Chapter 22

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Me and Caitlyn sat in the dining room with her family, this time it was dessert. I really didn't want to be here, but I decided to stay because of her. I don't want her to stay here alone with Zayn, she don't know anything about him. I know she don't know anything about me either, but I will open up to her.

I'm scared of Zayn to be alone with her. He's changed a lot since we were younger, and it's kind of my fault that he turned to this horrible person. I remember all the stuff I did and I know it wasn't right to do that. But Caitlyn don't have to know the stuff that happened between me and Zayn.

This problem will stay in the family.


"Hold on, I'm down in a second!"

My eyes turned to her angelic voice, her pearl white smile was blinding me, but her raven, black, curly hair was weighting it down. It looked like the sky at night, she was beautiful and she knew.

She started to jump up and down, probably her adrenaline pumping in her veins. She started to nod her head, until she ran and screamed in the air. The water splashed right next to me and I got a lot of water in my face, even though I already were drenched.

"That was beautiful sweetheart," Zayn said next to her as she came up from the water. I looked at her and she smiled at him and took her arms around his neck, and kissed him.

I could feel my heart ache, it pained me to see someone you like to kiss someone else. And it's harder to see that it is your damn of a brother she's kissing.

"I know." She grinned and I looked away, I sighed as I was swimming back towards my mum and dad. I walked up to them and sat down on my towel in the sand. I looked at Zayn and Maria in the water.

Yeah, her name was Maria.
Maria Collins.

"They're so happy together," Gemma said with a shriek, folding her hands and grinning like a fool. I looked at Zayn and Maria and grimaced.

I don't know how you would feel about someone you like, with someone else. But it's destroying me. It feels like my heart is breaking into millions of pieces. It's like you can't think straight anymore, you want to sit alone crying forever.

I hate to see the one I like with someone else.

"Yeah, I guess they are." I lied and looked away with a painful look when they kissed each other again.

Gemma looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and opened her mouth to say something, either it would be good or bad.

I guess bad.

"What's wrong Harry? You seem so off today." She asked me, looking at my face for any search of a reaction.

Bad. I bit my lip and turned my face away from her and looked at my hands.

"I'm fine, just tired and want to go home," I said low and sighed. I looked at my "mum" and "dad". I sighed as they probably talked about their perfect son, becaude they had smiles on their faces.

They were great though, great «parents»

But I really wanted to just lay in the trash naked, I wish Zayn wouldn't find me that day. I wish I would die, cause what's the meaning of life? I mean, it's nothing to do, and when you finally find something to live for. She or he doesn't care or never really knew who you were when you know everything about them.

"You're thinking." She said low and I formed my lips in a thin line.

She knew me too well.

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