Chapter 18

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~Next day~

I sat on the couch, staring at all the papers in front of me. I looked up at Louis who sat in front of me, now just in his regular clothes. He looked at me with his hands in his lap.

"It's been a lot of missing posts scattered all over town, and even outside of town." He explained as he gave me the missing post. My mum and dad did this? "It is also a flower sea on West Shopping Mall, with this picture of you." He said and showed me the picture of me and my cat. "Maybe you know, I don't know if you've been there." He said. Trying to lead this somewhere.

"Now, to the questions. I want you to answer me clearly, I can't help you if you don't answer the truth." He said serious and found a notebook. I nodded and sighed.

Here we go.

I looked at my mum and dad. They both gave me a warm smile, and I looked nervously at Louis. "So, Caitlyn. Could you explain what happened that night?" He said. "Tell everything." He warned. He was ready with his notebook and his pokémon pen. I had to smile, he's a cop and has a pokémon pen.

I looked into his eyes and sighed.

How am I supposed to save Harry from all this?

"Uhm, yeah. I was at a party and when I walked home, I could feel someone following me." I explained. "It was a disgusting feeling," I added.

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Seriously, that's all you have? Nothing more?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes. He sighed and wrote down something in his notebook. He looked at me and leaned back in the chair.

"What happened that night, on the party?" He asked me, he looked serious and I knew I'd to explain all of it. I bit my lip and gave him a glare.

I hate cops, but he's hot.

"Uhm, I was bored and I sat down on a couch there. Everyone thought I was drinking vodka, but I only filled my cup up with water. And then someone who didn't like me sat down on the same couch and said those "things" to me. And then a guy named Zayn Malik showed up, he defended me and we both took a walk outside of the house and talked to each other. When I was going to go home, he kissed me."

I blushed at the thought and remembered his perfect lips on mine. I also had his number in case we were going on a date later.

"But he's not from here. I don't know where he's from." I said, and Louis looked at me. He gave me a big smile and leaned forward.

"Zayn Malik?" He asked with a curious look. "I know that guy, we went to the same primary school." He said and furrowed his eyebrows. "He's really nice." He explained and I gave him a smile. He wrote down and looked at me.

"What did you guys exactly talk about?" He asked me, I bit my lip and thought of everything.


He smiled widely at me. His eyes shining more now. "My name.." He laughed. "It's Zayn." He said. His straight white teeth showing. I widened my eyes at him. I've never talked to someone like him before, no one usually talks to me, and here he comes. Like a light in the dark, lighting up the hellhole I am in. "Hey, want to go out? It's very hot in here." Zayn said, waving his hand in front of his face. Much feminine isn't he? I smiled at my own thought. He was adorable really. I nodded and stood up. I pulled my dress down. Zayn grabbed my cold hand and got me safely through the crowd. He looked down at me and smiled a little. We walked outside, the wind hitting my face. I didn't mind it, because I was so hot right now. It was very good to take some air. And it wasn't that many people outside, most of the people outside were almost asleep. It looked kind of horrendous. "So tell a little about yourself." He said with a smile, and I looked at him.

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