Chapter 10: Fireplace

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Wow guys! Thank you so so much for this! We reached 1k reads in this story! I never thought you kids would like this origin story! I will continue the next one as soon as possible after this one and we will dive deep into Frollo's tragedy. Thank you so much kids! Enjoy!


It seemed to be a wonderful show because Jehan was smiling, it seemed like a long time since Claude saw his brother smile and Maria was flattered by Claude's for it suited him. Alas, the brothers needed to head home before their father noticed they are not doing their duty of learning.

Claude: I had a wonderful time. I am looking forward to see you again.

Maria: Likewise Claude. I had fun. I wished we had more time.

Claude grabbed and kissed her hand gently, and this one smiled at him. " Take care please. Dark times might be ahead." said Claude. Maria slightly bowed at him and, with Pierre Gringoire and Clopin, they walked away, out of the brothers' sight. "Claude, can we please leave? I am not looking forward to see father's wrath upon us." said Jehan as Claude kept looking at the direction where the gypsies disappeared, he wondered if they had a place to stay, their sanctuary. Perhaps he can offer them shelter at the Palace of Justice like he and his mother do to the poor, he thought. 

Jehan placed a hand on his brother's shoulder and Claude was brought to consciousness. He looked at his brother and both headed back to the palace. But once there, their happiness wore off again.

As they entered the palace, their smiles became frowns and their minds filled with thoughts and fears. Priests, guards and people who supported Laverne were gathered and murmuring about her. The Cardinal of Paris approached the boys, so they could seek comfort in a friend but the brothers were yet confused and unaware of what occured. "My sons. There has been an attack here at the Palace. It is believed to be the work of the gypsies who plague our city. They did not take anything nor destroyed property. However your mother saw them and her heart and mind suffered a stroke. Your father is looking at the matter and bring these gypsies to justice. Your servants are looking after our sweet mother. I suggest you both go and take care of her. May God give you three guidance and peace." He said.

As soon as the Cardinal finished, the brothers walked as fast as they could to her chambers. Gypsies did this? What did they want? We helped them as long as I can remember. Claude had so many thoughts in his head that it was aching and he was growing anxious. In the chamber, lied a woman in bed, surrounded by servants who brought her water and comforted her. 

Great sorrow  was met and fear was just the beginning for them as they saw the woman who brought them to the world sickly and maybe...dying.

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