Princess Margaret~ One Shot

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You knock on the Princess's door, a tray of tea in hand. You knew she hated the mornings, but usually she was awake by the afternoon.
"Your Royal Highness?" you called through the door, waiting for her approval to come in. Working for the Royal Family had a lot of rules, but you wouldn't trade your job for anything.

"Come in," she yelled. You knew her voice well at this point, and you could tell something was off. It sounded a little choked up, and you hoped you were just imagining that. You walked in, shutting the door behind you.
"Your tea," you told her. She was laying in bed, and unfortunately, you had a feeling your suspicions were right since her eyes were red and there were tissues next to her.

"Well, put it down," she commanded, and you set the tray on the nightstand next to her bed. Now, you knew something was wrong. She was always nice to you, which isn't something all the other servants could say. She usually thanked you, so you waited a moment.
"Did you need something?" she asked harshly.
"Um, no, sorry," you began to walk out hastily.

Just as you reached the door, you heard Margaret let out a deep breath.
"Wait," she called. You turned around quickly.
"I'm sorry I snapped. Could you stay?" she asked, her eyes looking vulnerable and hopeful.
"Of course," you pulled a chair next to her bed and sat down.

"If you want to talk, we can," you said after a few moments of silence. She patted the space next to her on the bed, and you sat down on top of the covers.
"Promise not to repeat anything?"
"Yes, I'd never break your trust".
She took another deep breath. "It's just...Tony".
You sighed. You knew all about that man, and you hated him. If you could, you'd kill him for all his infidelity.

"I know I shouldn't be saying this, but he shouldn't treat you the way he does. You don't deserve that," you told her.
"But what if I do?" she asked, "I'm always trying to help the Crown. What if my neglect is why he's cheating so much?"
"Princess, this is in no way your fault. Someone who treated you the way you deserve to be treated would understand your duties," you said gently.

She giggled, which you weren't expecting. "You can just call me Margaret. Even Margot. Here, that's okay. No "Princess or Royal Highness"'.
"Okay, Margaret it is," you smiled.
"How do you think I deserve to be treated then?" she asked.
"Like royalty," you joked, which made her laugh, "but seriously, you should have someone fun, someone who respects you, someone who respects the Crown, I'd comfort you and love every part of you," you rambled on.

"You would?" she asked. It was just then you realized you had slipped with your wording and totally exposed your crush on her.
"I-," you had no idea how to make this better because you really didn't want to deny your feelings, "I should go". You scrambled out of bed, but her hand reached out to grab yours.
"Don't go," she urged, "if you meant what you said, stay".

"I just made things so awkward," you countered, but you sat back down anyway.
"I always thought you were beautiful and kind, but now that I'm talking to you on a personal level, I know you're even more," she said, looking into your eyes. You felt overcome with emotion and she must have felt the same way because she leaned in and kissed you. You were surprised but you kissed her back immediately, feeling her soft, passionate lips against yours.

You broke apart a moment later, and you were scared of her reaction. She licked her lips, then looked at you.
"I don't know what to think," she began.
"Oh god, am I that bad of a kisser?" you joked.
She smiled. "Absolutely not, that's the problem. I know it's so wrong, but it felt perfect," she admitted.
"It did," you agreed, taking her hand.

"I like you very much, but you know we'll have to keep this relationship a secret. That's unfair to you, and I'm sorry about that".
"Margot, I understand," you told her comfortingly, "I really like you too, and I'll do whatever it takes to be with you". With that, she grabbed your face in her hands and kissed you again. This kiss was deeper, your tongues immediately fighting for dominance. As you kissed, you moved on top of her, ultimately winning. Your hands roamed up and down the sides of her body, feeling her curves under her green silk nightgown.

The kiss only broke out of necessity for air, the both of you breathless.
"I really want you," she whispered. You peppered little kisses all over her face.
"Me too". You kissed down her neck, careful not to leave any hickeys since you wanted to show her that you respected the privacy of your relationship.

You slowly took off her nightgown, knowing you had crossed a line and you wouldn't be able to go back, not that you wanted to. Margaret could sense your nerves, and she planted a soft kiss on your lips. Once she was undressed, you couldn't help but stare at her body for a minute.
"I'm sure you're usually with younger people," she began, but you cut her off by putting your finger to her lip.
"Hush," you insisted, replacing your finger on her lips with a quick kiss, "I'm just looking because you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen".

She blushed. "Thank you".
"I just want to make you feel the best you ever felt. The way no man can make you feel". You moved to keep kissing her body, moving down to her collarbone. She reached her hand back to take off your uniform. She took off your apron, struggling with the rest.
"We really make you wear too many clothes," she insisted.
"I know".
"What if you start coming to work naked?" she teased, her voice dropped to a seductive whisper as she finally got your clothes off.
You blushed, laughing. "Whatever you please".

You moved from her collarbone to the space between her breasts, then kissed her around her nipple, teasing her. You could tell she had never felt this before. She threw her head back as you finally pleased her, circling her nipple in your tongue.
"Y/n, that feels so good," she moaned out, encouraging you for doing the same on the other side. Then, you continued to kiss her down her body until you got to her folds.

You teased her with your tongue, feeling her wetness.
"Oh god, don't tease me," she protested, making you smirk. Still, you listened to her, going in deeper with your tongue. Her hands flew into your hair, her nails scratching your scalp. You moved in and out faster, increasing her pleasure. She was getting closer, so you added two fingers. You curved them to hit her spot, which leads to her undoing.

She moaned out your name as you fingered her through her high, turning you on even more. Once she finished, you licked up her cum.
"You taste so amazing," you told her, laying down next to her on the bed.
"You're so beautiful," she said, scanning your body with her fingers.
You blushed. "Thank you".
"I know how difficult this will be, but I want to be with you," she admitted.
"So do I," you pushed her hair back in a loving way, "we'll figure it out together".

Authors note: sorry I didn't update in a while I was away for my sister's wedding! I wrote this in the backseat on the way home with my other sister next to me 😂 I don't think she saw

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