Chapter 19

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~Hours later that day~

Sometimes we can feel like an angel with angel wings, I do know how I would feel if I had angel wings. I would feel free like I had no worries in life. I would be liked by people because I would be beautiful. However, I don't feel that way now. I feel like a disgusting spider, a spider that had been stepped on, squeesed to death and called disgusting.

All I wanted in life was for me to be a normal girl. I wanted to go out with my friends, have fun at the movies, and take some hot chocolate on Starbucks while doing homework. I wanted to be pushed against a locker and getting kissed by a boy who truly loved me. However, I couldn't think of any boys, because he had to have curly, chocolate, coloured locks. And of course emerald green eyes.

"Hello? Caty?"

I came back to reality and looked at Gemma who looked at me when I sat in my room. I was exhausted about my mum and dad, and Louis sexy Tomlinson. Gemma looked at me with a smile on her lips, she sat down next to me on my bed.

"A lot is clearly going on." She said. I looked at her with empty eyes, and she sighed. "I didn't know that you've been kidnapped. Explain!" She said, crossing her legs.

I closed my eyes and stood up. I went towards my closet. I don't want to explain this to her, she will be pissed, and most of all hurt.

I don't know what she would do if she found out that her brother was kidnapping people.

"I'm tired, just help me pick a dress for the dinner," I said, looking through my dresses. Gemma sighed and walked towards me, pushing me weakly away. She searched my closet for a dress and found a peach coloured dress, it had a white belt around the waist that ended in a knot behind the back. Why that really pretty dress? Was it a glamour dinner, how important was this family anyway?

"Yeah, ok. Thanks." I said with a smile, she looked at me with worried eyes, but she didn't say anything about my sour mood. She just let it slide, like she read me like an open book.

I bit my lip and looked down at the dress and looked at her again. «It's pretty, I've never used it. Mostly because I've never had any reason to put it on.» I murmured and looked at her. She crossed her arms and tilted her head to the side, looking at the dress and me.

«You don't need a reason to put that dress on. Put it on, it's your choice.» She said and raised an eyebrow at me. «No, one in my family will judge you. Actually it leaves a great impression that you dress up a little.» She told me and smiled. I blinked and looked down at the dress, she was probably right. I shouldn't let my past Get in the way of this, I could wear this dress if that's what I wanted. My mum actually bought this dress for me so I could feel pretty once, perhaps on a date, a night out or any other occasion. However, I've never used it because I would probably hear it from Caroline or any other of her friends.

"Are you sure about coming, a lot has happened this days. Sure you don't want some rest?" Gemma asked me, interrupting my thoughts.

I looked at her and shook my head. "I need to get my mind off things, and I'm sure I need some time with people," I said and grabbed the dress from her hands. When I looked at her face, she seemed changed, it looked like she pitied me somehow.

I shook my head and walked into my bathroom with the dress, laying it on the toilet. I walked back to my room and found the perfect underwear for my dress.

"It's just that I feel like no one gives a shit about me." Including your handsome brother. "But maybe that's only me?" I asked low.

She looked confused at me, her eyebrows scrunched together. She then sighed with a weak smile and walked over to me, she pointed a finger against my forehead which made me look at her like she was crazy. "You-" She said. "You're the most perfect girl I've ever met, if no one cares about you then it's something wrong with them. You're beautiful, you're awesome, mysterious and lovely in every kind of way." She said ending with tapping my chest with her finger and grinning. "If this helps you, I care about you." She said calm and smiled at me. She stared into my eyes and grabbed my shoulder. She pulled me into a bear hug, those hugs that I loved so much.

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