II. Requiem

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> Warning: There's a bit of gore and death. Please don't read if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

> Y/N - Your Name

A shiver went up my spine as I sighed, knowing it'd take so long to get home, and I couldn't leave the taxi there, in the middle of the road.

When my phone trembled in my pocket, I flinched, it seemed as if the world was ending, somehow going in a sad requiem of explosions, police sirens and panicked screams. I drew the device closer to my ear, the other hand blocking the orchestrated outside noise on the other.

"Falco?" I questioned at the unusual silence.

"Y/N," I heard a faint whisper. "You have to come get me." A hiccup followed. "Please."

"Reah? What's wrong? Where are you?" My eyes trailed back to the Cemetery building, horror filling my bones as my eyes widened and my mouth hung open. "Please tell me you're nowhere near the place where hell is spawning."

A hiccup followed and my heart sunk. "Really? Where exactly are you, Reah?"

"Bay Route." Was the following whisper and I just stared at the source of noise. Bay Route was one of the streets closer to the building.

Should I go get her? My mind was racing, weighing all the dangers. Her pancakes were good, yet I didn't feel like dying today... When her next sob echoed in my ear, I got in the taxi, only to take it out of the way of the other cars. It was horribly parked when I jumped off, locking it and running towards the mess. Deciding that running head on into the murder symphony was a bad idea, I took some unknown side roads and used the panicked screams to stay away from the general mess.

I was halfway there when I took off my jacket, panting and feeling too hot. There was a narrow path connecting the street I was on to the main street, a slight glimpse showed fire, two mafia men shooting, absolute horror featured on their faces, and in a second they were falling on the ground as a short, dark haired man with a dark bandana covering his mouth waved a sword around to get rid of the blood. That was my cue to keep running, anyone that can defeat mafia dudes using guns with only a sword was too dangerous. Too insane. Too much for my unskilled self.

My lungs burnt, begging for oxygen, my limbs were starting to go numb when I finally reached the beginning of Bay Route. Gasping for air, I stumbled over a dead body and grabbed the wall of a nearby shop for support. My heart was beating faster, my palms were sweating and there was something wet on my face.

I saw Reah's favourite red backpack a few meters away, in the middle of the street, over a beheaded man and splotched with blood. A whimper left my lips, as I jumped over pieces and entrails of people to get closer to her backpack. My eyes kept falling to the remains of something I wished to never witness, something that I kept telling my fertile mind to stop picturing. Fright was a bastard, taking control of me.

I was nearly there, just a tiny bit more, I kept saying to myself as I shakily stepped closer. My heart skipped a beat when my foot slid, and all I could do was panic as I fell on a bloody, gut filled road. My hands softened my fall, instinctively, but that didn't make it better. The smell was putrid, I glanced back to look at what had made me slip, it reminded me of a liver. Much like in those giant posters of the human body at school. I spun in horror and my butt met a rough road, my view had been blurry for a while, yet I had just become aware of the tears that ran down my face, I cleaned the quivering dirty hands on my shirt, as a loud sob left my throat. Unable to move, I just trembled waiting for my breathing to quiet down. It felt like days, I stood up shakily, and kept my eyes closed for a while.

Were Reah's pancakes really worth it? Yes. She was a good friend, I knew the first days of September were always the most chaotic, but this... this was a completely different level. When my eyes fluttered open, no longer crying, even though my skin felt sort of tight and weird where the streams of salted water had passed, loud sobs still left me periodically. I jumped closer to her backpack, grabbing it triumphantly, before realizing I could've just called her.

An immense wave of cringe crossed my body as I touched my phone with my barely clean hands, somehow oily, and my heartbeat rushed again, when a trembling sound closer to me reached my ears. The silence from before was disturbing, but nothing had me ready to have it being broken, even if it was by me. I spun around, not seeing Reah and not wanting to look at the floor. No. She couldn't be dead. No. Maybe it's someone else calling to one of the dead bodies. Yes. It can't be...

It can't be, that's not Reah. That's not Reah. Many people have the same colourful shirts, maybe she left this place when she had the chance, after calling me. Yes. Many people had similar shirts; it'd be ok. It'd be ok. It can't be Reah.

My heart seemed so hollow, yet no tears fell from my eyes. The silence that I had been hearing was replaced by the hellish requiem made with wails of despair when I started to turn back, slowly walking back to my car. All I had to do was to go home, Reah would probably be waiting for me. She would want to complain about her receptionist work and how rude some customers were. My taxi was still badly parked in the same place, I had no idea how I had gotten there so quickly nor how I had managed to avoid being killed. When I sunk in the very lightly padded seat, my hips hurt at the impact, the faint smell of cigarettes and perfume reached me, familiar... comforting...

I left the taxi on the street in front of my apartment, the stairs creaked as always when I stepped on them. I struggled with the key, hands too shaky to align it with the keyhole. When I finally walked inside, all I could hear were cars beeping outside, the living room was dark. I turned the light on, my eyes feeling dry and incredibly sensitive as I sunk in the couch, wanting to run away from this all.

> Author's Note: This took such a dark turn, I'm sorry~ 

Stay safe and healthy my loves,

Kissies,  Atnica.

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