Chapter 12: Great together

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The streets were empty, cold and damp as it was midnight, it rained hard and it was hard to see. Luckily Claude knew the way if his eyes were closed or binded. He smiled as Maria held his hand on the way to the way to the Palace of Justice, the more she held, the more the young man felt like a good person, leading her to shelter.

He opened the door leading to a dark hall, full of metal armor, crucifixes and portraits. The air was warm in which the young couple felt comfort as they entered. Both of them slowly tiptoing to Laverne's room, it was a relief Jacque wasn't joining his wife these days and left her to be with one of his sons to watch over her.

Claude gently opened the bedroom door as to not startle Laverne. The couple entered as slow and as quiet as possible, lighting a small candle to light their way. Claude looked at his sleeping mother, as she was in peace and safe from harm in her sleep. "She's so pretty. For a young woman, it seems impossible she is sick." whispered Maria when Claude sat beside Laverne. Claude thought the same thing, for a woman in her early 50s and to have a disease that made her behavior change and make her forget such things was an odd thing.

"Father was always hard on her. Making her feel bad, ordering her around, letting her stay everyday in here. She wanted to raise us right but he took us away at a young age, prepared us for what we are now and going to be. I am to take his place once he cannot anymore and Jehan, Archdeacon of Notre Dame. It is also a burden for us for how serious he is. Mother only wanted a family, children to love and a husband that can love and appreciate her." Said Claude, tears dripping from his eyes, wishing his life would've been different. Maria placed her hand on his shoulder, so gentle, delicate and warm. She hugged Claude as best as she could and this one held her back, it was the most comforting feeling he had experienced apart from his mother's embrace.

Laverne woke up to see the beautiful sight, for the first time she was truly happy to see her son grow and find someone, even if she was a gypsy. Claude saw his mother wake and let go of Maria, she did the same. "Mother, why are you awake? Are you alright? Do you need something?" he asked. Laverne held Claude's hand which lied beside hers.

Laverne: No son, You are already here. And your lady friend. You two look perfect together.

Claude: this is Maria, mother. She wanted to see how you were.

Laverne: What a kind heart. Bless you Child. I'm grateful you and my son are friends. Maybe I may live to see you be something more.

Claude had a big smile on his face hearing his mother bring positivity. It felt like light has brightened the room, maybe with enough time and health she might see them be something more that is if both agree. "Rest mother. It's late, I'll see you tomorrow." Claude said before kissing Laverne's forehead and she went back to sleep. Maria had a tear on her face, seems she felt wholesome. Both left the room and outside they went once more. "She is such a saint. You're right. She doesn't deserve such evil and such man. " She said.

"And she was right, not all gypsies are evil. You are not evil. Maybe you can be their savior Maria." said Claude, kissing her knuckles before parting ways for the night. And in the darkness Maria roamed back to her place, wherever it was, hoping her place will be with Claude's soon. Wishful Thinking, perhaps.

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