Chapter 5

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I woke up at night with a headache I've never felt before. It was so bad that I wanted to stab a knife in my head to get it away. Not that it was going to work in any way.

I whimpered and suddenly I heard someone getting up from a chair next to me. I could feel arms wrap themselves around me. Thy pulled me closer, my body ached and I couldn't help but bury my face in his chest. It was wrong, but it was comforting right now. "Shh."

I knew it was him. I knew he was here, but this felt better than laying alone. I could lean myself onto him. I sighed and laid my head on his chest.

He didn't move now, and I closed my eyes again. Thinking about butterflies, jelly, sugar and all the happy stuff to make the pain go away. "I have some painkillers. Lianne told me to give them to you." He said low. I shook my head and he sighed.

I didn't want to take anything he gives me. What if it was drugs, what if he wanted to fuck me now that I can't move.

"You have to take them. I even feel your body shaking. And it's in pain, I know." He said calmly. I felt his warm hand on my shoulder and I shook my head again. "Caitlyn." He said with a sigh. He lifted my head so I looked at him. It was his fault, he was the reason why I was like this.

His hair was in a bun on top of his head. His eyes looking into mine. I closed my eyes and he grabbed the painkillers and the water and put them in my mouth with the glass of water and I swallowed them. It was a reflection. That wasn't supposed to happen.

I sighed again. "Now that you got me in your arms, and I'll be drugged as you want to. You can do whatever you want with me." I said fake happy. "Yay," I said sarcastically.

Harry chuckled and put the glass back on the stand, and put a pillow behind his head. "Never going to share a bed, huh?" He asked. Ignoring what I said. I sighed and didn't answer him. He was so stupid, and so smart at the same time. He sighed again and ran his hand through my hair. I growled, just to tell him I didn't allow it.

He leaned down in my ear. "Nothing you can do about it." He said happily. I growled in annoyance. Mostly because I wanted him to shut up, it wasn't funny. I bet it wasn't supposed to be either. He just took advantage of me, because I was stuck like this. "Are you hungry?" He asked. I shook my head, and he sighed again. He still had his hand in my hair, moving it through it.

I looked down at my bracelets, I was surprised that no one took them off. I was surprised that no one saw them at all.

Suddenly I heard the door opening and a girl walking inside. I heard it because of the high heels, clicking on the ground. "How are you?" She asked me. I looked confused at her and she smiled at me. "I'm Lianne. The nurse." She said. She checked my legs and arms, her face was perfect, her hair was blonde and wavy. She looked so perfect.

I looked away when she checked my face. "You have a broken arm, the rest of your body isn't broken. It was just hit badly." She said. She looked at my broken arm and smiled weakly. "You were lucky you know." She said.

Harry looked at Lianne and Lianne rolled her eyes and looked at me. "Harry hasn't told you that he's sorry has he?" She murmured. Harry growled low and watched as she checked my spine. Suddenly I felt she massaged a medicine in there, and it wasn't a good feeling. It burned on my skin.

"You just have to stay in bed for a little more, and then you'll be able to walk tomorrow. If you want to try." She said with a smile. She looked at my bracelets and smiled sympathetically at me.

Did she know?

She grabbed her stuff and walked out. Leaving me and Harry here alone together. I couldn't tell him to go out, because this was actually his room, he did that on purpose. Right?

"Well. I'm sorry." He laughed.

He thought this was funny? Really? I bit my tongue hard and turned around away from him. I laid down on my own pillow. I could feel his front against my back and I blushed madly when he kissed my neck. "I know you're angry. And I'm sorry. But you were mean to Harry, and Harry doesn't like Caitlyn being mean." He explained in a baby voice. I smiled weakly at him, but still, I didn't want to forgive him.

I closed my eyes and I felt him kissing my neck again. "You taste salty. I like it." He whispered against my ear. I raised an eyebrow and looked out of the window, but something else caught my attention.

I looked at the watch on the nightstand. It was 3 am. "I should go to bed." I murmured.

I meant it because I was tired. Harry grabbed my waist and took his face in my hair, I blushed at the thought. Because he was spooning me. My kidnapper was spooning me. I looked at a flower in the window. It had loosened its colour and the head of it hanging down, signalling it had stayed too long without water. If I even dared to touch it, it would break. It looked so alone, it was the only decoration in the room. The only beauty left in this room, it was like it had been left there to die slowly alone for years, no water, no love, just itself fighting to survive. «That flower must be old,» I said low, my voice sad as I eyed the flower. The species were unknown to me, so I didn't know what kind of flower it was. I felt Harry's arms tighten around my body and his breath hitch near my ear. It seemed like I said something wrong.

«It is.» He murmured, his raspy voice sending shivers through my body. He was too close, so I slowly wiggled myself out of his grip. Trying to reverse a space between us, but he only grabbed my waist and pulled me back. Making me grimace.

«Why are you doing this?» I whispered with glossy eyes.

«Because I can.» He answered sternly. I felt some tears falling, my hands sweating.

«Why me?» I asked again. He squeesed my hip and I tensed.

«Because you're the one I want, can you now shut up and rest.» He growled in my ear. I cried out low, by the use of his voice. He was scary sometimes, but sometimes like earlier he wanted me to be fixed. Which I didn't understand.

«I just don't understand,» I whispered. He was quiet, too quiet. He didn't answer me, he just laid still behind me. «Harry?» I asked. He still didn't answer me. «I thought you hated me.» He now tensed behind me again, but relaxed. «What do you want from me?» I asked more irritated.

«Can you fucking shut up?» He snapped. I found myself growing angrier.

«I will shut up if you answer my questions.» I snapped back. I now tried to turn around, and successfully did it. But my face was close to his, and he looked at me with flared eyes. He was angry, I could tell.

«I fucking kidnapped you, because I like breaking things than to fix them, and then break them again. Now, are you satisfied?» He whispered through clenched teeth. His breath smelled like mint, which was cold against my face. I looked into his eyes and blinked, he didn't like me one bit. I was just an object. «So once I am done fixing you, I will break you again.» He whispered against my lips. «Because that is who I am.» He whispered and ran his hand through my hair. «That's what I do to my babies, sweety. And I sensed some competition in you, and all of the girls I've had has been too easy.» He said. He then smiled his sick smile. «That's why I took you.» He whispered. I felt more tears coming, images of the stairs came back to my mind. I slowly hoped he wouldn't fix me. That I wouldn't heal. Cause if I did, I would live like this forever.

«You will never go home.» He whispered against my lips, I wanted to pull back when he leaned in the last centimetres. His lips closed the distance, he pressed them against mine and I cried against his lips and tried to push him away. But he was too strong for my fragile body. «You're now mine.» He whispered. «My sweet, fragile and beautiful doll.» He said with a wicked grin. I cried and pulled back. I turned back around and felt myself trembling. The pain a part of it, but the fear the most.

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