Chapter 39: ...or the fire

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Once the sun started to shine and warm the city of Notre Dame, Claude tried to look his best and not seem like he was doing this for his own sake but for the sake of the city and goodness of his people. He was eager to place fear in the hearts of people, warn them that if anyone crosses him, they will suffer fate worse than the afterlife. Claude ordered every guard to drag every gypsy in cages and chains, block every entrance and exit around the plaza, in front of the church. He saw how other soldiers were gathering enough wood and rope for everybody, it was going to be a day full of smoke and ashes. Claude did not bother to tell Jehan about the event or what he was doing the night before, he let his brother tend to his duties inside church and cut away from the outside, like their father intend to. The sky had a orange red tone to it, as if it was on fire, when he hasn't lit anything yet. For Claude it was a sign that everything will turn out the way he wanted. Ignis.

Once his carriage stopped on the plaza and he hopped out, he couldn't help but look up the bell tower to see the boy who has helped him on his quest, and he did not have to do anything but finish it. At last, he was grateful Quasimodo helped him like he intended to "Look at your son, Maria. Are you proud of him? The creature you created helped me cleanse the evil you brought upon this world. " He thought and a twisted smirk formed on his face. He felt nothing but pride when he saw the boy broken and depressed, just like he was once, he had broken his spirit, Maria's spirit. "Bring the gypsy girl. She will be the first to answer for her crimes." said Frollo to his lieutenant. Some guards lined up in front of citizens as they started gathering around the plaza away from the prisoners, Claude didn't want anyone to interact with his captives or stop him in the process of his way of justice. He knew there were some people that are against this act and wanted to do something about it, he feared a riot and he was willing to double up security. His prisoners were looking out their cages to look at the citizens and the guards, none dare ask for help or find reason, they were accepting an unjustified fate. Pheobus and Clopin looking at Esmeralda as the guard were taking her to the unlit wood and tying her hands around a post, "What will Maria think, Claude!? You can do better! Do not let an old grudge consume you!" yelled Clopin, it made Claude angry, angry to order his solders to take Clopin apart from the rest and hit him to keep quiet. 

Claude was quiet, conserving his voice to sentence his enemies, he did not sleep before dawn. He was excited, like an innocent boy receiving a gift or hearing good news. He spotted his brother opening the doors of the cathedral, it made him smirk some more. Jehan was in shock, scared of the atrocities his brother would make, the evil he swore to kill after his father, if fate could be a little different. His eyes were seeing a whole familiar scene, one that haunted him every night as his father and stepmother burned at the stake. Guards blocked his way, knowing he did not have power over the madness Claude was doing, Claude made sure he couldn't interfere with his wishes. Claude took a scroll from one of the guards to read the words out loud, "The prisoner Esmeralda has been found guilty of the crime of witchcraft. The sentence...Death!" yelled Claude, as he looked at his audience, complain, beg and yell. They were not happy with Claude's actions, but he didn't care a single bit, he needed to do this, (For yourself? or for the people? Naughty Claude.

Claude remembered the deal he offered to Esmeralda; did she decide what to do? He needed to know before she would burn or stay alive. He took the torch a guard was holding for him and approached the girl. Esmeralda looked tired, hungry and afraid yet Claude was unsure if she gave in to him or rather die. " The time has come gypsy. You stand upon the brink of the abyss. Yet even now, it is not too late. I can save you from the flames of this world and the next. Choose me...or the fire." said Claude only for her to hear, she was disgusted by the smirk on his face, so sick that she had to spit in his face. Her expression of anger, as if her flame was lighting up, it was imperative for Claude to put it out before it burns him instead. His was only stronger by Esmeralda's decision, yet he had no empathy or second thoughts in burning her. In the end, Maria didn't love him, she never did, not even when she kissed him. Maria was going to burn, and suffer like he did, and he would finally be free from her curse and live happily. She couldn't face his wrath once, she can face it now, he thought.

"The gypsy Esmeralda has refused to recant! This evil witch has put the soul of every citizen of Paris in mortal danger!" He said, claiming Esmeralda has brought darkness upon the city. He was trying to convince the people they were under a curse, one to accept and worship gypsies while they do terrible things, but he knew this was not true, he was settling a score, one Phoebus could see. He was yelling, begging for Esmeralda's life. He was scared to lose her, the woman he loved. As Claude kept talking, he felt many eyes on him, not just the people, Esmeralda's or the prisoners. He spotted Laverne and Yzanami in the distance, watching in anger, enjoying this final chapter. He had a hard time focusing on his words, he wanted to order his guards to seize them, but he knew only he could see them at the time. "For justice, for Paris, and for her own salvation! It is my shameful duty to send this poor girl back where she belongs!" said Claude and finally lighting up the pyre surrounding Esmeralda. He backed away to witness the flames surrounding. 

The broken spirit inside Claude was crying, crying because he was casting out the woman he loved. Fate was cruel and he hated it, he dared defy and challenge it. Fate wanted him to spare her, to spare Maria and his father but he did every opposite fate ordered him. He felt powerful, felt like he had control over the people, his guards and the city, possibly the world.

 "Behind you..." said a voice that made Claude feel a chill on the back of his neck. The voice was familiar, soft and beautiful. It was a voice he swore he forgot but the familiarity was like a permanent scar on his skin, an uncured sickness that worsens at any moment. "Maria?" thought Claude, he looked behind him, but no one was there. He also thought he heard ringing, was it Maria casting a spell on him to deafen him for his actual crimes? No, it was the cathedral warning him of Quasimodo's rebellion of freeing himself and saving Esmeralda and returning to the cathedral claiming safety for a limp Esmeralda and hearing the people of Notre Dame cheer for her well-being.

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