Chapter 20

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"Caty?" He whispered.

He almost dropped all the drinks to the floor. Anne grabbed the tray from him before it could slip through his fingers.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a whisper, my eyes widening as I looked into his eyes. He was still hot and well shaped, and I really did like him being here, but it came as a shock for me.

"I live here." He shortly said and Anne coughed and looked at us.

I turned my attention fast to Anne and gave her a weak smile, she gave us a nice smile and sat the tray with the drinks down on the table. "So, you guys know each other?" She asked us. She let her arms fall down to her sides as she looked at us both.

"Yeah, I met Caty at a party.» Zayn explained and smiled to me. He then turned his attention to his mother again. «We had this connection, so we kissed." He said fast like it didn't mean anything.

I looked down at my heels. I could feel a pain in my chest, it was like the kiss didn't mean anything to him. Like he just used me for the night to have something to do while he was there.

"It wasn't a big deal," I said fast, and grabbed a glass of Champagne and walked away from the awkward situation.

I walked past Zayn and found my way to a balcony door, it looked like it lead to the backyard. I closed the door behind me and walked slowly into the garden. I was met by a pool right in front of me, it had different light colours that were changing colours slowly. It was nice and welcoming to see.

The pool was curvy and large, at the end of the pool it was a hot tub that looked heated up. I think it was big enough for ten persons, maybe more.

I slowly walked around it and further into the garden and took a sip of my champagne. It was bitter, but I guess it was okay right now. My attention moved to the sound of a fountain, it was placed in the middle of the flower garden, the water looked like magic, because of the glowing light.

I sighed and looked around but stopped fast and nearly jumped when I saw Gemma slowly walking towards me, she gave me a smile and sat down on the stone bench next to the fountain. "Mum said the dinner will be served in 10 minutes." She said and held a glass of champagne herself.

I looked down at my heels and smiled weakly and took a deep breath. I slowly looked at her and nodded. "Is Zayn Harry's brother?" I asked in a whisper and she looked at me with a confused look on her face. She nodded and took a sip of the champagne before she swallowed it and looked at me.

"I thought you knew." She stated, hinting that I should take the seat next to her. I slowly walked towards her and sat down, crossing my legs.

"He never told me he had a sister either. I guess he just never cared about telling me anything about you guys.» I murmured and sighed shortly after. It was painful, yes. However, it wasn't my life so I shouldn't be diving into his either. «I also talked to him about a guy named Zayn that kissed me and cared about me more than he ever could.» I told her and shook my head with a small smile.

«Wait, he wasn't Nice to you?» She asked me shocked and widened her eyes. I looked at her worried face, and I knew immediately that I actually should put her brother in his place. However, I wasn't like that. I didn't like doing that, I just liked to be me. Careful and nice.

"When we met, he wasn't that nice to me. I told him that Zayn was the only one I felt that cared about me." I said calmly. I looked at my lap and laughed while shaking my head. "But Zayn didn't seem to care." I murmured and Gemma looked at me.

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