Chapter 34: Gypsy hunting

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Claude was desperate, each time he would visit homes, each time he would order his guards to invade and search each corner and basement, it was all a disappointment to him. However, he was surprised to find other gypsies hiding in their homes, hiding from their judge, their enemy. His guards found a group of them hiding under a trap door, they were taken out for Claude to make a decision about them, he had an idea. He searched his pockets for silver, "Ten pieces of silver for the gypsy Esmeralda." said Claude holding the silver and showing it to them. The gypsies didn't move their mouths or looked at him, Mary saw anger and frustration in Claude's eyes when he closed his hand "Lock them up!" He moved away to see his soldiers take the gypsies and shove them into a carriage. "Sir, if I have permission to speak. I believe the best way to serve justice, is to just take them to the Palace of Justice, not kill them. Perhaps they do not know her." she said, Claude approached her, she looked down, afraid he might do something to her. 

"There is no wrong with a little intimidation, you saw how they reacted when I said her name, all gypsies are allies in Notre Dame. Yet, you are right, dear. They will rot in a cell if they do not cooperate." said Claude, he signaled his men to push the carriage to the river, she didn't like the way he intimidate them, by trying to drown them. She was relieved the gypsies managed to get out, she saw how the guards seized them in front of Claude's horse, they were cold but they kept a strong chin as they were lined up. Once again, Claude took ten more pieces of silver from his pockets. "Twenty pieces of silver for the gypsy Esmeralda." he said, there was silence among them. They didn't even look at each other or said anything. The fire inside Claude was burning him with anger, he could explode and burn everyone if he could. He was sick and tired of them not giving him any kind of information, even if he was merciful with such benefits, he wanted to kill them there. "Take them away!!" Claude ordered, yanking the reins of his horse, ordering it to walk. 

Mary looked at Pheobus, she could see he was angry at the way Claude was treating the people of Notre Dame, Claude was sick with power. A power that was darkening and killing what his mother raised, the goodness she gave him. "Don't stay behind, girl." Claude said. Mary rushed beside her master, she thought it was wise to keep silent during the day, for the sake of being on Claude's good side. "I don't suppose you know her, do you? Where she could be hiding?" he asked Mary, she shook her head making him sure she knows nothing. "I never get out of the palace, my lord. I don't have friends to talk with. My purpose is to serve only you." She said as they ride, looking around for other suspicious places. "You could make other uses to me and be my spy. You have my permission to leave the Palace whenever you see fit and serve me as my supervisor. But remember, do not betray me." he said, Mary nodded and smiled, yet Claude ignored such gratitude, for he saw a house with a strange symbol on the front door. He was sure it was a gypsy symbol to invite them in. Two guards knocked on the door and bashed in to see a miller, his wife, and two children. This alerted the rest of the people living around, they gathered to see what was going on. Claude entered the house, leaving Mary outside, she felt like something bad was going to happen, she saw the fear of every villager, hearing their comments. Claude saw how scared the family was. 

Claude: We found this gypsy talisman on your property. Have you been harboring gypsies? 

Miller: Our home is always open to the weary traveler. Have mercy, my lord!

Claude: I am placing you and your family under house arrest until I get to the bottom of this. If what you say is true, you are innocent and you have nothing to fear.

Once again Claude was angry, tired of such secrecy between his people, why would they betray him like this? Why would they destroy their lives to keep her hidden, he thought of such things when he closed the front door and bared it with a spear. If they wouldn't cooperate with Claude's good side, they will have to deal with his bad side. "Burn it." Claude said to Pheobus, the captain noticed Claude had lost it, Pheobus and Mary couldn't believe Claude's words, there had children, innocent people. " Until it smolders. These people are traitors and must be made an example of." said Claude, handing a torch to Pheobus.

Pheobus: With all due respect sir. I was not trained to murder the innocent.

Claude: But you were trained to follow orders.

 The captain knew it was time to rebel against him, he was going too far, he shoved the torch in a barrel of water, putting it out. Claude saw this as a sign, that he shouldn't have trusted him, he knew he had to do things by himself, history was repeating itself just as the triplets told him to be careful. "Insolent coward!" yelled Claude, all the rage led him to get another torch and set the house aflame, he heard the screams of the family locked up in that house, he felt such pleasure such satisfaction, Justice was finally on his side, perhaps now more than ever. He saw how Pheobus entered the house to save the family, yet Claude had the power, to seize Pheobus before him, he knew this game better than anyone, to make someone pay dearly if they stabbed the judge in the back and his Mistress Justice. "The sentence for insubordination is death. Such a pity, you threw a promising career. " Claude said, he didn't really care if he lost another captain, his soldiers were more loyal than every captain Claude has had, he was his own captain now. "Minister, think about the people if there is such execution. They will be against you." said Mary as she saw a guard holding a sword and another soldier grabbing Pheobus, he was to kill him there, in front of the people of Notre Dame, but he didn't listen once he was focused on watching the Ex captain bleed. Claude was smiling, eager to see the captain's head roll until his horse stood on his two legs and threw Claude off him, to the ground. 

Claude quickly stood up to see Pheobus steal his horse and ride away, he was mad, he didn't care about a formal execution, he needed to stop him, stop them from standing up against him. If he kills the captain, he kills the people's hopes. He was willing to do anything to find Esmeralda and destroy the rest of the gypsies, doing what his father could not. "Hit him! But don't hit my horse!" yelled Frollo to his soldiers, they started shooting arrows, hoping to please their master. Claude saw when one pierced his chest, close to his heart, and fell off the horse and down the river. His soldiers kept shooting down the water, and Claude thought it was best for him to drown. "Let the traitor rot in his watery grave! Find the girl! If you have to burn the city to the ground, so be it!"

Claude hopped on his horse, Mary joined his side "Sir, I don't think burning Notre Dame is the best way to find her. Think about the people." said she, Claude just led his horse into the city, ignoring her words. He was focused on looking for Esmeralda. He spent the rest of the day searching houses, arresting gypsies, and burning places. There was no sign of the girl, Claude was growing desperate, even more, if wanted to kill or keep her alive, it was giving him a headache when his soldiers told him they haven't found her "I had the entire cathedral surrounded. Guards at every door. There was no way she could have escaped...unless." 

He remembered the day at the festival when he saw Quasimodo take a liking to Esmeralda. How she helped him, now he was to help her. Perhaps Quasi helped her out and now all of Paris is in its darkest hour because of them. He knew he had to ask Quasi, to have their dinner and a serious talk as Claude looked up at the bell tower.

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