Chapter 16

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"Mummy, daddy? Where are you going?" I asked, holding my teddy bear in my arms, looking up at them with my messy hair and my pyjamas. They slowly turned around, their coats and shoes on. Mum and dad worked for the warriors in Afghanistan. To keep their lives with medicine and such. My dad once told me that they fed them with gummy bears, like they did with me when I was sick. Because then I would get all better.

"We have to go sweety. We're so sorry, your brother will be looking after you while we're gone." Mum said and kissed my forehead goodnight and of course goodbye. I looked at them with glossy eyes and slowly started to cry.

"You guys just got home. I and Bear missed you! And it's sad every time you have to go." I whispered and wiped my tears away.

"Your brother will be taking care of you as always. He said he would take you out for dinner tomorrow, isn't that great?" She said and smiled. I nodded and looked down, I'm just 5 years old. And I maybe see my mummy and daddy around 40 days in the year. It's sad to think about.

Daddy walked downstairs with their bags in their hands, and they both got dressed. I walked down after them and squeezed the bear tight to my chest. When mummy walked out I grabbed her coat and looked up at her.

"Mummy, daddy. Do you love me?" I asked low. And they looked at each other, shocked before mummy grabbed her bag and kissed my forehead.

"We'll see you later." She said and walked out and left me alone in the living room, while I heard their car slowly driving away.


"Peter? Do mummy and daddy love you?" I asked, and ate my chicken nuggets, with a sad look on my face.

"Hey, honeybear. Mum and dad tell me they love me every time I go to bed." He said with a smile. I looked sadly up at him, climbing down from my chair and walking over to my big brother's lap. I looked up at him with glossy eyes, the heavy feeling in my chest was ten times worse now. I looked up at him, and down on my lap.

"They've never told me. Never said it to me." I whispered and looked up at him. Peter stopped chewing and turned his head fully towards me.

"I know they love you, honeybear. You're the daughter, they have to love you. Everybody loves you." He said with a smile. I looked up at him and tried to get my small arms around him, I hugged him tightly. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me and smiled into my ear.

"If they don't, Peter would be here for you, cause big brother loves you." He whispered into my ear and I smiled into his chest, the only one who told me he loves me. The only one I know does.

"I love you too," I said and smiled, he looked at me and helped me back in my seat. And pointed to my chicken nuggets, and raised an eyebrow.

"Eat, or the cookie monster won't give you a cookie when you're done." He said with a laugh. I grabbed a chicken and ate it all up and smiled big at him.

"Look!" I grinned and showed him my plate. He smiled at me and stood up. I looked up at him, I couldn't ask for a better brother. And I was happy I had someone like him.

"Let's go and buy you that cookie, huh?" He said with a smile and lifted me up on his shoulders. I laughed and grabbed his hair. He smiled up at me as we walked down the shopping mall.


It was like I could feel the oil sinking me down like someone wanted to drown me. I grabbed a tree and tried to escape from the black disgusting shit underneath my feet. I climbed up into the tree with my bear in my hands and found out I couldn't get any higher. I slowly started to scream for help, and I looked around for someone and the only one I could see was a little curly haired boy in a tree around 100 feet away who screamed too. I screamed for help while the oil was getting higher.

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