Chapter 15: Get Dressed...

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It wasn't long when Claude noticed Maria was no longer beside him. However did she manage to leave without getting seen? The mystery of the gypsies made him think she just went to the back and into a tunnel, perhaps he was right. The guards noticed a young Frollo sitting beside the counter, with a drink in hand and with his attention to them. He knew they might tell his father and he might have a tantrum, but he knew he wasn't the only one in the family to do that.  

"Master Frollo, what are you doing in the slums alone? It's late, you should head home. Thieves might pick pocket you if you're not careful." one of them said. They were right, now that Maria disappeared in the shadows, he was no longer safe. Claude finished his drink and headed back to the Palace of Justice. 

The city was dead, there were no people around, the lights were off, Claude was the only one on the streets. He thought of Maria  on the way home, did the bartender give her a way out? Maybe he did, he would have done the same if possible. He remembered the kiss they shared, it seemed like a dream at first but he knew her intentions were real. If they were to be together, he wouldn't treat her so badly, there was no need to treat a woman, he thought.

He noticed there was a light on his mother's room. It was dim but bright enough for Claude to see through. Through the window he saw a shadow, a female shadow, though it didn't look like his mother but...Lady Fleur. Was she taking care of their mother? No, It wasn't Lady Fleur but another woman. Claude rushed to Laverne's room to protect her, no one was there to be found, he checked everywhere around the room, no one. The booze must've made him see things, until he felt really dizzy. Before opening the door, he felt a cold chill up his spine, as if hands were wrapping around him. He couldn't move, and he couldn't see who was the one who was behind until he heard a voice, or voices. 

"You are the perfect candidate to do our will. Don't worry, your mother is safe with us. Follow your instincts, free yourself. You are destined for greatness, we will provide guidance." The voices made Claude felt a sense of stressful fear. Whats did they mean? Did the spirits meant good or bad, all he remembered was passing out, unable to wake up until morning. He had nightmares, he wanted to wake up and see that his mother was alright. That morning it was as if he forgot about everything that happened that night because he had a headache and was very dizzy. "I shall not drink late at night anymore..." He whispered under his breath when he saw Jehan.

It seemed like darkness haunted him, his eyes were red, watery and his nose was stuffy. Claude thought his father beat him. "Brother, are you alright? Why are you weeping?" Claude asked in a concerned tone, it was when he saw outside his window and where the sun was he noticed it was noon already. "Claude....It's mother...Please get dressed. " Said Jehan, with the most broken voice Claude has ever heard. His voice along with his words, Claude knew what he was about to face.

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