Chapter 3

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We took a CHONCE. Sorry, I had to. I would be very happy guys if you could take the choice and like my Facebook page, the link is in my bio.



After a long uneasy sleep, the car came to an end. I woke up when someone lifted my body and carried me out or the car. I was cold and me kind of felt warm here, I didn't want to leave this place. I know it was a certain's one's arms, but I think nothing struck my mind, mostly because I was too tired to think of anything right now. I could hear a door open and close and the warmth that hit my cold skin as we came inside, hinted to that we were inside a house. I didn't dare to open my eyes, afraid that someone would hurt me. 

I opened my eyes slowly when I was carefully placed on something soft. He sat down next to my side and ran his gentle hand through my hair. "Hate me. I don't care, you'll understand me." He whispered.

The bright lights were blinding my eyes. I groaned in pain, the light wasn't my friend right now, first of all, I was tired and second, he hit my head against a dashboard. A fucking dashboard. I looked up at him when he leaned over me, blocking the light.

I swallowed and looked into his eyes. He smirked at me and suddenly I could see a dimple on his left cheek. To be honest, I'm happy I didn't get an ugly man with yellow teeth, or a fatass stinky man. So thank you mother earth for making this psychopath of a beautiful, sexy, young man kidnap me.

He stood up and looked down at me. "Welcome home, Kit Kat.» He said in a calm tone. He mentioned to the room. I looked around me and took in the room fast, a big king size bed, chandelier, wardrobe, mirror, bathroom. I jumped up quickly when he laid down next to me. I sat up fast and stood up. My dress was so short that I had to pull it down. "How tempting doesn't it sound, me and you, laying in this bed?" He asked. He then laid down on his stomach and looked at me, his smile cute and soft. "Together." He added at the end.

I widened my eyes in horror and opened my mouth. "Fuck, no." I snapped. "I'll never in my entire life share a bed with you," I yelled in anger.

He made a grimace and sat up in the bed. "Not the answer I wanted." He chuckled and stood up. He looked at me with lustful eyes, and I widened my eyes again. I didn't know if I was scared, shocked or feared by his eyes. His eyes were so damn green it wounded my eyes, it was the only place I could look. They just drew you in. So I knew immediately I was trapped.

Lustful eyes. That meant sex or other things. I won't have sex with him.

"I'd rather die." I murmured

He sighed and stood up. I looked up at him when he walked towards me. He licked his lips and stopped right in front of me. "Do you see that wardrobe?" He asked and pointed at the wardrobe.

I didn't turn around to look. Because I didn't want to. "No. I don't. I won't look at either." I snapped. He sighed and looked at me. He crossed his arms and I crossed my arms too.

"You're such a stubborn girl. Aren't you?" He asked with a sheepish grin. I huffed and backed off. I looked away from his face and looked at the bed. He stepped closer to me again and grabbed my wrist. He pulled me to his chest, and I looked at his chest. "Do you want me to hurt you?" He questioned. I looked up and his eyes that changed to darker green.

I didn't say anything and he pushed me hard against the wall. His face close to mine, his eyes dark again. "Do you?" He snapped.

''Do you think it helps you to push me against a wall?'' I asked him annoyed. He didn't seem satisfied by my answer, so he pushed me harder against the wall. I winced and looked at him through my glossy eyes, he was pushing my shoulder against something sharp, and it shot a pain throughout my shoulder.

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