Julia Hoffman~ Part 3

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"Oh, I'm going to have fun with you, princess," she whispered seductively, her hand on your neck as she pushed you into the wall. Her free hand started exploring your body, moving slowly but finally reaching in between your legs. You moaned as she touched you gently, then moved back to your thighs.

"Julia, please," you begged. She kissed your neck, then moved to whisper in your ear.
"I think you should call me 'mommy' now, pet," she whispered, her hot breath sending shivers down your spine. She nibbled your ear, then moved back to your neck, "tell me what you need". Her hands went to your back, unzipping your dress and letting it pool on the floor.
"I need you to make me cum, mommy," you whispered. You felt her smirk against your skin. That's just what she wanted to hear to turn her on.

She nodded towards her bed. "Get on the bed," she commanded. You did what she said, sitting and waiting for her. You felt butterflies in your stomach, as you watched the redhead walk to a dresser in the corner of her room. She leaned down to open up the drawer, taking out a strap-on. Your eyes fixated on it, you had never done that before. She walked back over to you, purposefully going slow to tease you. She saw the look in your eyes and leaned down to whisper, "mommy'll make sure it feels good, okay princess?" 

You nodded, and she moved to straddle your waist, kissing your lips passionately. She kissed you until your lips were swollen as if she would stop breathing if she didn't. You moved your head to give her access to your neck, only light marks made from the previous kisses. You moaned loudly as she reached your sweet spot, making her chuckle in the sexy way that only Julia Hoffman could do. You moved your hands to her back, pulling down her pretty blue dress that looked so good on her, but so much better off of her.

"Does that feel good baby?"
"So good," you breathed as she grazed her teeth over the spot, nipping and sucking on the skin.
"There," she said, leaning back to admire the mark she made, "now you're mine".
You sucked in a breath at her words. "I'm all yours," you told her. She smiled, then started peppering kisses down your body.

"What a pretty girl," she praised, her mouth against your skin, "my pretty girl". Her light, feathery kisses on your soft skin made you feel things you never had before. She took her time, teasing you. She wanted to make it last. Finally, she got to your panties. She looked up at you, her eyes full of lust at the soaked garment. She bit the top of them, then dragged them down your legs with her teeth. A moan escaped from your lips at her action, and she smirked against your skin.

She throws your panties off the bed, then puts her head between your legs. Your hands flew to her hair as she started kissing up your thighs. Her kisses got closer and closer to your core, and you couldn't take any more teasing as you threw your head back.
"Mommy, please," you begged.
She chuckled darkly. "Needy little whore, aren't you?" she teased, playing with your folds slowly.
"Please go faster," you begged again.
She smirked. "Only because I can't wait to see your pretty face when I make you cum".

Your breathing grew heavy at her words, and she went back down to kiss your folds. She picked up her pace as your wetness grew on her tongue, sucking at your clit.
"Mommy...fuck," you groaned as her hand wrapped around your neck. She pulled away from you, and you whimpered at the loss of contact.
She laughed. "Aw, my girl misses me already, doesn't she?" your girlfriend mocked.
You rolled your eyes. "Don't mock me".
She choked you again, her eyes darkening in lust. "Don't forget who's in charge, kitten".

She pulled you up into a kiss, her mouth dominating yours. You took off her underwear, a smirk on her lips at your desperation. She broke the kiss quickly so that she could put on her strap-on, then immediately went back to kissing you hungrily. She pushed you back down so you were laying flat on her bed, straddling your thighs. Her tongue invaded your mouth just as she guided the tip of her strap on inside of you. She swallowed up your moans, her fingers playing with your now messy hair.

"Does that feel good, baby?" she asked, her voice husky.
"Yes-," you began, but were cut off by a deep moan as you felt her deeper inside of you.
"Can't even finish a sentence, hm? Pathetic," she spat. Her mix of praising and degradation was driving you wild.
"Mommy," you screamed, your voice getting louder as she moved faster. Her hands roughly gripped your shoulders to stable herself. Her thrusts got more intense, hitting your g-spot every time. Your legs started to shake, and she could feel your walls tighten around her.

"You need to cum, baby?" she asked, her voice too sweet. You nodded, and she gripped your throat with one hand. "Then beg for it," she commanded.
"M-mommy, please," you begged, hardly able to speak, "I need you to make me cum. I promise I'll scream so loud for you, mommy".
Her eyes darkened in lust, and she clicked her tongue. "Go ahead, princess". Her eye contact with you was intense, and you couldn't get over how good she looked on top of you.

With a final thrust, you came all over her toy, your eyes rolling back as you were overcome with pleasure. You completely forgot there were other people in the house, letting out a loud scream of pleasure.
"Fuck, you're pretty when I make you cum," your girlfriend whispered, kissing your face. She took off the toy and laid down next to you. She wrapped her arms around you, pulling you into her bare chest.

"Do you feel good, my love?" she asks, kissing your forehead lovingly.
"So good, Jules," you told her, climbing on top of her. You leaned down and cupped her face in yours, kissing her passionately. She gripped your waist with one hand, playing with your hair with the other. She started to glide you on her thigh.
"Julia!" you exclaimed, and you didn't know if it was a protest or encouragement. She knew you wanted it just as much as she did.
"Come on baby," she urged, "I need to see your pretty face when you cum again".

Pulling you by your hair, she pulled you back into a rough kiss. You moved yourself across her leg, your wetness spreading across her thigh.
"Does mommy's thigh feel good, pet?" she asked, peppering your face with kisses. Her hand was strong on your waist, and you could feel her nails dig into your skin. The mix of pain and pleasure she made you feel was already bringing your overstimulated body close to the edge.

"Mommy, I'm so close," you moaned out, moving faster across her leg. She smirked, moving one of her hands to fondle your breasts. She moved her figure across your skin, paying special attention to your nipples, which hardened quickly.
"Go on, doll," she praised, "cum for your mommy". You felt yourself release, your legs shaking at all the pleasure. She held onto your legs to stable you, kissing you softly across your face and collarbone.

She gently rubbed your back, allowing you to come down from your high.
"That's my pretty girl," she complimented, moving your hair out of your face and pulling you back into her bare chest. You cuddled into her, wrapping your arms around the woman's body.
"Everyone in the house heard that, didn't they?" you ask sheepishly.
Julia laughs, kissing the top of your head. "Probably".

"Sorry," you tell her, blushing.
"Oh shush, don't be. I just want to make you feel good, my love".
You smile, playing with the ring on her finger. "Can I stay the night?" you ask.
"Of course, you can. You can stay with me whenever you want. Personally, I'd be happy if you never left," she joked, making you smile.
"I just didn't know if you had patients in the morning".
"You're my priority y/n".
You blushed, overwhelmed with happiness at your new relationship. Even though you wanted to stay up and talk to your girlfriend all night, you yawned.
"Tired, love?" Julia asked.
You nodded. "Yeah".
"Go to bed, dear. I'll be right here when you wake up," she reassured you, rubbing your back gently until you fell into a peaceful sleep.

Authors note: sorry I haven't updated in a while, but thank you for reading and your support❤️

I told you I would feed your mommy issues helenasslutt

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