Chapter 10

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Later that evening I went to bed, Harry said he had work to do. Which made me Wonder what he work with. He has to work with something really good to afford this place, shouldn't he? Or does he even own this place?

I could admit that the bed felt so empty and cold without him. He usually make it feel warmer, because he usually end up holding me. I admit that I hated it before, but now I am just kind of used to it.

Lianne changed covers and sheets after the episode earlier, and I can say it wasn't tempting to sleep here after that. It only sent bad memories in my head and I wish it went away faster.

I held around my pillow as I closed my eyes with a sigh. I tried to sleep, cause I was tired. After today, I think anyone would be tired, cause it's so much in just one day.

I tossed and turned in bed without being able to sleep. I looked over at the nightstand and watched the time as it turned to 1 am. I sighed and sat up, and looked down at my legs. I then threw the cover away and stood up fast, I only had my underwear on. I blinked and tied my hair up in a bun, and grabbed a shirt Harry had inside the dresser. I could use it, it laid on the chair so he wasn't going to use it anyway.

After buttoning it half way. I slowly walked down the dark corridor. It was paintings on the walls, with a little light over them. Making me see the painting, I studied some of them, but it was one that caught my attention. It was a painting of a tiny little white dot, and the rest of it around was black. That painting made completely no sense. I looked down at the person who made it, and it stood Harold Edward Styles. I bit my lip and furrowed my eyebrows.

No sense at all.

I slowly walked the rest of the way down to his office, the door was halfway open. And he was standing with some painting in his hand, his white t-shirt was dirty because of the painting. However, he also had paint all over his face and arms.

I studied his face when he was focusing on the painting. I couldn't see the whole painting of what he was painting, but it was dark and sad. I slowly shifted on my feet, the floor creaking under my weight. For a second he stopped painting, I think he heard me.

"You should be in bed." He said coldly. I swallowed and studied him as he started to paint again. I slowly brought my fingers up to my lips, as I studied him. He looked quite beautiful.

"I can't sleep," I whispered. He didn't say anything, he just kept focusing on the painting he was giving the only life he had inside of him too. I took a deep breath and walked over to him, my lips shaking a little. I stopped right in front of him and looked up at him. He just looked past me and at the painting, he didn't say a word. He just kept painting, like I didn't even exist.

"Are you mad at me?" I whispered low. If he was mad at me, I would surely get a punishment. He then gave his attention to me for a brief second, before he looked back at the painting.

"No." He said swiftly, his voice all dark and cold. I smiled weakly, cause then I didn't need to worry about that. I studied his dirty face, and I slowly reached my hand up to his angelic face. I touched his face and made him look at me.

It all went so fast when he just threw all the things on his desk off and grabbed me. I gasped in shock, and he laid me over his desk and climbed up on top of me and kissed my neck roughly. I gaped in shock, but my body didn't want to push him away, it wanted to become one with him. My brain screamed for me to push him off, but I pushed my thoughts to the side and listened to my body instead.

I wrapped my legs around his torso and his hand touched the inside of the shirt, his hand went up to my breasts as he started sucking at my skin in my neck. I moaned low and pushed my body up to his, and he pulled his lips away from my neck and connected them with my lips. I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him back.

"What the hell are you doing to me?" He whispered against my lips.

I could feel my heart skip and I looked into his eyes, and I couldn't help my lips to turn into a big smile. I blushed and looked at his green gems, and ran my hand through his curly hair.

I jumped off the desk when he pulled away, and I looked over at his painting. It just looked like a mess, a beautiful mess. I looked behind me at him as he stood there with the paint in his hands. "Can I try something?" He asked me.

I was going to open my mouth, However, he just walked over to me and ripped off the shirt and looked at me with a cheeky grin on his face. I blushed and looked at him as he bent down to my knees, I looked down at him when the tip of the paintbrush touched my skin. He then started to paint my body, and he was so damn focused. I didn't know what he was painting, but to me, it looked like a galaxy with a lot of stars. After half an hour, he was up by my stomach and started to paint there as well. However, he stopped after awhile and just looked up at me. His hands were full in the paint, but Anyways he touched my face and leaned in for a wet passionate kiss.

I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him. I kissed him back, and he lifted me up like an easy feather and carried me through the corridor. He walked into the bedroom and laid me down on the clean covers, and leaned over me. I studied his dirty face and swallowed a little.

What I was doing right now was so wrong. He slowly laid down half on top of me and buried his face in my chest, and seconds later I could hear him snore. I looked up into the roof with a confused face, cause I didn't understand Harry at all. Something had to be wrong, he's fighting something. And to be honest it frightened me. I ran my hand through his curly hair and nuzzled my face in his hair. He smelled so good.

"Who are you, and what are you changing into?" I whispered low and sighed. I then closed my eyes and fell asleep minutes later, loving the feeling of not an empty bed, but with a warm body against my own.

"I don't know," Harry whispered low with his eyes closed. Half sleeping when he probably heard my question. Knowing that I was now asleep. "Goodnight." He whispered tiredly.

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