Chapter 17

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I heard my dad's voice and slowly turned my head to look at him. His face was changed, and his lips were now trembling. I looked sadly up at him with bloodshot eyes.

I didn't know what he thought about my disappearance, but it was scaring me, cause I didn't know how he would react.

I stood up from my sitting position and wrapped my arms around myself because it was cold. Suddenly his shoulders started to shake and he let out a sob. He walked towards me and embraced me with a warm and welcoming hug, and I didn't understand anything.

I closed my eyes and just returned the hug. He pulled me closer like he didn't believe I was here. He sighed happily and ran his hand through my hair. "My baby." He whispered happily.

He pulled back and cupped my face in his hands. He looked at me with glassy eyes. He looked so happy that I didn't know if he maybe played or not.

I took in his face. He reminded me of Peter. Peter got every little thing from our father. His hair, his smile, his face, everything.

"Where have you been?" He whispered. Breaking the beautiful moment, I had for the first time my whole life.

I looked down at my shoes. I didn't want to tell them about Harry, I had to lie or something. I looked at him and pointed to inside. He nodded and followed me inside. I kicked off my dirty shoes and was on my way to the living room when I bumped into my mother's shoulder.

She looked at me with huge wide eyes, she looked at my father and me. She didn't seem to know which one of us she had to stare at. She suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a long hug.

"Where have you been?" "How did you get here?" "Look at you, you're not even hurt. Where have you been?" She looked at me with wide eyes at the same time bombarded me with questions.

I opened my mouth trying to say something. "I've missed you so much." She whispered. She started to cry and hugged me tightly.

I looked up at my father. He smiled alt the time, but all this felt so unreal.

Mum and dad looked at each other and smiled widely at each other. If they're acting they're very good at it.

"You've been gone for so long. We thought we lost you." My mum said with glossy eyes, I opened my mouth to say something. But I just couldn't talk, I wanted to say something, and I was going to.

Cause' they lost me when I was born. They just didn't have the heart to adopt me away. I just believe that I don't believe in them anymore.

I looked back into my mum's eyes, with my eyes tearing up.

"Don't you know, you lost your daughter years ago," I whispered.

My mum pulled away fast and looked shocked at me. She looked at my father for any reaction, but all I saw in his eyes were guilt.

I wiped my tears away and took a shaky breath and pointed to upstairs. I went fast upstairs and straight into my room. I slammed the door. I just wanted to be alone.

I've always been alone.

I laid down in my bed and looked at the ceiling. Still the same old room, nothing was changed. I bit my lip when my cat came running, and I widened my eyes. I grabbed him and pulled him to my face so I could hide my face in his fur. I just laid with my cat in my face while hugging him, after a while, I thought about checking the social media for any information.

I sighed and stood up and sat down by my computer. I searched my name on google and as I thought, it was a lot of links there about me.

"Caitlyn Winter, gone missing."

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