Chapter 27

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Minutes after Caroline walked out of the girl's restroom. She looked better but still tired. She looked at me and smiled weakly before she gave me a hug, I was at first shocked. Cause no way in hell I thought that Caroline would hug me, or me hugging her back. But I guess that both of us needed it. I was a little selfish here, but maybe both of us needed a hug.

And by knowing she's now official lesbian doesn't make this any better. I slowly wrapped my arms around her and hugged her weakly back. I pulled back and looked at her, I gave her a smile and turned to see a not so happy Harry. But he changed his expression fast as Caroline looked at him.

"Is he your boyfriend?" She asked me and I looked him in the eyes and took a deep breath. Harry smirked and looked at Caroline.

"It's complicated I guess." He explained and looked at her, I could feel a pain in my stomach when he said that. I know it's complicated, but I thought that we were together by now.

"Didn't look complicated. It looked like you guys were totally into each other. And if I wasn't lesbian, I would totally date Harmon. No offence, Caty." She laughed and I raised an eyebrow.

Knowing now that she was lesbian made this situation much better.

If she was straight I wouldn't think twice about hitting her face with a chair and push her out of the window.

"Well, I'm sorry Carol but you're not my type. No offence, but I like innocent and shy girls the most." He said and walked up behind me and hugged me from behind. I stiffened and took a deep breath but slowly leaned into his embrace.

She at first looked annoyed, but she pushed it away like it was nothing and looked at us with a huge grin on her face.

"Well, you guys are really cute together. So if someone is going to be breaking your relationship it's me." She said as it was her job to break things off. "And my name is Caroline." She said sternly.

I kind of felt threatened, but I know she was talking about if someone was going to tear us apart she was the only one to do that. No one else, and it was a little cute because she was into girls and not boys.

"Thanks, Caroline. I take that as you want us to be together till you die or something." I laughed and she smiled weakly and looked at us. I swear if she was a cartoon character her eyes would have big hearts popping out.

"Yeah, I do." She murmured and Louis walked up beside us with three baguettes and gave each one of us one. But when he saw Caroline, he looked strangely at me. But he sighed and gave it to her as well. He leaned up against the wall and looked at us eat it.

Harry was still holding around me and eating at the same time. I can admit that it was really annoying, cause I could hear that he was chewing.

"Here," Caroline said and broke her baguette in two, she handed Louis the other piece and gave him a smile.

"Thanks by the way." She said and leaned against the wall next to him and looked at him. She was like staring at him, so I wasn't sure what I should believe.

He laughed and looked at her. "Thanks."

I turned around in Harry's embrace and raised an eyebrow. It really was annoying, I guess more people feel goosebumps down their spine when someone is chewing in their ear. Well, welcome to my little situation.

"Can you please stop chewing in my ear." I murmured and he raised an eyebrow and smiled while chewing.

If I wasn't in love with him I would hit him with a chair as well.

I sighed and turned back around. I walked out of his arms and stood up beside Louis against the wall. I opened my baguette and started to eat it, it was bacon and chicken. It was really good.

Louis looked at Harry with a smile. His blue eyes sparkling from the lamp over him. He took a bite of his baguette and opened his mouth. "So Harmon, where are you from?" He asked with a mouthful.

I looked at Harry and swallowed but he didn't seem surprised at all about that question.

"Well, my mum is from here and my dad is from Washington. So I moved from Washington to London a month ago. I rather want to spend time with my mum than my dad." He said and looked at me with a wink. I opened my mouth to say something but Louis interrupted me.

"So you moved from Washington?" Louis gasped and Harry shrugged and nodded. I looked at Harry and he seemed so into this conversation, it was sweet though how he could look so serious.

"Yeah. I moved from my dad, it was a little hard to stay there so I moved here. So now I'm living alone." He murmured. I looked at him and swallowed.

The truth is that Harry doesn't have a place to stay at. And he needs a place, my mum and dad would never allow that and he never want to stay at his mum's house either.

"Where in London do you live?" Caroline asked and looked at him. He thought for a minute before he looked at me.

"Well. I'm going to move for myself, I haven't really found a place yet." He said looking at me with a weak smile and I turned around to see two shocked faces.

Caroline looked widely at Harry before throwing the rest of the baguette in the trash. "So you're telling us that you live in the streets? Did you escape from Washington to London?" She said with a gasp. Harry looked at them with a calm look.

"No, calm down. I'm living here and there, right now I'm staying at Caitlyn's house." He explained and stepped in front of me. He pecked my nose and I closed my eyes and laughed looking at him.

He gave me a loving look before looking at Louis and Caroline. I kind of wish I never looked at them because they gave us a questioning look and it was really hard to avoid.

"I haven't seen you at her house," Louis stated with a frown at his face.

Harry shrugged and looked at him. "I'm here and there when Cate disappeared I just didn't feel at home there so I went to my mum's for a while." He replied. All of this caught Caitlyn of the guard, cause it was so much lying and Harry was good at it. It almost made Caitlyn unsure about Harry. He probably has been lying to her as well.

"So you two know each other?" Louis asked. His eyes furrowing in confusion. Carro laughed and looked at Louis. I blushed and she looked at us with a huge smile on her face. She pushed herself from the wall and grinned.

"Of course they do." She laughed. Louis raised an eyebrow and looked into my eyes before shaking his head.

"I'm confused." He murmured. I swallowed hard and turned my head to Harry. Harry just laughed and looked at me before pecking my lips fast and grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

I looked down at our hands and blushed weakly looking at him. He's so perfect right now, he's long curly hair in a bandana and his tight skinny jeans.

"He's the death of me," I whispered loud and widened when Louis, Carro and Harry looked at me. Carro laughed while Louis and Harry were looking at me with humour in their eyes.

I bit my lip and blushed hard. I didn't even dare to look up at Harry right now, because he knew who I was talking about.

"Are you daydreaming about me, darling." He laughed and I took my courage to look up at him with innocent eyes and he just smirked kissing my forehead.

"And you're blushing." He whispered in my ear and I blushed even more now. Harry started to walk and dragged me by my hand after him. Louis and Carro followed us. I looked down at the floor and smiled weakly knowing that this year of school won't be that bad because Harry is here. But in the other way, it will be because Louis and Harry are here at the same time.

"You won't get rid of me now." He said to me and I looked in front of me smiling like a fool.

"I never asked either."


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