Chapter 7

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I sat on my knees, my hand down in the hot water. I was thinking of revenge towards Zayn and I just loved my thought so much, that I totally lost myself for a second. I even almost forgot to turn the water off.  I just love the sound of revenge, it was such a powerful word. I guess my biological mum and dad made me strong and brave, because of their ways to raise me. I then came into the 'golden' family. The people who pretended to care about me, I mean we all know I am adopted and that shit. They never wrote under papers to adopt me, they just found me. I'll come to that story later because it sucks. I mean life sucks so bad, everything sucks.

When you like a little mini you make a painting for your parent and runs down the stairs to show it to them, and they explode because you used your sister's paint. Life sucks.

Or that your friend is at the hospital, having some serious flu, and then you cancel all your plans with your family, and your whole world hits you like a third world war. Life sucks.

Or when you drink too much because you're angry at your girl for flirting with a boy dancing with her, and later that night, you start a fight with that fucking frat boy, and he hits you badly and you faint, and you lay in a damn coma for weeks. Well, life still sucks.

Or when people fall in love, and some damn boy comes and steals your girl. Cause she didn't see anything special in you, so she just leaves you there alone, sitting at your porch sipping over a love you never had.

Guess what? Life sucks. Get over it, everything sucks. How boring wouldn't life be, if your life didn't suck?

I just couldn't help myself from laughing. I stood up and turned the water off and walked back to the room. "What's wrong?" She asked me. I ignored her question, and just looked at her like she was some crazy bitch, thinking she could probably soften me. I walked to her and lifted her up way too harshly. She groaned in pain and hid her face in my neck. There you got for asking so much.

I could feel her cold naked body against my own. Only my clothes separated between us. I wanted to touch her, make her beg for me. I wanted to fuck her hard, but it was too soon. I looked at her, her green eyes shining back at me. Her eyes were nothing compared to mine, mine was so full of darkness, and her eyes were full of hope. Probably hope of getting out of here.

I walked into the bathroom with her in my arms, trying to be careful of not losing her. She wasn't that heavy, but if I would lose her, she would probably die by hitting her head somewhere. And her blood would flow all over my bathroom tiles, and I'm too lazy to dry up blood if that would happen.

I laid her gently down in the bathtub. I grabbed a chair nearby and sat down next to her. I grabbed her hand and took a brush and started to scrub her nails and fingers, still not looking at her. I mean she was too clumsy to do something herself. It was like taking care of a dead person.

She looked up at me. "You said you didn't want to see me naked." She said with a smirk playing around her lips. For god's sake, can't she be quiet for 5 minutes?

"I don't." I murmured. I considered her eyes a second or two before I grabbed her hand again. "And nothing is exposed for me, dear. Because your body is covered in bubbles." I said and looked at her. She rolled her eyes as an answer and looked at my face

"Curly?" She asked. I sighed in irritation and started to brush her back when I slowly moved her forward, she didn't whine or anything now. Probably because I was careful. Wow, I was careful.  I held my other hand around her waist to hold her there, I saw her head fall and I looked at her. I slowly removed my hand and pushed her gently back again. She slowly turned her head to look at me.

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