Chapter 8

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Caitlyn's P.o.v

3 weeks later

It's gone by 3 weeks, nothing important has happened these past weeks. Harry has barely been visible these past weeks, but here I am still trapped in this place. I've tried to Get to know the place better, but Lianne has always shown up, asking me what I was doing. Being as honest as I am, I told her the truth. I kind of trusts her, so I didn't see the danger in telling her. However, she forbid me leaving or escaping for that matter. Because if I left she would be responsible for it in Harry's eyes.

I've tried open windows, doors, walking around to observe. However, it was no use. I've thought about taking a stone and crush a window, but I somehow bet it wouldn't work either. I knew people were searching for me, I watched it on the TV. Lianne told me she bought it for me, from her room. I kept declining her nice offer for a TV, but she just wouldn't give up.

"Just take the damn thing." She said annoyed and looked at the tv on the floor. I huffed and shook my head like a child.

"No, what are you going to watch?" I asked her too rudely. I didn't like her doing this for me, she needed it more.

"I and Pearl take the tv in the living room. No worries, just accept the damn tv. Harry isn't even here, so how can you not accept it." She snapped and lifted it on the little bench in the room. I sighed and stood up.

"Why can't you just accept a no?"

"Because I know you really mean a yes?" She questioned stupidly back. I gaped at her and pointed to her tv, nothing to say back. 

"Can you just..." I stopped myself and looked at her. I groaned when I saw those eyes.

"If you keep it here, we can have a girls night. Harry isn't here, and we can be like teenager girls. Locked in a house." She said like it was the most wonderful thing. I blinked and looked at the tv and her. I pursed my lips and sat down on the bed.

"If you promise me that you stay here and watch tv with me," I said with a pout. I hated staying here all alone. It was so freaking scary.

"Okay, crybaby." She murmured under her breath. I gave a glare and looked at the tv. She plugged it into the wall and looked at me. "So what do you wanna watch?" She asked me. I shrugged and looked at the screen when the news came up. I leaned forward and frowned at the screen.

"19-year-old Caitlyn Winter has been missing for almost a month now. The police are still doing an investigation on the problem, but are slowly giving up the search for the girl."

"She's been missing for too long, we haven't found any clues yet. All we know is that she was at a party and left, no one saw anything or realised she was gone. We assume she has been kidnapped, but we don't know any more." A man said to the screen.

Lianne turned the tv off and cleared her voice. "Well, Uhh..." Lianne mumbled. I sighed and closed my eyes and fell back on the comfortable bed. She laid down next to me and looked at me. "Well, at least we know that the police in this town suck." She whispered and closed her eyes. I looked at her and hummed, this situation not really getting to me.

"Lianne?" I asked her. She turned and looked at me with her piercing blue eyes. I bit my bottom lip and looked up in the roof. "Am I having it comfortable, like compared to other people?" I asked in a whisper. She suddenly started to laugh and nodded her head.

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