Chapter 31

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I was about to get myself into her when I heard loud banging on the door. I looked down at her with a raised eyebrow. We heard more banging and we got dressed as fast as we could both of us. I looked down at myself and walked towards the door. She looked at me and gave me a small nod.

I opened the door and I suddenly got punched in the face. I knew that it was her dad, because no one else would be able to punch that hard. He pushed me hard against the wall and looked at me with so much hatred.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I yelled at her dad and glared at him. He clenched his jaw and punched me one more time before Caitlyn pushed him away from me. "Stop, dad! You're hurting him!" She cried and looked at him with glossy eyes. She were so good at hiding her feelings, but I could see she was afraid.

"Do you know why I hurt him?" He yelled at her, she started to cry and shook her head. He looked at me and walked towards me and took me by my hair and made me look up at him.

"Because he's the one who kidnapped you.» My dad yelled and looked at Caitlyn. He looked back at me and growled in anger. «Maybe he fucked you too. I wouldn't be suprised.» He snapped and looked at her. «He's a psychopath, and I don't want a psychopath in my house." He said. He had his hand still in my curls and didn't care if I got hurt. He looked at her and pointed his other hand at her. "And you, you're a shame. You knew, but you still brought him here." He yelled at her. She cried more and walked towards me and pushed him away from me and grabbed my hand and pulled me out from there. "Yeah, walk away! Choose him, you're not much better than him." He snapped at her and I looked at him as I turned around and punched him right on the nose with so much force I didn't know I was beating the shit out of him.

"What did you just say to her?" I yelled and she grabbed my shoulder and screamed at me. "Harry, just stop." She whispered. I stopped and looked down at her dad, he was the psychopath.

"You're a psychopath, you never cared for your daughter. I care, I care so much about her. I would never hurt her, ever!" I grabbed her hand and walked fast downstairs.

My head was pounding and I didn't know what to do. It was like it all went in slow motion, her mum was on the kitchen and turned around.

"Bye mum." She whispered and I dragged her after me. I didn't even care anymore, she deserves someone more better than them. They doesn't care about her, they just pretend.

What am I supposed to do now?

The only place I know is Caroline, Louis, and my parents house.

I dragged her to my car and struggled with opening my car door, she looked at me as I started to Get a panic attack. But fuck it..

I opened the door after some struggling and sat inside, Caitlyn sat inside beside me.

I started the engine and pulled out from the house and drove fast down the road. Caitlyn grabbed my hand and squeesed it. "Calm down Harry, it's not like the end of the world." She said low, and looked at me. I looked in the mirror and watched the house disappear, I took a deep breath and looked in front of me. "Or at least not yet." She laughed nervously. I looked at her with big frightened eyes, yes I was scared now.

I guess the police is after me already. I guess Caitlyn's father have called the police and told them everything. I even guess that I'm so screwed right now. I even fucked up for Caitlyn.

"I'm so fucked up. I did this to myself, and I fucking dragged you into this aswell. I don't know what to do now, I don't know where to go. It's the first time I say this, but he's right I'm a psychopath. I kidnapped someone, just to make myself happy. I kidnapped to see if they felt anything, I made you trapped in that house for weeks. I'm so screwed, and the biggest question I have is why are you with me in all this?" My voice was calm at the beginning, but when I ended my big 'speech' I was actually yelling. I was yelling at myself. I wanted to disappear right now.


"No! Don't say anything, I need to think. Where should I go now, I'm screwed. I'm going to run my whole life, I'm just a young man for god's sake. I have a whole lifetime in front of me. Maybe I even would have got married with you, got kids. I don't want to be in jail, I don't want to escape my life." I shouted and finally looked at her. She looked at me with, wait was that a smile? She smiled to me. We were in this dumb situation, and she's actually smiling to me.

"Why are you smiling? This is not a time-" I looked at her as she put her finger over my mouth and pointed to the road and I looked at the road. I pulled over to the side and stopped the engine, I was breathing like a werewolf. Right now I sound like one too.

"Listen to me, Harry. This is going to be okay, I'm here with you Harry. I'm here the whole time now, and I'll never leave your side no matter what you do. Hurt me, punish me, love me, fight me.. You understand the shit. I'm here for you, I love you Harry. My parents were never there for me. You left me because you didn't want me to get involved in this, look what happened. The destiny brought us back together, we have to fight for this Harry. I would fight for you, I don't care if someone catch me. As long as you get away, I don't care. You were always there for me, you cared for me." She took a deep breath and smiled, she looked down at our hands and blushed weakly. "I took a little research, about.. This." She said and pointed between us. I arched a eyebrow at her and didn't really understand. "When you kidnapped me. I fell in love with you, and I grew sympathy for you. So it's called Stockholm Syndrome." She breathed and looked into my eyes. I looked at her and suddenly I just started to laugh. That was funny, Stockholm Syndrome?

"So you have Stockholm Syndrome? Because you feel something towards me, you fell in love with me? And because you're on my side?" I asked, and she looked damn serious. I looked into her eyes and just smiled weakly and grabbed her waist, I pulled her close to me and smirked against her lips. "My baby have a Stockholm Syndrome. How sweet.." I said and crushed my lips on hers.

I just know that we'll work it out. It will be hard, but we'll work it out. Because I have her by my side.

THE END! Hahah! I know, I'm mean! But it's totally the end, and I don't know about you. But maybe I'll start a book number two? Just maybe! Just need to think it out! Well! Thank you so much for reading my story, thank you thank you thank you! You're all the reason why I post and stuff. I love you so much, and I just love you! I can't put my words on how to say it! I just love you guys ok? Please comment, and vote yeah?

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