Madame Thénardier~ One Shot

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Is this chapter all smut? Maybe...

You feel uneasy during your walk through the slums of Paris. Your mistress had told you to meet her at the back door of her inn at exactly 9 o'clock. You've been doing this for weeks, but the rough area surrounding the inn still made you uncomfortable. Finally, you had reached the back door, unharmed. After a moment, you heard a rustling, and the door opened.
"Get in here," she said curtly, and you obliged.
"Hi, m..." you begin, but she cuts you off.
"Be quiet," she whispered hastily, "hid behind that barrel". Unfortunately, the fact that your affair was a secret created some issues like this. You hid, and you saw that the child came into the room. Well, not her child, the one she was looking after. She yelled at her to go into the forest, and the poor child started crying. She yelled at her again, and the child left. Damn, don't find that attractive, don't find that attractive, you begged yourself, to no avail. You had first met Madame Thénardier when a friend wanted to meet you at her inn for a drink. She, the master of the house, had robbed you. You never would have noticed if you didn't accidentally put a hand in your pocket and not find your wallet. You confronted her about it, to which she told you to shut up. You, boldly and a little drunk said "make me", which had turned her on. The rest is history, which is why you had suffered sneaking in the back door of the inn for weeks.

Finally, you snuck upstairs into a guest bedroom.
"Sorry about all this sneaking," she said, shutting the door. You had to admit, you were a little surprised. She never apologized to anyone, ever.
"I understand," you told her, even though you wish she would leave her husband. She loved being completely dominant and in control, which you knew you could give her.
"Now that you're here, I can make it up to you," she said with a smirk. You smiled and she walked over to you, backing you up against the bed. She kissed you hard, her tongue immediately exploring your mouth. You tried not to, but you ended up moaning into her mouth, and you could feel her smirk against you. The kiss got heated, and she began to explore your body with one hand. She broke the contact of your lips but attached to your neck before you could complain. Her hand moved down your body, down your breasts, and your stomach. Then, she reached your clothed folds. She touched you, lightly teasing you with two fingers. You bit your lip in an attempt not to moan.
"Like that, don't you my little slut," she teased.
"Yes, mommy," you moaned.
"Who's is this?" she asked, grabbing onto your folds again.
"Yours. This is all yours mommy," you told her.
"Get on the bed," she commanded, and you did immediately. She moved on top of you, pulling off your dress and leaving you in panties only. She kissed you again, straddling you, biting onto your neck and collarbone. You reached up to touch her, and she helped you remove her own dress. She moved down, ripping off your panties. She then put on finger inside of you.
"Mommy, please," you begged.
"Please what? What do you want, my whore".
"Don't tease. Please make me cum," you begged.
"Hush. I decide exactly what I'm going to do to you, understand?" You nodded, and she smirked in satisfaction. She went down on you, teasing your clit with her tongue. You bucked your hips forward, but she pushed you back, and you groaned. You knew that this would only make her tease you more. She licked up some of your wetness, putting one finger inside of you again. She moved her finger around, then stopped.
"Mommy, please," you begged again. She kissed you quickly.
"Beg," she whispered.
"Please make me cum. I love how dominant you are with me. I'm all yours, you make me feel so good. Please mommy, I'll do whatever you want". She smirked at that.
"Try not to scream," she said. Without warning, she pushed two fingers inside of you. You bit down so hard on your lip that it started bleeding. Even then, it didn't fully muffle your moan.
"You can't be quiet, I see. You just love to scream my name, don't you, little slut?" she asked.
"Yes, momm..." you were cut off with a loud moan, as she began to move her fingers in and out of you. Her thrusts were fast, and you moved your hips to meet her. You could tell you were getting close, and so could she.
"You're about to cum for mommy, aren't you?" she said, her voice absolutely dripping seduction.
"Yes, please, don't stop," you begged her. Much to your dismay, she did just that. You pouted.
"Don't complain, kitten," she said, and you were surprised that she actually used a nice pet name, "remember, I do whatever I want with you". She kissed you, and you got sucked into the kiss, never wanting it to stop. Once again with our warning, she plunged three fingers into you. You let out the loudest moan you ever had and screamed out "mommy". She pumped her fingers in and out, finally letting you cum. She smirked in satisfaction, and your cum got on her fingers.
"I want to taste you," she said, before going down on you again. She licked up your cum, her fingers still dripping.
"Open," she commanded, and you did. She put her fingers in your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself. She kissed you softly when you finished.
"I love topping you," she said, laying down and you moved on top of her.
"Can you stay for a bit?" you asked, knowing her husband would soon be wondering where she was.
"Of course, pet," she said, making you smile.

Authors note: when I say I was Les Mis for the plot, this is what I mean

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