Chapter 11

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I woke up on Harry's chest, he was hot, my skin was almost glued to his. However, it didn't stop him from snoring, all his hair were spraddled all over the pillow. His mouth was wide open, and he looked so adorable right now. I wanted to take a picture of him. I slowly moved away from him. Where does he keep my phone? I tiptoed towards the drawers here and searched through them. I eventually found my phone and it was of course dead. I sighed and turned around to look at Harry.

Damn that frog. He looks so cute.

I found Harry's phone on top of the drawer and I checked if it had a battery and it had. I smiled widely and slowly walked towards Harry and opened the camera. I took a picture and it made a sound when you took it. I could feel my heart jump like crazy when Harry woke up fast by that sound. He looked directly at me and he turned angry when he saw me with his phone.

"What the hell are you doing?" He snapped and glared at me. He stood up fast and walked towards me. I backed up against the wall and looked at him with wide eyes.

"I-I-"I didn't get to say anything before he talked up. "Are you trying to call home?" He snapped. I widened my eyes even more, oh god. "No, no. I-I was going to, you know-" He stepped closer to me and his eyes were so dark, he was furious. "What?" He spat. I swallowed and pointed to the bed and the phone. I suddenly blushed and bit my lip. "You looked so adorable, so I wanted to take a picture of you. A-And my phone was dead, so I grabbed y-yours." I stuttered embarrassed. Harry's face changed completely, and he looked at me in pure awe.

I blushed, even more, when he started laughing at me. He grinned widely and couldn't stop laughing, he clapped his hands together and clenched his eyes shut while the beautiful sound left his mouth. I didn't know why, but I huffed and gave him his phone and walked towards the closet. "Oh, baby." He said between laugher and walked up behind me. He wrapped his arms around me, making me freeze in my spot. He nuzzled his face in my neck and he smiled against my skin. "Relax." He whispered. I did as told, and he kissed my shoulder and I bit my lip hard. "I'm sorry. I thought you were, you know calling for someone to help you." He whispered low against my shoulder.

I smiled weakly and shook my head. I could do that, but I didn't. Why didn't I do that? I had the chance, and all I could think of was taking a picture of him. "You're thinking of how stupid you are for not doing that, right?" He asked against my ear.

I grabbed some clothes and turned around in his embrace. I smirked up at him and poked his cheek. "Yeah. I am. But instead, I wanted to take an adorable picture of my kidnapper, who slept like a baby." I said with a cute smile. He furrowed his eyebrows and huffed, he pulled his hands back and I kissed his cheek and walked towards the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and started washing my face with a cloth. I then washed my private areas and got dressed. It was actually a dress. I pulled it over my body and looked at myself in the mirror, it was a typical summer dress.

I grimaced when I thought of Harry. He would probably want me to change. Funny. I then walked out of the bathroom and looked at Harry who laid in the bed, staring at the ceiling. I jumped onto the bed and looked at him. I softly ran my fingers down his cheek, and he closed his eyes and smiled.

"That was good." He whispered, his voice raspy. I didn't stop touching his face, because he liked it.

I took a deep breath. "You look better," I said. I've never said anything about that he didn't look good. But when I saw it now, he didn't have dark circles under his eyes.

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me. "I slept, maybe that's why." He said calmly.

I considered his green eyes, they were bright green. But suddenly his eyes turned sad. "I can't sleep because of nightmares." He mumbled. He took a deep breath. Knowing he just started a theme I would ask further. I looked confused at him. So, he needed someone, because he was afraid of being alone? "I don't want it to be that way." He said again. "It's torture, to be honest. To not be able to sleep." He whispered and sighed. "It makes you tired." He murmured and looked at me. He then smiled warmly up at me. "But I can stop worrying about that. It seems that since you're here, they disappear." He said relieved. I looked at him with a soft smile, cause clearly, he was like everyone else. He just was alone.

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