VIII. One Room

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I jumped up when a door slammed close, taking in my surroundings carefully as my eyelids fluttered to adapt to the light from both the window to the side and the lamp that looked like it could fall at any moment. The ceiling itself was covered in some sort of cork, perhaps a means to muffle the sounds.

There was my kidnapper, the man who told me I would die by the end of this trip and called himself Spider. This was real life... A sigh left my lips as I mentally face-palmed. How naïve could I be to believe that all this could be a simple dream? He dropped two large black hiking bags on the floor, one of them flopped containing nothing inside.

My eyes went from the empty shell that was that hiking bag, much like myself, to the Spider. "Where did you get that?"

"Do you really want to know?" He unzipped his full bag and started to pull out what looked like casual clothes and some weapons. I squirmed against the head of the bed before rubbing my sticky with sweat forehead and cringing.

"Fair point." 

He continued the methodical inspection of the items and I just stared, what else was there to do? His hair was still slicked backwards but some strands had decided to rebel and started to frame his face. It looked hideous, I wasn't the only one needing a bath.

"What are you looking at, F/A 01? Or would you rather be called Y/N?" I shivered at the mention of my name, his dark grey eyes met mine and the lack of any proper emotion rose various red flags on my brain.

"Your hair looks... awful." His black eyebrow arched up, before he dropped the knife holster he had been holding on the bed. He took a step closer to me, his torso titled forward as his calloused hand ran over the navy blue bedspread.

"So does yours and what do you do? Take a nap instead of a bath." Perhaps I should've chosen death when he asked, being bullied for the whole trip before dying didn't feel great.

"Sure... because taking a bath and putting on these dirty clothes would be much better." My eyes rolled deciding to run away from his threatening gaze.

"Well aren't you in luck, I got you a fresh pair of clothes. Go and make yourself presentable." I turned to face him as he went back to sorting his items, he pointed to the bag on the floor.

A sigh left my lips as I stood up, grabbed the incredibly light and nearly empty hiking bag to head for the bathroom. "Don't take long Y/N."

I merely nodded, as I pulled open the bathroom door and closed it behind me. He didn't need a response, I was a captive here, I had no say in the matter. The bathroom was small, there was a rounded mirror facing me and that was enough to have my eyes rushing past the toilet to the shower in the corner, the glass doors seemed very feeble but it was not the time for pickiness. 

My sweaty clothes dropped to the floor next to the hiking bag as I adjusted the water to a decent temperature. Shivering as I had taken too long to find my way with the tap, I jumped inside and tried my best to close the sliding glass door slowly. Wouldn't want to break anything that I didn't have the money to pay for. 

It was too hot, but I wouldn't fight with the settings once more, I accepted it and picked up the tiny lavender shampoo bottle and scented soap prying any sweat and dirt away. I wished I could stay for longer under the soothing shower head but my mind was restless, too panicky to enjoy it to its fullest.

The towel was rough and cold but it did its job well enough. I struggled to open the bag and find a baggy F/C shirt and some large jeans, the underwear was too tight but it was better than nothing. I ripped a large slab of my poor uniform's jacket to fold and use as a belt. There was nothing to comb my hair with so I tried my best to pat it dry and hoped for it to not look hideous when dry. 

I opened the door to be shoved aside by the Spider and if looks could pierce, I would've broken apart the creaky wooden door.  So much for a change of life... Didn't even have the chance to quit my job, to stop driving that old thing Falco called a car... Sure it'd be awful to find another job and to hear the so condescending "I told you so"s from my family...

How much better was this than any of that though? I stared at the bed. Would I share a bed with a criminal whom I barely knew? Would I have to take the floor? My back still complained from the car trunk...

What was the point of any of this? If I was going to die... I could as well sleep on the bed. What would I sleep in...? I took my pants off and slid under the cold blankets. The wet hair didn't help with the shivering but one took what one could get.

The spider left the bathroom wearing less clothes than I had expected, black boxers peeked from the loose grey sweatpants that were a tick too big for him. A towel rested on his bare shoulders, his torso was immaculate, rather surprising considering he was a criminal after all. Well defined muscles now out in the open for me to gloat at. With his hair down, he could actually pass as a normal person if not for the forehead tattoo, what a bold choice that had been...

"For a scared little F/A someone is getting bold." He strode to the window, wet hair shinning in the moonlight, a large spider tattoo with the same symbol of his forehead took most of his back. What an odd view.

"If I'm going to die... I'd rather not have my back killing me when I'm driving." My trembly hands smoothed down the bedspread on top of me. I could do this, I could impose on this random man. I didn't have to behave like a proper adult, he was going to kill me anyway so I could just be whiny and have my trip ending earlier. 

"Alright." His voice held no emotion, his words had no meaning. He simply didn't care, I could assume he had slept in worse places with worse people. When the spider slid under the blankets on the other side of the bed I realized how small the bed actually was and how awkward this would be... 

Nothing to be done now.

Art by: IKZO (S_IKZO on Twitter) 

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Art by: IKZO (S_IKZO on Twitter) 

> Author's Note: Hello lovelies, I think this chapter was a bit boring. I'm sorry~~~

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