Chapter 4

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All I could feel was the awful pain, the pain aching all around in my body, consuming my nerves. It was so painful I didn't want to live at the moment. My eyes were glued stuck with dried tears, and I didn't think about opening them either. It smelled weird here, it was the smell of a basement. Everybody would know if they walked down in a basement, because the air was thick, and the cold was trapped.

I tried to move and made a painful sound when I tried, it felt like every bone in my body was twisted in 360 degrees around. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to move. I clenched my jaw in pain. If I tried to stand up now, I would fall back down. I slowly opened my eyes, it wasn't any light here, that was great because my head was aching. I whimpered by my headache and was going to take my hands to my head when I found out I was stuck. I can't even remember what happened.

I looked down at my lap and closed my eyes, didn't know if I wanted to cry or scream. But I didn't do anything, I didn't scream or cry. I was miserably sitting here.

I slowly turned my head to look down at my hands that were tied in a rope, very strong ones too. They were tied so tight around my wrists, and it didn't help much because of my wounds. I sighed and looked down at my lap again, I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to sit here until the pain was over.

I suddenly heard someone walking down the stairs. I widened my eyes in realisation. I was tied up in a basement, my body was aching, I was kidnapped, and now I have to face my kidnapper.

I started to panic as I tried to get loose. Even though it pained me extremely to try, I had to try. However, I was like glued down in this chair.

I just leaned slowly back in the chair. Trying not to grimace at my throbbing body. I glanced at the door when it opened, and the young man walked in. ''Oh, you're finally awake. That took its time.'' He said with a chuckle. ''I think I need to be more careful of how I push people.'' He said and bit his lip. If he only could grab his own ass and walk out of here. I didn't like him one bit. He was awful and crazy. What kind of people pushes someone downstairs?

He walked towards me and grabbed my face, and I didn't look away, I looked into his green gems. ''You look horrible, sweetie.'' He murmured and pulled his hand away from my face. I let my head fall, and my hair fell in front of my face while I found the floor quite interesting. It was dead flies on the hard cement floor, maybe he should consider cleaning a little down here? "You've been out for two days. I thought I killed you." He said with a sick laugh. He grabbed a cloth with fresh water and walked towards me. He sat down on his knees and pouted at me. "But sadly I didn't." He said with a sigh.

I growled when he was going to touch my face with the cloth. I was all sweaty, it was cold and moist air down here. It was difficult to breathe properly. He sighed and touched my cheek with the damp cloth, he moved it around my face and smiled weakly to me. He then touched something painful on my temple, probably a wound from the fall. ''There.'' He said and stood back up and walked towards the bowl and laid the cloth back. I just looked angrily at him, but I didn't say anything, cause he didn't deserve to hear me talking to him. "Hungry?" He asked. I felt my stomach answer with a little rumble. And he smirked at me. In my ears, it sounded like thunder. I could tell I was very hungry, but I didn't want to eat his crappy food. Who knows maybe he would poison me?

He seemed to read my expression and smiled widely. "I can eat your food." He said and shrugged. I just rolled my eyes and looked down at the floor. "Can you at least answer me?" He shouted. I jumped a little at his voice, his voice echoed through the room, it was like it attacked me. "Fuck.." He growled.

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