XXII. Prude

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The forest was on fire. Because of me. I tossed that match. I knew it was wrong and I'd do it all the same. What did this mean? Was I a bad person? Did it matter? Did I have to consider that? I was going to die sometime soon. This would be wasting my time...

Chrollo sat on the driver's seat, arse first, his white shirt was unbuttoned at the top and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. People sure looked neat when they didn't have to dig a grave.

Why was I even looking at the man, after what had just happened with those policemen? My cheeks flushed, I sighed, being forward wasn't really something I did. It had been too long since... anything of that sort. It was quite sad to note that taxi drivers didn't get much attention.

The roar of the jeep woke me from my thoughts and I blinked to the surprise of Chrollo's grey eyes targeting me. "What are you looking at, Y/N?"

"You look so..." Good? Hot? "decent, how could they believe that I was down filthy and you somehow managed to get away without a single hair out of place?" That was a good question. Perhaps policemen too, didn't get to be forward with their sexual endeavours.

"Maybe you weren't that good?" His lips quirked as he shifted the gear and started the car following the indications of the officers outside.

I scoffed, "And you were mind shattering?" Just when I felt free and planted a seed of confidence, this man weighted me down and decided to steal it away from me.

"That would've been it yes." The car speed up as he entered the town, still in sight of the stationed police cars. I rolled my eyes. How much sex could a killer and thief get? Probably not more than what I did. Even if he looked like that. Although... he was smooth with his words-

"Glad to know that, hypothetically, you're the most insane fuck I've ever experienced." Stores started popping up and traffic picked up.

"So, believing I'm a thief and many other things was quick but taking my word on this isn't?" He looked at me in disbelief.

"You proved most of them?" I had believed them before any proof, he just had that air to him. He also looked like he could be the best sex of my life if I was crazy enough to go for a murderer. But I couldn't tell him that. He had a large ego, I didn't.

"Exactly, when have I lied to you?" He slowed down the jeep, turning into the large parking lot of a large shopping mall.

"How would I know if you've lied?" This conversation was going nowhere. It made no sense to be talking about the hypotheticals of sex with Chrollo. His hand landed on my seat as he looked back to park into a tiny pace between two cars. He had a rear-view mirror but why use it? Why- Why did I think that his flawless driving ability was hot. What was wrong with me? This was not who I was. No. I refused to believe it.

"Want something from the shop?"

My eyes left his one hand on the wheel and met his, my brain stopped functioning. Did I want something from the shop? DID I WANT SOMETH- "Clothes, food, toiletries."

"Clothes it is then." His hand grabbed the handle of the door.

"Wha-" I pulled the jacket over my body as the door flew open. "Eeep."

"Prude." Oh, he didn't.

"Get your cock out then Ch-" The door slammed and effectively silenced me. I hoped he could feel my fuming eyes through the fucking tinted glass as he sauntered into the mall as if it was a usual Thursday morning.

I hated him, and that was superior to any other weird feeling that decided to magic itself into existence. He'd only get me clothes... That meant that I'd need to somehow get food and toiletries for myself? I needed a bath... A looong scrub and boiling water to take away that awful night of grave digging.

Sadly, Chrollo didn't care for what I needed, only for what appearances would lead to believe so I pulled his jacket and rubbed it all over my body. He'd get a sweaty jacket. Fuck him.

The people walking by had me on edge, just how tinted was the glass? Could people see me? Did I look like the messiest mess to ever exist?

I sighed, reclined the seat and decided a nap was due. All the evil deities responsible for my bad fortune knew damn well I had gotten the worst possible ever nights of sleep.


A door slammed close and I started, my racing heart started to quiet down as I caught the sight of grey eyes and blueish earrings. I reset my seat and eyed the large bag that had landed on my lap.

"Are we going to have to go past the police again?" It made little sense to stop and get me stuff, unless he wanted to fake it for the appearance.

"Yeah, back to the hotel." He started the car and drove off, tracing back the same path to go past the police cars. He rolled down his window to wave at the tall one and I forced myself to wave, face falling as soon as the window was up.

"What hotel?" I looked at the large buildings appearing in the distance.

"No hotel. We're simply taking another route to leave this town." Ah. That made so much more sense.

"So, I assume I'll have to clothe myself here?" This was horrible. I couldn't believe it. How was I to... get into these brand-new clothes all sweaty while also in a moving car with Chrollo driving? He would see me.

"Yes. Quickly if you will."

"Don't look." My voice sounded so small, pleading... I had little left... I wanted to keep my dignity at least.

At those words, the fucker decided to turn to face me. "So you're only up for stripping in front of me?"

> Author's Note: ~~~ Double update time dears~~~ We do love a good update spam. What are your thoughts on the current events?

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