XVIII. Human Mind

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"Oh, Y/N! You're awake, good." Chrollo leaned against the large jeep looking vehicle, there was a man on the floor, right next to his feet.

"Are they dead?" My voice was but a mere whisper, a waft of air truly. My throat was too dry to form words in an audible tone without hurting.

"Not yet." The spider mused, dark eyes trained on me as my gaze left his relaxed face for the splayed body. Not yet. He was going to kill them. Was he? Was he just trying to scare me with words? I too wasn't dead just yet. Everyone in the world wasn't dead yet.

"I-" My mind was too much of a mess. Thoughts tangled, collided and then disappeared as fast as they had popped up. He was going to kill them. He was. Like he would kill me. Yes. That was a certainty. So... All I had to do was... to not panic. Everything was alright... I hadn't killed them. No. I only stole a sandwich. That was my only crime so far. "What's the plan?"

"To kill them and take their car? It's not that complex Y/N." Ok. They would die. By his hand I hoped. I swallowed, cleared my throat and took a deep breath.

"What about the old car?" Yeah, that sounded a bit better. It wasn't as if he was having trouble understanding me... What I really wanted to ask was... What about me? Am I going with you on that damned new car?

"Burn it."

"You-" want to burn me alive? Didn't seem like that was the answer to it... "you want to burn a car... in the middle of the woods...?" Starting a fire was a tell-tale sign for the authorities to come by. What was he thinking? Would he leave me here?

"Do you want to keep the car?" He crouched, his large hand surrounded the victim's ankle, and he started dragging the body closer to my old car. Did I want to keep the car?

"No. You know what... I don't care, let's burn the car." I didn't have fond memories of the work I had done. I wanted to quit. Why would I keep tying myself to that worn down car? Was it sympathy? The car... and me. We were not the same. At least to some point. I hoped we weren't the same. Nearly breaking down objects used to achieve a goal. That... I mean... Did I have to tie my worth to my car?

"Good. Find a good place and start digging." He was back by my side for a moment, before going around the jeep and starting to drag the other body.

"What?" I could have not listened to that well. Maybe I was misinterpreting... How could one misinterpret that?

"Start digging." He insisted, voice slightly louder now as he veered away.

"You can't-" My voice caught, I started coughing wildly and staggered closer to the Spider. I should have known better than to raise my voice.

"I can." He paused near the taxi, looking around and dragging the second body further into the woods. His focus was elsewhere. Or at least he sounded absentminded.

"Do you even have a shovel?" He couldn't be hoping for me to dig a grave with my bare hands. There were limits to the human mind, and perhaps body.

"I do. It's in my bag." He nodded to the bag that was sitting near his discarded jacket. My lips parted, and I forced them closed but they decided to spread once more. He kept a shovel! "Shovels come in handy."

With wide eyes, I moved closer to his travel bag. I had been curious about what it could contain... Now that I knew that there was a shovel in there... My caution seemed to overpower my curiosity. Who just walked around with a shovel? What kind of crazy murderer...

"Well? We don't have all night."

I eyed the bag, and taking a deep breath, I pulled the zipper open and quickly looked for the – oh my lord there were so many knives – Too many for a sensible man to use in his lifetime. I blinked and grabbed the portable shovel. I was about to close the bag when I heard a loud crack. As if someone had cracked their neck and I managed to hear – "Oh."

Swallowing my nausea away, I closed the bag carefully. It wasn't like throwing up a sandwich I had eaten a bunch of time ago was feasible. What would I even puke?

When I rose to my feet, my legs felt oddly gelatinous. I blinked three times. Inhaled through my nose, exhaled through my mouth and turned to face the killer, the spider and my holiday companion. "Why can't we burn them along with the car?"

"And not leave something for the police to spend their time figuring out? They need the challenge." His dark brow was up, as if daring me to question his plan.

"Alright. You're the killer here. I assume you know what you're doing." I moved closer, while trying my best to avoid looking at the body. It was a corpse now.

"I do know what I'm doing." He nodded when I pointed to the ground nearby, so I just started digging there.

Sinking the shovel on the dry ground was a pain, I stepped over the top edges, so it sunk further before yanking a large piece of oil over my shoulder. "Of course you do... Any grave digging tips?"

"No... Not for now at least, it should look as if you've never killed someone before and you're panicking." He moved closer, his hand fell over mine on the handle and the shovel sunk into the earth as if it was a knife cutting warm butter. I couldn't keep my eyes from widening, my breathing from speeding up nor my heart from wanting to sink with the shovel.

Chrollo walked away. I kept wheezing as I threw soil over my shoulder. When a car door closed and the engine revved up, I bit my lip and forced myself to keep digging. Even as I thought he would simply drive away and leave me to deal with the corpse.

Tears soaked my eyes and smoothened the soil bellow me as the jeep parked close by, the engine shut down and the door clicked open.

I blinked several times, eyes trained on the shovel as I forced it to rise and sink into the soil again.

He returned minutes later, to sit next to me with a book and simply exist over the sound of my sobs and metal scraping the soil.

> Author's Note: I shall be focusing on updating this fic! YAY! 

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