XXXVI. Prelude

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The cool breeze made me shiver, and I closed my eyes for a second, taking a deep breath before stepping closer to the bonfire. He didn't react to my approach, but he sat more comfortably as he worked some twigs into a net, so he could roast the meat he had laid over a small plastic plate. "In a way, we both lost our friends because of the actions of the Spider." 

And there they were, the mild lies, the aloof mask once more in place. "It's not the same... you don't truly mean that." I shook my head and looked around... where could I find something to sit on... 

He balanced his handmade grill over two large logs that surrounded the bonfire and laid the first set of sliced meat over it. A sigh left his lips and he looked back at me, mask down, sparks and embers being mirrored in his grey eyes, "I don't... But I can sympathize with your loss." 

I nodded, and he pulled a small blanket from his backpack, laying it next to him and patting it. I moved to sit over it, carefully whispering, "Why did you tell me the truth?"

His eyes left mine, "Why indeed..." he abandoned his thought to flip the meat. I cringed as I saw him grip the slices and turn them with his bare hands. Did he not feel the heat? His fingers had to be burning. 

I looked away from his hands, far into the dark woods. He had lost his friend too... I didn't know the details... Was it the same? Did it matter? I couldn't find it in me to hate him... I could only hate myself... for enjoying his company? Was it bad? Was it truly bad? I had finally found some freedom.

Chrollo hummed and handed me an empty plate to hold while he removed the meat from the grill. I wondered if he had anything to add it, at least salt... the fish had been horribly bland. So I could only guess the meat would be that way as well. I couldn't complain. Food was food, even if it didn't taste the best.

I tried to grab myself a slice, but it was insanely hot. A hiss left my lips and my hand jumped away instinctively. "Fuck." 

He chuckled, "It's hot."

"No shit." I blew over the tip of my fingers, softly. What were his hands made of? I held in my tears, and he found a fork for me after cleaning his hands. 

I looked at the white plastic fork, and then to the man holding it. Why was he being so nice? My head tilted softly, "What changed?"

"You did." Chrollo's voice was soft, and so close to me. Far too close, why had I decided to seat so close to him? Naked!? What was I doing? Oh, my lord- I changed? I... How? I mean... I did go crazy... I might still be mad, actually. Tossing my guilt away to enjoy the little life I had left. I changed... for the better or for the worse? Oh, my- I was still looking into his dark grey eyes... What could I say to this? My mind was racing, throwing a billion things at the same time... yet none seemed to quite encompass what I felt about the current situation.

"So did you." I whispered, surprised at myself for switching the aim of this conversation. I couldn't deal with attention. Not his attention. Not his beautiful grey eyes, not when they made me feel bad for not feeling guilty enough and for... no- I... why did I like him? That had to be wrong. 

"Huh..." He wet his lips and drew closer to me. 

Cold panic spread through my entire body. Why was he leaning towards me? "Chrollo?"

"Yeah?" He stopped, but didn't pull back.

My mind went blank, what could I ask to steer this conversation elsewhere? Surely something crazy like- "Would you win if you fought a pack of wolves?"

A smile spread over his lips, and his eyes softened. "Sure." 

And then he kissed me. 

His lips touched mine softly, his beautifully long black eyelashes met in slow motion as he closed his eyes. Wet warm lips, a bit rough, pressed against mine once more and I shivered. 

What was the point of worrying over morality? I'd be dead soon anyway? Who would know what I had done? 

Our lips parted, and I felt the loss like my body was mourning for his touch. His eyes flapped open in time to see me lean toward him, so I could seal our lips together again. His hand sunk into my hair and mine landed on his shoulder as he towered over me, pushing me down onto the blanket. 

I could hear my heart beating as I carded my fingers through his black locks, and he sucked my bottom lip into his mouth, biting it softly. A whimper left me as my back hit the soft blanket.

What was happening? Huuh. WHy was this happening? He supported his weight with his elbows over my shoulders, and his knee slid between my legs. 

My hands slid over his back, feeling the dips and strong muscles, until I couldn't reach lower, my fingers made their way upwards then, nails raking over his warm skin as his tongue slid into my mouth and met mine. The kiss grew wilder, faster, more messy. My nails sunk into his shoulders, and he bit my lower lip in contentment. 

His lips moved onto my jaw and then my neck, sucking, biting and licking as I held my voice in, my teeth sunk into my bottom lip and drew blood. I rolled my hips against his thick thigh and he hummed. 

He held himself over me, grey eyes dark, almost black as he looked at my face with the look. The look of a man who was about to break me. The look of a man who had gone crazy to hear the sound I made once I snapped. The look of a man starved. 

"You look like you're about to wolf me down." I heard myself say in a semi seductive voice I didn't know I had. Shock coursed through my veins, as the reality of the moment sunk in. 

"You look like you're about to ride me till dawn, just so you don't have to regret this when you wake up." 

Author's Note: Uhm. ? I did a thing? I don't know if this fits here, but do we care? 

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