George~ Part 3

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When you wake up, you forget for a moment where you are. Then you remember: George's bed. You smile as all the memories of last night come flooding back to you. Everything from the kiss to the cuddling fills your mind. Unfortunately, George isn't anywhere in sight. You sigh and get up, hoping that you'll be able to wake up with her soon. It's Sunday, so you know she's home. You put on a sweatshirt and rush downstairs to see her.

You hear laughter and talking coming from the kitchen. George is at the stove, making pancakes, and the kids are at the table.
"Good morning, love," she greets cheerfully when she notices you in the doorway, "grab a plate". She nods towards a stack of plates on the counter.
"Good morning, y/n!" her sons call in unison from the kitchen table, waving at you enthusiastically.
You laugh. "Good morning, everyone!"

George puts food on your plate, and you're so close to her that you desperately want to kiss her. Still, you don't want to cross a line since her kids are in the room. The woman stops your overthinking by kissing you softly on the cheek. You blushed, meeting her eyes which looked at you lovingly.
"How'd you sleep?" she asked, a playful smirk on her lips.
You smiled. "Great. What about you?"
"Same," she said with a nod, "we're still on for our date tonight?" she asked in a whisper.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," you told her, taking your plate and walking to the table.

"Mum, why did you kiss y/n?" Max asked. You widened your eyes as you sat down, then quickly looked at George, waiting for her response just as eagerly as her son was.
"She's a very... special friend of mine," she answered a moment later. You smiled as she walked over to the table.
"Special friend, huh?" you asked once she sat down next to you, "I like that".
"Just wait until you hear all the pet names I'll give you when we're alone," she whispered, her voice seductive.

Later on, you were in your room, trying on outfits for the date.
"Y/n?" George called, knocking at your door.
"Come on in!" you called back. She opened the door and shut it behind her.
"Are you wearing that later?" she asked, looking your body up and down slowly. You had on an outfit you liked, a skirt and blouse.
You blushed as her eyes stayed fixated on you. "It's an option," you told her.
"Well, I like it," she told you, wrapping her arms around your waist and pulling you in for a kiss.

"Are you okay with staying in tonight? I just want to spend time with you," she said, a soft look in her deep brown eyes.
"I'm fine with that. What about the boys?"
"I'm about to drop them off at a neighbor's house. He'll watch them for the night," she explained.
You nodded. "Should we pick up food?"
"I was thinking we could cook together?" she suggested.

"I can't cook," you told her, laughing.
"It's easy, love. I promise you'll figure it out," she reassured you, "and I'll help you".
"Okay as long as you teach me," you agreed. She smiled excitedly, kissing your forehead.
"I can't wait! I'll pick up some ingredients and drop the boys off. Be back in an hour, okay?"
"Sounds good, I'll be getting ready".
"Darling, you look gorgeous already," she complimented, winking at you before walking out of the room, leaving you standing there with butterflies in your stomach.

"Y/n, I'm home!" George yelled from downstairs about an hour later. You had finished getting ready, and you walk down to greet her.
"What's all this?" you ask, seeing two tote bags full of ingredients on the counter.
"For dinner, love," she told you.
"What are we making?"
"Pizza. It's pretty easy and you can get creative with it".
"Sounds perfect".
"Good. I'm just gonna freshen up I'll be right down, okay?" You nodded and she kissed your lips before walking upstairs.

While you waited for her, you decided to set the table. You found some candles and a lighter, lighting them, and putting them in the center of the table. You turned down the lights in the kitchen for a romantic ambiance. She had a radio on the counter, and you turned that on and tuned the channel to classical music. Just as you were taking the ingredients out of the bag, she came back downstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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