Chapter 32: Dark Fire

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Is everyone ready for the big part?


Confiteor deo omnipotenti
Beata María semper Virgini
Beato Michaelis Archangelo
Sanctis apostolis omnibus sancti

The sun hid as soon as Claude arrived at the Palace of Justice. The night was the darkest and it was cold, Claude enjoyed such night when he was younger and he still did. Perhaps he liked it because of his cold heart, or he liked to start a fire and warm up to enjoy the loneliness. Maybe he wanted to be alone because he was about to summon the siblings. However, his mind wasn't on summoning them. He was thinking about Esmeralda, as if he was under a spell, her spell. His troubled mind was enough to manifest the two sisters and their brother. He was startled by their appearance. He composed himself and looked at them, he felt their stare as they were shadows on the walls, they were holding hands. Claude felt a twinge of fear as if someone was embracing him, was it the cold air? Was he getting sick? No, it was their presence, their aura made Claude feel fear up his spine. 

Sodexus: You have disappointed us, Claude.

Iaga: We know you have sinned...

Segenis: The child has bewitched you.

Claude: I have done nothing wrong! That witch casted a spell on me. Whenever she is close, she makes me her slave.

Segenis: Beware Claude Frollo. One small misstep and your soul will remain where it belongs.

Sodexus: Your father will not approve of your actions.

Iaga: Tread carefully, seek guidance from Rowrso.

Claude: Come now. I do not need guidance...I know what I must do. I am afraid you three have disappointed me.

Segenis: Your impudence will cost you. It is time for a change. Time for you to take action.

Claude: It is you who have been invading my life. Go back to whatever hell you came from.

Sodexus: Beware child. Beware of your actions. Your sins reek like rotten flesh. We have seen your thoughts.

Iaga: Your plan will succeed if history is in your favor.

The siblings faded slowly into nothing, leaving a scared Claude behind. Even though he could no longer see them, he could feel their presence, ever since they first appeared before him. He turned around to see outside, to see his beautiful city and the stars. He was sure Maria had come back for him in the form of Esmeralda, a young self. He thought he could control such person, take earlier action than last time. She was in there, in the cathedral, all alone and cold. His head was full of the most wonderful ideas. She would've been in the palace, with him, warm and fed, a life any thief would want. Maria would have been his wife, with their own offspring, she wouldn't have been treated like his mother. Claude wasn't like Jacque, he wouldn't treat a woman  badly, if they don't cross him. "Maria..." he thought, he still loved her, he needed her. He missed the woman who once filled his heart with happiness and made him smile once or twice. He was truly happy back then. "Maria..." Her name and her face were like glue in his mind.

" Beata Maria, you know I am a righteous man. Of my virtue I am justly proud. Beata Maria, you know I'm so much purer than the common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd. Then tell me, Maria. Why I see her dancing there? Why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul? I feel her, I see her! The sun caught in her raven hair is blazing in me out of all control. Like fire, Hellfire. This fire in my skin. This burning desire is turning me to sin."

He swore he saw Maria dancing among the fire of his chimney, was it a spell or was he hallucinating. Perhaps he was mad with lust. She was smiling, dancing for him, Claude was afraid to admit such sin. He remembered Esmeralda's shawl in his pockets, it was very soft and smelled like her. He felt comfort when he stroke it across his face, thinking Maria had caressed his face. He felt anger and disappointment on himself. He started fearing for his life, for his sins, for his outcome. His madness becoming reality when robed figures surrounded him chanting and he was denying he had done nothing wrong, claiming he was a saint and the one responsible for such thoughts was the poor girl. "Mea Culpa. Mea Maxima Culpa"

" It's not my fault, I'm not to blame! It is the gypsy girl, the witch who sent this flame! It's not my fault! If in God's plan, He made the devil so much stronger than a man! Protect me, Maria. Don't let this siren cast her spell, don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone. Destroy Esmeralda and let her taste the fires of Hell! Or else let her be mine and mine alone!"

Maria was still alive, in his head. The thought of it was like a parasite who will not let him go. He thought she could listen to his words. The fire figure of Maria stared and burned to become a larger smoke like figure who longed for his embrace. He tried to hold her in his arms when this one disappeared, he longed to hug her like before. There was a knock on the door. He turned his head to look, in fear. Why was he afraid by a knock? One of his soldiers opened the door, he couldn't see his face for it was dark. It was someone he knew, yet he did not  at that time, but the brother Sodexus. He wanted to tell something to Claude. "Minister Frollo. The gypsy has escaped. She's nowhere at the cathedral. She's gone" said Sodexus disguised as the guard. Claude was but shocked to hear some news, how can one girl escape a big place surrounded by soldiers? he thought "But how I-...Never mind! Get out, you idiot! I'll find her! I'll find her if I have to burn down all of Paris!" He felt like anger and with such he felt hot, perhaps because of the fire burning. His prey had escape her cage and now she will know his wrath like before.

"Hellfire, Dark fire. Now gypsy it's your turn. Choose me or your pyre. Be mine or you will burn! God have mercy on her. God have mercy on me. But she will be mine or she will burn!"

He threw the shall at the fire, cursing the situation upon him. He admitted he would look for the flame that burned him and it will be his. He swore Esmeralda will join him, like his mother joined his father, he would repeat history, and he won't make the same mistake his father did. He promised order and peace for his people and he will deliver. He fainted and dropped to the cold floor as his thoughts whirled around his head. He could see Maria, Pierre, Jacque and Laverne staring at him, they looked disappointed. They looked dead but Claude promised to make them proud, he swore he would not fail, for anyone.


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