VI. Accomplice

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> F/A - Favourite Animal

How could I be an accomplice if I was being forced to do all this? That didn't sit right with me. This man, besides being dangerous, was deranged. My feet sunk on the gas pedal, trying to at least keep myself alive. My stomach was starting to eat itself, my gaze fell on the many snack packets, I swallowed dryly. How long had it been since I had a decent meal? I was the best target to force into this, I had no strength left, my feeble mind was considering if my life was worth fighting for... Tired. Tired was the word... I was tired of living. 

Would it be too much asking for food? When would I sleep? Where would I sleep? Was he even going to let me sleep? Should I have taken death when it was offered to me? 

Shaking my head, I step on the clutch to change the gear, only when I heard loud metal scraping did I realize that in my daze I didn't push it hard enough. Cursing old cars under my breath I force my trembling leg to pressure the pedal all the way down and swiftly switch the gear. 

His calculating eyes fell on me, dark grey meeting E/C. For the split of a second I panicked, my trembling hand grabbed the wheel. Fully aware that he noticed it, I took a deep breath, the warmth of the once dark leather wheel along with the faint smell of cigarettes calmed me down.

I was a mess, what good would it do hiding it? I could only wish to faint and drive off a cliff, though I was sure he'd have enough time and reflexes to jump out and remain unscathed.

"F/A 01 is feeling tired already?" His voice held nothing, no curiosity, no care nor disdain. It was blank, I wondered if he was covering up his feelings or if they were simply nonexistent. 

"I didn't have the best time before I got kidnapped and granted such an important company." A colourful map was being unfolded by his angular hands, a vein popping out as he stretched it to consider the route. He inspected the paper for quite a while, ignoring my answer. Maybe he didn't even listen to it, maybe his question was more of a filler than something I should've answered. How could I know? All I knew was that I was hungry, my legs were shaking in pain since I had to step hard on the pedals... Not like I could pay any attention to the man beside me, I had to focus my eyes on the road, trying to keep myself awake when everything screamed shut down

If I fainted and drove off, he wouldn't save me. I knew that much. 

"Why is that?" My gaze jumped off the rear-view mirror to him, mere seconds before I felt the car shift and straightened the wheel.

"What?" A junction neared, I could either go right or left, I slowed the car down, shifting gears in a rush before coming to a full stop. 

"Left." The road was empty, I didn't need to stop but somehow driving properly was the only thing I was doing that could abide the law. I stepped on the accelerator, forcing the whiny car to speed up once again. "Why is it that you weren't having the best time", I caught his air quotation marks on the corner of my eye. 

"I didn't want to work on auction time, too much of a mess. My boss forced me to work even though he had previously agreed to give me the days off. I was on the streets when it started, the explosions, the screams, I dropped off a girl there and was still in the immense line to leave the auction site." He hummed, seemingly unamused at the story.

I just went on, it felt good to whine and he wasn't particularly listening. He probably just wanted the silence to be broken, a bit of background noise...

"My roommate called scared, crying and begging for me to get to her." I squeezed the wheel tighter, the trees seemed to be fading, small buildings popped up on the horizon, foreshadowing a town. "She told me she was in Bay Route, that was what... two blocks away from the centre of it all. The auction house."

"So you didn't go." He completed, now more focused on the greyish buildings showing up. 

"I did go. I ran there, I stepped through corpses, I saw some mafia guards fighting the Phantom Troupe on some alleys, I actually got to the place unharmed." He scoffed, my eyebrow rose in annoyance, what did he want? For me to shut up? For me to continue? Was he even listening? He could be lost in his own thoughts...

"You're going to get into town, turn right on the main street and stop in front of a Motel." The spider started folding the map carefully. "So? You ran into danger for that roommate of yours, what was the view like?" I shuddered, parking the car near the pale yellow motel named Rue. Quite the unusual name, the green neon lights flashed contrasting with the pale orange of the sky. 

"I'll keep that story for later, for whenever the silence needs to be filled..." His sudden interest had me frightened. He seemed to be excited to hear about the gruesome details, exactly what I wanted to forget. 

"Huuh... Just when you were getting entertaining..." He left the car quickly, this time stopping and waiting for me to accompany him. Of course I'd have to leave the only familiar comfort I had. I rolled the window up, inspected how the insides looked before locking the car and checking if it was properly done. Better safe than sorry. 

I followed him inside, eyes trailing his large shoulders and confident back before analysing the place.

"Welcome to Rue, how can I help you?" A young woman cheered, her coily hair held the shades of fire, a beautiful red to match her lipstick. She was very beautiful, but before I could reply, the spider was already gripping my wrist and smiling as his sly voice echoed. 

"We'd like one room, travelling the country is quite tiring." 

Art by 안익 (GONK1LL_is_real in Twitter // https://surl1128

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Art by 안익 (GONK1LL_is_real in Twitter // )

> Helloo my loves <3<3 guess who's back,
you know I had to put them in one room, because of course I had to.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

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