LIII. Bliss {ending 1}

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> F/A - Favourite Animal

It was surprising how a bit of consideration, of care, made me tear up. I couldn't believe the warm tears that slid down my cheeks. How long had it been? How long had it been since someone had given me any thought?

How sad was my life?

That a single kind thought from... him... brought me to tears. Was it bad that I wanted to ignore what I knew about his life? That he was a criminal, a thief, a killer... That his morals probably didn't match mine? That he had a plan and a fight with that clown without me? Surely there would come a day in which he couldn't be my comrade in the easiest and slowest life.

Was it so bad to want to be cherished by him? Was it?

Was it bad that I never wanted to leave the embrace of his strong arms? That I felt safe against his hard chest?

Just how many of these worries would keep me from enjoying the moment... I had a glimpse of happiness being handed to me on a silver platter, who was I to refuse based on context? I just wanted to feel good, to feel special... to be put first if only for a moment...

It was just that simple.

My hands rubbed his arms and grabbed his shoulders when he started pulling away, pushing him back to my arms.

"Oh? Want to be pampered, little F/A?" His smile was contagious, and he pecked his way from my neck to my collarbone in a frenzy that made my heart soar. I felt like I could squeal in excitement.

His kisses slowed down, one on my chin, then softly over my lips, my nose, and then my forehead. "How would you feel sleeping in the bedroom that doesn't have aunt Bertie's ghost?"

I gasped, "You'd give the good room to me?" Was this day getting better? Aunt Bertie's bedroom wasn't haunted, not that I knew of, but it was weird sleeping where we knew she had died.

"Well... No." My shoulders dropped, what was the point of the question, then? I tilted my head, but he kissed my forehead again, "If I give it to you, how will I coerce you into sleeping in my bed?"

"A-" Warmth spread over my cheeks, and I left my head fall against his shoulder. I couldn't be this fucking oblivious! He was flirting. He was flirting WITH ME. 

I enjoyed the warmth of his shoulder for a second before I straightened up, ready to accept his invitation, and that was when I noticed his rosy cheeks. He averted his eyes and I couldn't hold in a snort, "WHy are you blushing? You said it!"

He shook his head, a small smile gracing his lips, but his eyes still focused somewhere else, "It was so bad- I can't-"

"I'd love to share the same bed as you." AH god, why was this so embarrassing? We had fucked! We had! Twice now! My head went back to his shoulder and I rubbed my forehead over his neck.

"Good," he said.

"Good." I repeated, still at loss for words to describe what I was feeling. Nothing seemed real. Not when I was this giddy.

That night, I walked into his room wearing my comfiest pyjamas and my nicest undies, and after being ravished, I feel asleep in his arms. There, surrounded by his warmth, I couldn't imagine anywhere else in the world I'd rather be in. I felt safe, warm and cared for... There was nothing that could top it, I thought.

I was proven wrong in the morning, when I woke up and watched his sleeping face, peaceful and unaware, barely visible with the dim light that managed to cross the blinders. This was the greatest moment of the day. Nothing like counting Chrollo's long, dark eyelashes with all the calm in the world before having to get up for work.

The dreaded moment soon arrived, and I got out of bed, leaving behind the most comforting embrace, to take in the cold room. Goosebumps spread all over my body and I tiptoed my way to the door only to be stopped by a very husky voice. "You should bring your clothes over so I can watch you get dressed in the morning... it's the least you could do for abandoning me so cruelly-"

I snickered and looked back, his torso lifted slightly supported by his arms, just enough so he could look at me without leaving the covers. His hair was a mess, dark locks pointing in all possible directions, but his eyes, his sleepy, half-lidded, dark eyes... They almost made me toss all my responsibilities away just to slide back under the covers with him. "You're a very dangerous man in the morning, Chrollo."

I stepped into the hallway to hear a muffled, "Not tempting enough? Such strong will...", and it felt different, to start a day with a permanent smile, to feel this light. 

My shift went as usual, and by the time I was almost over, ready to toss the towel and run home, the bell opened to reveal the man I wanted to run back to. His hair had been tamed, and his clothes, while simple and practical and very handsome on him, were quite dirty.  "Darling, pour a glass of whisky for this hard-working man."

"What work did you do? You're all dirty." I snapped back, even as my hands reached for the glass and the bottle of whisky, my eyes followed his movement, right until he sat at the counter facing me.

He leaned in as I handed him his glass and whispered darkly, "Eyeing me so wantonly, does this do it for you?"

I gawked, and looked around to see if someone had heard him. It didn't seem like it, so I weakly slapped his shoulder and rolled my eyes, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"I'm sure I'll figure it out." He beamed, downed his whisky and looked over my shoulder to the clock. "Let's head home."

Was he picking me up from work? I knew I had the goofiest, dreamiest smile, but I couldn't manage to pretend like it wasn't a thing. Not when all these feelings felt like they might make me take flight. Not when I was being walked home by someone who clearly took the time out of their day and activities to be there, right on time, waiting for me.

That day, I moved into his room and made it my own. The next day was nearly the same, only different banter. The day after was so much better because the sneaky little thief stole my clothes from the bathroom only to watch me come out naked and yelling.

There was nothing like the sound of his laughter together with mine.

I wished for every day from there on to go as eventfully uneventful as all the days I had spent with him. Preferably, if his were the warm arms I was returning to at night, and his were the dumb whimsies that kept me on my toes.

And so it was...

The End (at least the first of them)

You can stop reading right here if this is the ending you want.
(warning: the next endings are not as happy and carefree as this one)

Be reminded that there are multiple endings, this is the first! The first two (this one and the next) of them will be spoilerless (in terms of the new manga arc). The others will contain spoilers. This means this and the next ending can be read by anyone who has finished the anime (or got as far as Greed Island).

Author's Note: I didn't know how to make a happy ending... I hope this was fluffy and romantic enough for all of you that don't like angst and will stop reading here!

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