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It wasn't real death that awaited Claude after he fell on Ametria, the realm of the living. It was never Oblivion, Darkness, or Hell that waited for him. It was nothing but peace and rest for a broken soul, corrupted by the person who he called father once. The place was not cold nor hot, there was a dim light that started surrounding a sleeping Claude. He found himself standing up in nothingness at first as he opened his eyes, he didn't know where he was, all he knew was that it was all over for him and he was so very wrong. Someone was walking toward him, Yzanami, Segenis, Iaga, and Sodexus looked up at him as they approached him. "Welcome, Claude. We have all been waiting for you," said Yzanami, smiling warmly at the man who almost destroyed Paris. She seemed to forgive every crime he ever did.

Claude looked at his hands and noticed his youth was back, the boy that was torn apart before that boy destroyed his family. "Come...Rowso calls for you," she added after. Claude was afraid to speak, afraid they might hurt him, afraid to accept his fate. Segenis and Iaga took Claude's hands and guided him to the light where a waterfall could be heard and the breeze could be felt. They took him to their realm, their respite, a place for every tortured soul to rest and find peace, Yzanami's palace. In the water stood Laverne or as they called her, Rowso. She was young again, young and sane to recognize her son and welcome him with open arms. They found each other again, like the first time Laverne saw her baby. "My son. My baby. My Claude." she whispered.

He broke into tears and silent sobs, the broken Claude regretted every deed made, every crime, and sin. He looked down and closed his eyes as he cried, shaking like a leaf. Poor little Frollo finally judged and hurt, showing vulnerability and feelings. He approached his mother and hugged her tightly, burying his face in her shoulder, "I'm sorry, mum. I am so sorry. It is all my fault" he said, he wanted to get scolded, punished, and hurt for letting darkness possess his heart. However the Syngra were not like others "Shh, there there, my son. It was never your fault. He just hurt you and took what was precious from you. You are safe now. We will keep you safe, mummy loves you too much. Rest now, I am here to protect you." said Laverne before singing a soft lullaby to a tired Claude. Eventually, the Syngra left mother and son alone as they drifted into a deep and undisturbed slumber. Claude was with the person he loved the most and loved him back.


Yzanami kept looking at the ring she took from Claude, another gift from those that meet her and her masters. She kept it on her wedding finger, just like she wanted, or wished for once. "Thinking about him again? It will make you weak, little one." said Segenis. Yzanami looked up at her and avoid getting her thoughts to read. "I haven't been thinking about him since this one was born. Young Claude had a choice to avoid such Rowso could've done when she married that snake," said she. Yzanami always hated how Jacque kept treating his family before and after Claude and Jehan were born, she always wanted to interact and give them something better but it was against the rules, rules that needed to be followed to keep history flowing like it had to be no matter how painful it could be.

"He was not a snake like the other one, remember? Minister Jacque was but a parasite, cancer upon everyone who needs him. Your heart was the true snake when we found you. He gave you those bracelets, and chains to let you know you will always belong to him, and yet you keep them. Why? What has he done to let you deserve that? " Replied Segenis. Yzanami touched the golden bracelets on her wrists, they were beautiful, with rubies encrusted in them, almost as if she was a slave. She had been with a man before, she had done this before in another life, a mortal life. A life worth forgetting, but like Claude, she was cursed to remember and regret, unable to find rest. "What was his name again?  Your old flame, the vizier?" asked Sodexus. Yzanami looked down in neutrality, emotionless before anyone sees the wound reopening.


End of β1


To be continued in β2

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Genesis Chronicorum β1: HellfireWhere stories live. Discover now