue. "I know you'd rather it off of me".

She unzipped your jeans, and you helped her pull them off of you. As she keeps kissing your body, you feel her hips start to glide across your thigh, giving her aching clit the attention it so desperately craves. She moans softly against your skin, then moves her fingers down to your underwear, which is a pool of wetness.
"Is this what you need, my angel?" she asks, her seductive voice making you nod eagerly.

She rubs your clit in circles, her movements growing faster and faster. Without warning, she slips a finger inside of you, and you let out a moan as her red polished nail lightly scratches you. They curve their finger, then adds a second one as she feels you getting closer. Marla continues you move herself back and forth on your leg, both of your moans echoing in the night sky. You feel her wetness all over your thigh, the lust in her eyes getting darker.

"Y/n, I need those pretty fingers of yours," they moan out, her movements inside of you slowing down. You sigh since you were close, but you can't complain since you're super attractive girlfriend is riding your thigh. You do what she says, putting your fingers where they need to be and she lifts up to take them. She gets faster, and you glide their hips to build up her orgasm even more. Marla screams out your name, which is bliss to your ears, as you feel her cum get all over you.

"Holy shit y/n," she breaths as she comes down from her high.
"You're so fucking perfect, Marla," you whisper, leaning up to kiss her.
She smirks. "I'm guessing you still need to finish, don't you? Had enough of all my teasing?"
You nodded. "I need you to fuck me," you told her, and you saw the lust in her eyes again.

"Whatever my girl needs," she agreed, kissing and biting down your body. Without warning, she rubbed your clit again, starting out fast. You moaned as she peppered hickeys on your thighs, each one darker than the last. They licked up your folds, and moaned softly as she felt you on her tongue. She glided her teeth along you, and you let out a strangled noise at the pain, obsessed with just how she made you feel. Marla teased you with two fingers, and you threw your head back.

"Please, Marla, I need you," you begged, and she smirked in satisfaction, pushing them both inside of your soaked core. You moaned out loudly and she grabbed your neck, pulling you closer to kiss you.
"That's it, my slut," she said, the degradation driving you wild, "take it like a good girl". They made their movements faster, then teased you with another finger as they felt you get closer.

"Fuck, Marla," you yelled, finishing all over her fingers. She smirked, licked them clean slowly for you to watch. They kissed you again deeply, and you tasted yourself in her mouth. She laid down beside you on the blanket, as you were panting, just as she was before. Marla got out another cigarette, lit it, and took a puff. She handed it to you and you did the same, sharing her cigarette. You snuggled into her chest, and Marla kissed the top of your head.
"I bet you're glad you listened to me and took that break," she joked, her tone cocky, making you laugh as you breathed her in and looked out into the night.

Authors note: in my "characters and shifting" story I'm gonna start writing about what it's like to date the characters I shift to and what my DRs are like!

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