LII. Bittersweet ⚠ {ending 3}

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Before I finished my sentence, I heard his voice, velvety smooth but imperative, cutting in. "That'll be a no."

I blinked, eyes still pinned to Kuri, thinking I had imagined it. My mind couldn't be so frail! I had been getting better. Sure, my eyes still swept every room searching for him but... my heart no longer jumped at the sight of dark hair.

Kuri turned around, as if he had heard it too, and there he was... Chrollo standing behind Kuri with a bored expression. He was wearing a dark hat that covered most of his forehead and hair, I thought he'd be looking at Kuri, but his dark eyes were focused solely on me. I blinked, not believing that I was seeing who I was seeing. No. He couldn't be here. I was hallucinating!

He wasn't even wearing his usual fluffy jacket but an oversized crumpled dark one, over a black turtleneck shirt. His trousers were black as well, without the usual stripes.

The silence seemed to last an eternity, but perhaps it was nothing but a second, since Kuri broke it with a simple, "Who are you?"

Chrollo scoffed, "No. Get the fuck out of our porch." He stepped around the other man and hid him from view as he stopped just short of crashing against me. With eyes wide, I stared at him in disbelief.

Was this real? Was this-

"Darling, I'm home." He leaned forward and planted a small kiss on my lips.

And I felt it. Warm and delicate.

How realistic was this hallucination?

Kuri grabbed Chrollo's shoulder, "What do you think you're-", Chrollo didn't budge, he didn't even look away from me, "Y/N- should I call the police?"

"You're here," I whispered, blinking slowly. Was he here?

He nodded, but what trust could I put in my vision of him? His hand caressed my cheek, so warm and rough against my skin.

A gasp left me and I screeched, "YOU'RE HERE?" while smacking his hand away.

Unbothered by my outburst, he shrugged and snaked his arms around me, "I'm sorry I'm late... Fi-"

"LATE? LATE? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" I smacked his arms, trying to pull away, but instead I found my body pulled tight against his.

"I didn't think-" He started, but I shook my head and cut him off again, finally remembering the existence of the man who was staring at us with the most confused expression ever. "I'm sorry Kuri. No need to call the police, I'll see you next friday."

"Why are you seeing some other dude on friday?"


"I know I'm late. I had a hard time keeping Hisoka distracted and then fighting him... I thought I could get it done quicker but-"

Should he be saying this out loud? Aaaah! "Just- shut the fuck up for a little bit, yes?" He blinked, and a dumb smile spread across his lips before he pecked my cheek. I waited for a rebuttal, but he simply stared at me, waiting. "OK- Kuri, I'll explain it later. Don't worry, this dumbass will not hurt me. Thank you for walking me home."

Kuri hesitated for a few seconds before nodding and leaving. We watched him go in silence, and once he disappeared from sight, Chrollo decided to start acting up again. "Coming from a date?"

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