Chapter 1

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Hi, lovely people that probably don't have a life and loves to read. Thank you for checking out my story, this is my first finished book. And it's under editing, because of English grammar and other stuff. However, enjoy it until it's not written Edited anymore. Then you'll probably get hella confused.


I was seated in a chair and it was freezing, the air was so cold it sent shivers through my whole body. It was like everything was out of reach, whenever I  reached for a thought it left me there alone lost. I couldn't help myself, because I was frozen.

My heart was also beating uncontrollably fast, my vision was blurred with darkness like it was wrapped around me in a cold embrace. I didn't want the cold, but the warmth. It didn't help when the air was damp and cold, the air smelled like a combination of wet earth and mold.

I could hear small noises around me, like mice running around on the floor. When I was little I was once locked up in a dark basement and the only thing I could hear back then was the rats creeping around. I was curious to find out what all the noise was, so I decided to go and check out. I immediately saw the small disgusting animals eat the meat of a pussy cat, the blood still fresh signaling it newly died.

I was bare feet, the imagination getting to me. They could for all I know chew my toes off. I tried to lift my feet, but they were tied against each other, leaving it impossible for me to walk around or move them. If I tried opening my eyes wider, I couldn't make out a single thing. Maybe it was the fabric I had over my eyes and tied behind my head?

I groaned in pain when I tried to move my head to the side, my whole body reacting immediately. It was sore, my muscles stiff, and too tired to move. I wanted so hard to remember the path to where I was now, why the hell I was in this place. I tried to shake my hands loose from behind me, trying to get out of this bad dream I had. It was no escape for me unless I had something sharp.

"So..." A voice interrupted the silent air. Making me stiffen. "You are done playing around?" Someone asked.

Then it all came back to me, the dark raspy voice, the sound belong to a young man. The guy with dark, brown, curly hair, and emerald green eyes. It was shot back into my mind, like someone firing a gun, aiming it right at me.

I thought he offered to drive me home because I was cold and by myself. However, I was wrong and I couldn't be more wrong. I was far away from home.

I was trapped, trapped with him. Trapped with his secrets, his torture, his stinging pain, his delicate skin, his memories, and his love. I was trapped in a world I didn't know I would be able to escape. I was trapped with a guy that made me develop the Stockholm Syndrome, and little did I know I would fall deeply in love with him.


It all started with the party I went too. I don't even know why I accepted it in the first place, I guess I'm just a person that is afraid to say no. In case it will go down and I am stuck in a situation I can't find my way out off.

So unfortunately I said yes, with a little bit of force of course. The memory of being dragged out of my own house, would forever be the epic one. My hair wasn't finished and I wasn't even close to choosing my shoes. I remember I even grabbed the staircase with both my hands while my friends teamed up on getting me out of the house on time.

They didn't even let me choose my shoes. So, I ended up with my dirty black converse and a black dress that squeezed my curves perfectly.

I admitted that I hated to wear dresses, but sometimes on the special occasions; I had to sacrifice myself. The party wasn't a special occasion, however the dress was one of the prettiest things I owned so I figured that would be the most suitable outfit for the evening.

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