IV. Struggle

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> F/A - Favourite Animal

My body was stiff, my neck and back screamed in pain when my eyes fluttered open. I moved my limbs only to hit walls on every side, my heart sank, breathing starting to pick up. It took me a while to adapt to the darkness, thin strings of light coming from above hit what I could discern to be the trunk door.

He had locked me in the trunk, like criminals did to dead bodies in movies. This had to be a fucking joke. I couldn't. My life couldn't end like this. What had I done to deserve this?

Should I just accept my fate?

The silence was disturbing, and it took me a long time to realize that it was because the car wasn't working. It was parked, somewhere.

How could I get out? If I screamed would someone listen? How lucky could I be? A sigh left my lips as I reviewed all the shit that had happened in the last few days... Luck... Luck must have decided to abandon me for good. The backseat could open, having the back fall into the seat in case people needed more space than what the trunk allowed. Did I dare kick them? Would they even budge? The latches were incredibly rusty. What if the damn priest was inside the car? I would be knocked out again or worse... Killed.

My nose wrinkled as I took in more of that dusty air, would I really go down without struggling? My hands searched my surroundings for weapons, tools, anything I could use. Had I taken the tool box out? I didn't remember doing so. Did he take it out? What was he? A professional kidnapper? I clenched my fists, how helpless could I be?

Like a lightening bolt, my hands reached for my front pockets, I always carried my keys and those had a little multi-use tool that Falco had gotten me. When my soft S/C tips felt the cold metal of my keys my heart leapt, I could almost kiss the old man for this.

I wiggled myself closer to the door, my plan was to force the latch so the door opened. The car was old, this could either go well because the latch was used and loose or incredibly wrong since rust was slowly taking over everything. I pulled the keychain, slowly gripping everything so it didn't clink together. My breathing uneven as I pushed one of the buttons so a little nail file stuck out. Only reliant on tact, my fingers ran over the edge until they found a protuberance.

The material was a spongy plastic, my nails sunk in it and ripped bits of it out. I needed to find the latch and have enough space to force it open. So my work began, slowly scraping the plastic out of the bump, starting by the edges. I could see a smidge of the latch in the little space between the door and the bumper.

My fingers ached from forcing the tiny metal nail file over and over, my right arm trembled clearly disagreeing with its current position under my body so I could be as close as possible to the edge. Sharp pain visited my neck when I rolled it, trying to ease the stiffness.

I wouldn't quit. The coolness of steel in the place I had carved cheered me up, and I forced it once more, hearing the latch whine as my hands trembled with all the strength I was able to gather. Almost, almost there. I hushed the bad thoughts away, even when they were incredibly pertinent like what would I do when I got out? Walk home? Where was I even?

I rolled, taking my weight off my arm and breathing deeply. I had to get out, the dusty air was driving me crazy. I counted back from three, readying myself for another try.

The latch whined once more, this time making the unlocking sound I so desperately wanted to hear. I contained a yelp when the door rose. Suddenly blinded by brightness all I could do was seat and stretch my arms and back. I tapped my legs, swung my poor aching legs out and pushed myself closer to the edge, my feet hit the gravel.

Carefully passing more of my weight to my legs, they had been all crunched for a long time after all, I stood up. And now what? To my right a large forest began, to my left a small gravel road separated me from more trees and bushes.

I took a step closer to the road, ready to flip a coin and sprint for whatever direction. There were no signs, nothing telling me where I was. Before I could take another step, something poked my back.

"Now, where do you think you're going?" A curse left my lips and I just quit. No more. There was no way I'd get out of this alive, why even bother? Accepting it would hurt less.

"Nowhere. Do you pray to the sun, priest?" I squinted as I looked up.

"No. There are no gods to pray to." Whatever was poking my back disappeared and I was nudged to turn to the taxi.

"Can't say I disagree." I sighed, striding to the edge of the forest and then back.

"Are you ready for a road trip?" I straightened my back as my gaze fell on him, he seemed amused, his dark eyes glimmering in the sun.

"Why do I have to go? Who are you? And where are we going?" His strong arm lifted to close the trunk. It took a while as he leaned against it and contemplated his life before he answered.

"I'm curious about the song you're humming, I'm the Spider and we're going east." My eyebrow rose and I couldn't for the life of me tone down my sarcasm and incredulity.

"The Spider? What are we doing? Playing code names? I want to be F/A 01 then." The spider snorted, shaking his head in disbelief, before pointing to the driver's side.

"You're driving, F/A 01."

> Author's Note:

I'm so sorry for the long wait, I hope you enjoy it.


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