X. Overthink

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> F/A - Favourite Animal

To say that I slept moderately was an overstatement, but at least I managed to rest my body. My back seemed to be hurting less as the morning sun invaded the room. I tried my best to sneak out of bed without bothering my kidnapper. This had to be one of the worst nights I had ever had. Passing out after being hit in the neck sounded lovely, now that I had experienced what a conscious night of sleep with him was like. 

I tiptoed to the bathroom and had my soul leave my body when the door whined as I closed it behind me. What was I doing with my life? I reached for the sink, turning on the faucet and cupping my hands to catch the icy water and splash it on my face. I needed to stay alert, the cold would wake me up. Was it alright to dillydally? Didn't the Spider steal the clothes I was wearing?


I had left the bulky pants folded in the room. How had I not noticed the cool air caressing my bare legs? I slapped my face hard with both hands, desperate E/C eyes stared back at me in the mirror. Was it even worth to be here? To struggle to survive? Death wasn't frightening... The ways my kidnapper could possibly use to bring death to me however... Those were scary. Was it cowardly of me to wish for a peaceful painless ending to my miserable life? What was the point of all of this? All of this stress and pain? My back was tight and tensed, my eyes seemed to have sulked into my skull, my hair was a mess... I wouldn't even try to fix it. There was no way...

I had to return to the bedroom and slide into those pants. How I wished for the mysterious man to be asleep. I was already uncomfortable enough with my situation, being watched as I put on stolen clothes would only make it worse. I dried my hands and face with a small towel, went for a quick pee and stared at the flush button. It was going to be loud, there was no question about it. I knew it, was it worth risking waking him up to satisfy my need to flush?

I narrowed my eyes as a S/C finger pressed the button down slowly, as if by doing it slowly it would somehow be less noisy. A sigh left my lips as I waited for too long after the whole ordeal, desperately thinking that if he had woken up, he could return to dreamland, if it was silent. He... He had said his name was Chrollo... Had he? Was I sure I hadn't dreamt it? My feeble mind could be making stuff up... Chrollo was such a peculiar name though, I had never heard of it before.

A sneaky look at the door had my heart sink in dread. I had to get some pants, dying without them was too embarrasing. Pants were a necessity. Yes, they were. Yet I didn't move to the door, I took a few more minutes in the bathroom patting my hair, fixing up my shirt, doing what I'd do every morning, basic hygiene to the best of my abilities with what I had. I took my time, I cringed over the lack of hair combs, and worse, toothbrushes...

If Chrollo... His name was still weird- 'The spider' was bad but at least I was getting used to it. If Chrollo let me roam around maybe I could buy a toothbrush and toothpaste, if I had the money after paying for the stay...

I couldn't stay much longer in the bathroom. I slowly twisted the doorknob, and peeked into the room. He was sitting on the bed, his pale broad back with the spider tattoo in plain sight. The navy bedspread and white sheets now curled together. The muscles on his back flexed as he turned slightly to face me.

"Is the bathroom that endearing? Or were you planning to dig a hole and run?" His dark grey gaze did a quick inspection, he didn't take much time anywhere so I assumed he wasn't feeling as embarrassed as I was. My blood rushed to my face, my eyes diverted from his figure to the ground, my hands pushed the shirt down to cover more skin and I took a wobbly step to the bedside table. Rushing hands gripped the thick fabric and in two seconds I was jumping to get the left leg in the stolen pants. The spider didn't seem to mind, casually striding to the bathroom and leaving me there.

How awkward could this get? Oh, I sure hoped I had reached the peak of it. I laid on the bed, feeling the wrinkles against my back and took a deep breath. This morning wasn't going well. Not only this morning but everything up until now. I could do nothing about it though, so I pushed myself off the bed as a wave of exhaustion hit me and I pulled the sheets quickly, a small attempt to tidy up the bed. The bathroom door creaked open to reveal a fully clothed thief. "Time to go, F/A- uh... Y/N."

"Ok." I gripped my travelling bag and followed him out of the room, down the narrow pale halls and stairs to the first floor. The receptionist was the same as the day before, her fiery red hair jiggled about as she politely nodded and wished us a good morning.

"Did you have a good night?" Her lips today were shiny with gloss, a change from the bright red.

"It was great, the bed was small enough to cuddle." His polite happy voice was such a shock that I had to shake my head to focus on the conversation.

"How about the spouse?"

It took me a few seconds to realize that the spouse was in fact me. "It was alright. Thank you for asking."

"We'd like to check out." His thick arm slid over my shoulders, as he pushed me forward.

"Yes, right away." I patted my pockets looking for my wallet before facepalming and pulling the travel bag open. It should be on the pockets of my uniform, somewhere. It had to be. What if I had lost it?

"Oh, darling, I have your wallet here, you told me to keep it." I gasped as my eyes landed on the dark square he was holding up, when had he taken it from me?

"Ah, right." I pulled the zipper and dropped the bag near his feet as I took my wallet. Sighing, I searched for my card. "Thanks Chr... Michael."

> Author's Note: what is even going on? XP I can't with this plot what am I even going to make of it ahhaha...


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