III. Priest

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> Y/N - Your Name

I just wanted the whole world to stop. I ignored all calls on the 4th of September, eyes fixed on the door, waiting for someone who'd never cross it. When the noise became unbearable, breaking the soft humming of the song that never left my mind after that day, a requiem for my friend, I finally picked up.

Falco screamed on the other end, none of his words made any sense in my head, it was almost as if he was speaking a different language. That didn't bother me.

"Falco, I want to quit." A current of curses entered my ears, now gaining shape and meaning. The words I always wanted to say but felt too prideful to, didn't seem to prickle as much up my throat as I thought they would.

"Y/N, let's talk about this later today, please just work the day and bring the car to the station." I stared at the clock, my shift was almost ending, when I sprung up, the floor wobbled under me, slipping away as I fell back to the couch.

"Ok, one last customer, where?" My hand slipped to rub my forehead. What day was it today?

"Lingon Airport." 

I blinked slowly, trying to remember the words. "I think I need to eat before, what's today's date?"

He gasped. "September 5th, Y/N, be quick, please." 

The line was cut, leaving me listening to slight static before I threw the phone to the table and repeated my attempt at getting up. When was the last time I had eaten? I devoured a messily made sandwich, took a quick shower, and put some comfortable clothes on. Routine kicking in and making all of it feel familiar, good.

In a daze I walked out of my apartment, entering my taxi. My mind chanting the words Lingon Airport, making sure they didn't escape. The trip was rather calming, I pulled over at the assigned spots for taxis and waited. A weird looking priest slid onto the passenger's seat. His dark hair was pulled back, shiny, his forehead had a weird cross tattoo, his eyebrows were thin, and his silver eyes met mine through the rear-view mirror, he smiled. Fake.

His head tilted just the right number of degrees to seem human, his large green ball earrings dangling. "Where to?"

"That's quite the question." His voice was smooth, and I noticed his face was scratched near his mouth.

"Well, yes. Was it rude of me to ask? It's just that I do need the answer to work." His shoulders jiggled.

"Ah, right. Are all taxi drivers this rude?" I rolled my eyes. This was not a good last customer.

"Do all cult priests not know where to go?" Silence took a stance, as he shifted on his seat to eye more of the rear-view mirror.

"Fair enough, good morning. If you had to travel eastward, where would you go?" I blinked, his adjustments nearly slipping my mind. Was he a method actor? Boy I did not have time for these gimmicks.

"I'd swim to the dark continent and die with a curse." 

His grey eyes shimmered as they widened. "That's actually a good idea." My eyebrows rose and my mouth hung open, was this man serious? "Then take me as further east as you can. I'll go by foot after."

"Seriously?" My voice cracked, his eyes seemed calm and secure, so I started the taxi, "Well, it's good, the fares change up in these trips." A hefty quantity was on my mind as the poor old car jittered its way through the highway. My humming resumed as I wondered how long it'd take to go to the eastern point of Yorknew City and then back to the station.

"Why are you humming that?" His voice sounded sharp, nothing like the fake calmness of before.

"Humming what?" Confusion filled my mind, as I turned on the blinkers to switch lanes and floored the gas pedal.

"That requiem." My vision turned blurry and I blinked hard, pushing the ideas and bad thoughts away.

"I'm saying my goodbyes to a friend." And to my life as I used to know it. I would return home and be judged for my reckless actions by my family. "Can't I hum? What a hard to please last passenger." I mumbled the rest to myself. He seemed to have caught it though.

"You... What's your name?" He continued untrustful.

"Not interested in dating a priest, thank you." His hands grabbed the side of my seat.

"I'm not a priest." He scoffed, having me rolling my eyes.

"My bad, cult leader." His mask returned, after a short flickering of his true self, now more careful. This man was shady.

"What I am doesn't matter, why did you say dark continent?" 

I gripped the steering wheel, as I stepped lightly on the brake, people driving slow on a highway, what a turn off. "It's effectively the most eastern thing we know so far." 

He remained quiet. 

"Only hunters can go though, doesn't seem like a shady dude like you has a hunter license."

"Never needed one, not like it'd be hard to get." I laughed. Hands trembling, this cocky man said some weird crap.

"What? Do you think you can steal one?" I turned the wheel, ready to leave the highway and possibly drop him off soon. I could feel the red flags raise, even when being incredibly tired.

"Yes." The seriousness in his voice made me swerve for a second. As soon as we left the highway I pulled over.

"You're not going to pay me, are you?" I whine as I turn to face him for the first time. His face was interesting, not that it was the point at the moment. My life had turned to shambles in the last days and this was just another shitty thing to add to the list.

"No. I might even steal your vehicle." I sighed, accepting defeat, knowing I'd never be able to defend myself against him. "I was going to kill you, but now I'm interested in some stuff."

A fake polite smile formed on his lips and my eyes widened as my heart rate went up by too much. A gasp left me and I struggled to get away, hands reaching the door handle. But before leaving the car, the back of my neck grew warm in pain and my consciousness dissipated.

 But before leaving the car, the back of my neck grew warm in pain and my consciousness dissipated

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> Author's Note: 

Life is getting rough for Reader-chan.

What do you think will happen?

Stay safe, Kissies from your Author-chan.

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