XLI. Rush

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Right by the end of the escalator, stood a security guard who looked oddly familiar. I sighed when his thin lips mouthed my name, his voice wasn't strange... he had probably gone to school with me but... what was his name? Jacob? Julian? John? Did it even start with a J? Jay? It didn't really matter, I gave him a wave and made my way to the opposite direction, where the large entrance to the grocery store was. 

"Y/N!" Ah... really? I slowed down and turned to face the burly man, he was larger than most, his face didn't match his muscled body. His uniform made him more attractive than what I remembered of him... Not that it mattered. It had only taken me a few minutes in this town to realize that I didn't really want to be back, even if it solved some of my problems. I'd rather be living dangerously and eventually die somewhere. 

"Jake?" He didn't seem to mind the question in my voice as his soft brown eyes lit up. "Have you seen my mom?" Did he know my mom? He probably did... Small towns... Everyone knew everyone. 

"Yeah, she went to Val's." He took his final step to stand upright in front of me. I held the urge to roll my eyes. In another life, I could've settled down for a man like him. Someone whose eyes were warm and inviting... And I'd be bored to death with it. Maybe the other me would've enjoyed the little things... Who knows... I certainly knew that this warmth was uncomfortable. I didn't want it. I didn't know why.

"Thank you, it was lovely seeing you." I spun on my heel and took two steps before noticing Jake right beside me, matching my stride.

"Wait." He chuckled, "Let's catch up, it's been a while-"

"In a hurry. Bye, Jake!" I ran the rest of the way to the entrance of Val's, it was much larger than before. It seemed Val was doing good business. I patted my empty pockets and looked around for cameras while I searched for both my mom and the toiletries' aisle. I found the aisle first, and with a slow look around, I sneaked all I needed into the deep pockets of my coat.

My heart was racing as I quickly moved to a different aisle, picking a kitchen knife and sliding it into my left pocket. I was rushing, it would draw attention to me... I knew it, but I kept moving from aisle to aisle until I found my mom on the snacks' aisle, holding a box of my father's favourite cereal. 

 My shoulders sunk, and my legs started feeling like jelly as I joined her. She took a single appraising look at me before nodding, satisfied. It seemed I was sufficiently clean. "Mom."

"I was on a rush before, had to get to the doctor's appointment. Nothing wrong with me, just routine. I do need to pick up your father's medicine and find some warm socks for your grandfather, he's... had better days." She rambled on, unleashing all her worries and simply hoping for a nod or a hum, just like always. She always ran a tight schedule, having too much on her plate at all times, wearing herself thin... I simply smiled sympathetically and picked a few cereal bars to place on her cart once she asked if I needed anything. 

When we reached the cashier, an old woman named Val, her ramble changed for a cheerful questioning of Val's family and wellbeing. Val let out an exasperated sigh once asked about her father. Surprising that she had any parents alive, she looked ancient. "He's at the hospital, and you know how he is... already believing it is time to die." Isn't he a mood? I zoned out of the conversation several times as I helped my mom unload her cart. 

This was her life, and she was moderately happy with it. I followed her through the detectors and the alarm went off. Val waved a hand to dismiss my mom's confused look and turned off the alarm. "It does that for the weirdest reasons sometimes!" 

Her full trust on my mother wasn't surprising, and I simply helped my mom with her bags after she paid, and walked with her to the car park, where my jeep was parked. "I have been meaning to call you, my dear, but it's just one thing after the other lately..." 

I smiled and stopped next to the boot of my parents' car, "It's fine." I once needed it. Now... it was a good thing that she didn't. "You wouldn't be able to call me anyway, I'm taking a break from electronics and travelling the country." My pitch grew higher, but my mom didn't seem to notice it. It was that easy. To lie. 

My mom unlocked the car and opened the boot. "Really?" 

I nodded, bending down to grab the bags and place them carefully inside. My mom was oddly silent looking over my shoulder, and I was about to ask what was wrong when his smooth voice interrupted all my thought process, "Y/N." 

It was far too close for comfort... or, perhaps, it was far too close for my nerves. My belly seemed to fill with butterflies, and I felt myself straighten up and relax at the same time. I spun around to meet his dark grey eyes and swallowed down my embarrassment. "Michael."

"Hmm." His lips curved upwards as his gaze flickered to my mom for a second before returning to me, "Yeah?".

"I was about to go looking for you. I'm done, are you ready to leave?" I nearly mashed the words together with the speed at which I was spewing them. 

Unaffected by my embarrassment and anxiety, Chrollo took a step closer to me and pronounced his words with calmness. "You were?"

"Y/N, you're going? Who is he?" My mom's lips pursed together, and she gave Chrollo a once over. 

I removed my cereal bars from the shopping bags and slid them next to the stolen knife on my left pocket. "This is Michael, mom. I'm travelling with him... I know, he looks... like a rebellious priest? But he's... a lovely chap once you get to know him, I guess."

Her eyebrows were attempting to fly out of her face via forehead as her eyes darted between me and the man with a forehead tattoo wearing dark shades. Chrollo, whose silver tongue often had a mind of its own, was awfully quiet. Was this part of his silent treatment? What a petulant child. "Are you doing well, Y/N?"

"Yes, mom. I'm sorry, we're in a bit of a rush. Give my regards to the family! I'm not sure when I'll be available for contact, but I'll be in touch!" Again, the pitch of my voice was a telltale sign of my lie, but my mom didn't seem to voice any concerns or notice that I was lying. I gave her a quick look and whispered a sweet "Bye" to her before turning around, grasping Chrollo's arm and dragging him with me to the jeep.

He didn't resist at all, which was surprising... I was half expecting him to simply stay stuck in his place and embarrass me to the next life. 

Author's Note: Double update?~ <3 

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