XXVII. Dream

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His dark eyes were on me, waiting for a response as he stood in the mist of the cool water drifting by. It was almost surreal, the image of him. His hair was messy from when he had taken off his shirt. The sunlight that managed to cross the tall trees created a patchwork over his pale, muscular body. Dark hair started a few fingers below his bellybutton and trailed down slowly, widening to disappear underwater.

"Y/N?" He stepped forward, my eyes snapped up to meet his, not for long since that was too intimate, and an involuntary shriek left my lips.

"Yeah. Okay. I won't if you don't." I forced my eyes to leave his forehead tattoo, the cross, and walked over to the tree where he had left his clothes.

It would be okay. It would. It's just a swim. He was a thief, a killer, a big shot criminal. I pulled the white baggy shirt off and tucked it further away from the water on a tree branch, my hands trembled, I shook them and took a deep breath.

He was attractive, calm, and charming. There was something to him. I unzipped my F/C cargo pants, and pulled them down slowly. He wore masks, he was my kidnapper, he had no care for my life at all.

Stepping out of them, I winced as the breeze hit my bare skin and crouched to pick them up and place them next to my shirt.

He was a mystery, a travel companion... My shadow and my interlude. It wasn't meant to last, it wasn't meant to be. He was going to be the death of me, quite literally. So how... how could I be so concerned about what this man thought of my body, when he was the one holding the knife that would take my life?

He doesn't care. He won't notice any of it. Any of the things I dislike. He doesn't see me as more than a driver. A mantra, looping in my head as I removed my underwear.

He won't care. He won't notice.

My eyes fluttered close, I took yet another deep breath, the air was fresh, humid, and I could smell hints of greenery somehow. It was relaxing.

I turned around and nearly dashed into the water. He won't notice any of it. Not a single thing. I gasped as soon as it hit my shins, and then my thighs, my navel. I pushed through, passed by him without a second look, and just dove head first into the water. The water felt like waking up, the cold tickled my skin and I held my breath a bit longer to prepare myself for the emersion.

My head poked out of the water seconds later, hands rose to rub my eyes, and I was but a neck above water, not willing to fully stand just yet.

"It seems like you really wanted that swim." I turned left, he was an arm's length away from me. A smirk was playing on his lips as he stretched his limbs upward and his muscles moved and popped out in the most distracting of ways.

"Yeah. I feel so awake right now." My voice was quiet, barely hearable.

"Was it all a bad dream?" He sunk down, covering his shoulders in water as well.

"Hm... it was a dreamless night, but when I started dreaming... the alarm rung." It made so much sense, but no sense at all.

I worried he'd think I was crazy, but he nodded, as if understanding exactly what I had described. "I see."

His head dipped under the water and emerged seconds later at exactly the same place. His arms rose to push his wet hair back, and he was a dripping sight.

It felt wrong to be naked, bared before him... When he looked like that, and I looked like this...

"We had a shower overdue." God how I hated his new mask... His glimmering eyes... they almost made me believe he was enjoying himself, joking about... Maybe he was... But I wouldn't be part of it, couldn't be... could I?

I snorted, "I sure did, digging graves isn't easy work."

"Isn't this a good reward?" He laid back, his torso appeared as he floated. He kept his waist underwater, and I thanked every god and devil for it.

"Hm. I can think of much better things." Like food, a warm bed, nice and cosy clothes, not fearing for my life... His lips parted, but I didn't let him talk as my mind remembered something else. "Oh! Did you see the fish?"

"Are there fish here?" He looked around. Chrollo looked silly, at least the version of him in which I only saw his head.

I laughed and pointed the way I had gone to gather wood, "I saw some over there when I was gathering wood."

"Hmm..." He turned around, his spider tattoo glimmered and his back muscles worked as he swam toward that direction.

"Can you catch fish?" My attention wasn't even there anymore, his ass was peeking out of the water.

"I can." I looked at his face. "A- Don't look at me like that, I actually can. Let's go."

It had been a while since I last swam, there wasn't much opportunity in Yorknew for a tired taxi driver. My muscles complained, and I was wheezing in no time, but I had reached Chrollo's side.

The most horrified scream left my lips as I felt something touch my leg and the first thing my panicked body did was jump closer to the killer, my arms wrapped around his bicep at an alarming speed.

"There are fish after all, huh?" His voice was calm. He hadn't even flinched with my sudden outburst.

My cheeks flamed, I peeled my hands off his warm, firm skin in pure embarrassment. The awkwardness didn't last long, since the moment I let go, his arm stretched and sunk underwater at high speed.

Eyes wide, I saw him pull out a full, live fish, squirming in his hand as it left the water.

"What the fuck- That was insane!"
"Are we having fish?" We both said at the same time.

"Yeah" "It was nothing."

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