Chapter 19: Look for no Evil

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The streets had more guards than before, no gypsies on sight, not even their tents. Notre Dame was crowded with her people, making purchases, shopping for clothing and all sorts, no music, dance or anything out of the ordinary in sight. A good look into Claude's favorite bar, made him think that something bad happened to gypsies, especially Maria. "Maybe it is for the best that she left our city.   We would've known our father's wrath of he would know my brother was courting a Gypsy." He thought for himself, interrupted for a moment when the bartender asked what he wanted. "Bottle of your finest wine. Er...what my brother Claude would like when sitting among you." He answered. The bartender stood quiet, knowing that he was talking to Claude's serious brother and if he was to talk ill to Jehan, this one would tell Jacque what happened.

"So sorry for your loss, mate. Your mother was a good woman, she would help fortune tellers get what they needed." He said. Jehan nodded, thanking the man as he took the bottle. Jehan returned home, bottle in hand and books Claude has not read. He felt uneasy as he roamed to his chambers. He was afraid to see Laverne again, to see a ghost, a vengeful demon or the devil himself.  After placing Claude's books and wine bottle on a small table, Jehan left to his own chambers and started praying. "There is no need for forgiveness, my son. You have not done wrong." , Jehan felt a sharp chill up his spine and turned around to see a smiling Laverne. "How is this possible. Have you not gone to heaven? Mother, is that really you?" Jehan's voice broke for a moment and one of few tears ran down across his face, seeing that his mother was before him, watching them. "Is it true? What Claude said, you are a gypsy?" he asked, composing himself, standing straight and looking around for Laverne, whose body disappeared, though her presence was known. 

"I was born in the streets, like any other gypsy. Notre Dame was populated by so much poverty back then until some other gypsies found me and decided to adopt me. I grew with their customs, their arts and practices until these gypsies sold me to two women who truly practiced witchcraft, they said they needed the money, so as one of them they taught me the black and white arts. Turns out the eldest of them, Iaga, wanted to form a coven to protect and destroy. She can see their destinies, mine, yours, all our families. I never had that power, Segenis, the second of the three, was in charge of correcting destiny's line, if it was to stray away, she was in charge of correcting it. The third, Sodexus, joined the coven days after my test of magic, in which I failed to cast a spell and yet, they let me stay for other purposes. Sodexus could do spells and curses, all the things I could not.  I married your father years later when he was the new Judge, I met him  during his studies. I can confess I fell in love with him, but his love for me lasted until he knew I was a gypsy. That is when he decided to punish me in the dungeons of the palace, made me beg for redemption and married him, showing him I decided to leave the path of evil. I was wrong after I gave him two sons. I thought I was trapped in a hellish prison, but you boys were my happiness, my heaven."

Jehan could barely keep himself conscious, Claude was right and felt wrong to doubt his brother. Jehan had one more question, that made his eyes water. "Who attacked you and made you sick? Was it them or...gypsies?" Laverne materialized near Jehan's window and pointed outside. Jehan, looking down, spotted Jacque holding hands with Fleur, sliding a ring on her finger.

"Your father, unfaithful and drunk that time attacked me, blaming gypsies to place a bad image on them. Help my people Jehan, promise me you will help them and keep your brother safe."

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